Sets [EMA] Eternal Masters Spoilers Thread


Ecstatic Orb
I don't know if I'll ever get to draft this in paper (I hope so!) but I'm excited about the chance to maybe buy into MTGO Legacy again, but for real and long-term. With Legacy Leagues finally available it's much more appealing than it used to be.

The best thing would be for paper Legacy to get really popular but I'm worried the supply of duals will act as a limiting factor. MTGO has a bunch of problems but the RL isn't actually one of them.


Oh my. This certainly is something.

Chances are I will tell myself 'just buy the singles you want...' before coming home with a hugely expensive box, but it does look very exciting for singles availability, though I am not even sure why I am excited about that given my attitude to proxies. All in all, very confused emotionally right now.
Eternal Masters is designed to be a unique and enjoyable Draft experience, much like Modern Masters.

This is the part I don't like. At least 50% of it will be unplayable chaff outside of limited, much like Modern Masters. Which would be fine, if booster packs weren't so expensive.
This is the part I don't like. At least 50% of it will be unplayable chaff outside of limited, much like Modern Masters. Which would be fine, if booster packs weren't so expensive.
I hear you to an extent. I don't think they can make every common valuable to players while making a stable draft environment. As long as the vast majority of the rares and a fair number of uncommons (and some commons, heck) are worthy of keeping I have no problems with more expensive packs. The latest modern masters was poop because SO MANY of the rares were bulk / bad, with a whopping five-ish uncommons and maybe two commons that see play in the format with regularity.

If the numbers of desirable cards are remotely near MM2015's I'm pretty much ignoring the product itself and trading for singles.

Hi-res force of will art. Probably the best art I've been around to see printed.
To take a look at the side of "MM doesn't do anything to affect prices!". I'm actually doing a by-the-numbers cuz it's fucking annoying me how little empirical data is used to make assumptions around that argument.I'm not saying anybody on here is saying stuff like that and that it's annoying me, just making a post to handle annoyance with places like Tumblr etc.

So, here's some before and afters. My test was using an initial price point of Dec 8, 2014 (announce MM15) and then a year later. This is using TCG Mid price, USD. Using the OG printing for the card only.
This is laid out like (Title: Before total -> Afters total)
  • Mythics Value: $700.50 -> $508.90
  • All rares and mythics: $1100.00 -> $743.65
  • All rares only: $399.5 -> $234.75
This isn't taking into account Mythic to Rare that MM does (I'm sticking only with the original printing). Apocalypse Hydra was $8.50 before, but can now be acquired for 80 cents as the MM rare.
Some other good examples:
Leyline of Sanctity
Eye of Ugin (imagine what this would be now without a reprint available???)
Creakwood liege/Wilt-leaf liege
Daybreak Coronet
Cranial plating

As to "junk rares being the majority"... average December 2014 rare prices were over $7.... I dunno how junky they were after all. (Median being $1.75 tells me that there were a good chunk of "bad" rares, but at least half were worth $2 and up). Only one mythic is what I'd call close to "Junk" so home run there.

What people may be confusing is that these sets also often increase the playerbase and interest in the format, so that force fights against the price dropping. Prices seem like they go back up? Because 10% more people think modern is accessible, partially due to increased availability. So anyway, it's impossible to pull other market variables out, but Reprint sets seem to accomplish both goals that players seem to think they have: Increased Format awareness/play, and lower prices for staples. It also accomplishes the one major goal WotC has, $$$.

As for EMA, Imma probably save up for a box to draft with my buds.
Rumors are going around that a few dealers have a full leak of the set list. It'll be interesting to see how it shakes out if it's proven to be true.

Chris Taylor

Rumors are going around that a few dealers have a full leak of the set list. It'll be interesting to see how it shakes out if it's proven to be true.
I heard about this! Nobody was buying force of will at the pro tour leading up to the set apparently
Or Zendikar fetchlands... or honestly just Scalding Tarn... plz
Rumors are going around that a few dealers have a full leak of the set list. It'll be interesting to see how it shakes out if it's proven to be true.
I'm down for either of those. Top being as expensive as it is... a crime against humanity as far as I'm concerned. Why not knock out the whole counterbalance pair while we're at it.
Fetchlands would be on the right power level for a reprint. Hell, why not all ten.

The non-jund ones are surprisingly cheap. SCG has seachrome coast at 7 (Out of stock, natch :p)
I've never ever seen SCG be an actually accurate/good place to buy cards. They are in stock ~5 at TCG. Still, all of these used to be less. meh.