Sets [EMN] Eldritch Moon Spoilers Thread


Ecstatic Orb
Maybe it's a fortification :O
Not sure that really makes sense....

Hahaha, well... The town of Hanweir certainly did fortify itself :) The collector's number puts it somewhere in black or red, maybe in green though.

Hanweir, the Writhing Township is 130/205
Oath of the Gatewatch: 116/130 is Reckless Bushwhacker, 117/130 is Sparkmage's Gambit
Battle for Zendikar: 161/274 is Volcanic Upheaval (almost in green)
Magic Origins: 98/272 is Fleshback Marauder
Dragons of Tarkir: 101/264 is Foul Renewal

Considering that we will have colorless cards, which precede the colored card, the front side will be red, is my guess.
I know it isn't a spoiler, but I still thought this was a cool tidbit from the 'design process of emrakul' article:
Incurable (This can't be exiled, returned to its owner's hand, or put into a library from the battlefield)
"Incurable was an early idea for a mechanic that could be a different kind of protection on creatures. Kind of like indestructible, but for the opposite kind of spells." ... "It was interesting, but a very hard mechanic to implement in the middle of a block." ... "I wouldn't be surprised to see it or something like it someday."

I'm really surprised they showed us a mechanic they didn't use so soon after the card it was removed from got printed. Neato.
That is neat. Would be cool to see mechanics that make creatures harder to deal with, that aren't hexproof.

Gotta say, I think my one major wish for this block is that they don't drop delirium. Pls WotC. Do at least one two-set mechanic. Seeing mechanic flushed out more would be awesome, as would more incidental support (more "seals of"/vessels?).

Chris Taylor

I know it isn't a spoiler, but I still thought this was a cool tidbit from the 'design process of emrakul' article:
Incurable (This can't be exiled, returned to its owner's hand, or put into a library from the battlefield)
"Incurable was an early idea for a mechanic that could be a different kind of protection on creatures. Kind of like indestructible, but for the opposite kind of spells." ... "It was interesting, but a very hard mechanic to implement in the middle of a block." ... "I wouldn't be surprised to see it or something like it someday."

I'm really surprised they showed us a mechanic they didn't use so soon after the card it was removed from got printed. Neato.

Next commander product?
"Incurable was an early idea for a mechanic that could be a different kind of protection on creatures. Kind of like indestructible, but for the opposite kind of spells." ... "It was interesting, but a very hard mechanic to implement in the middle of a block." ... "I wouldn't be surprised to see it or something like it someday."

I'm really surprised they showed us a mechanic they didn't use so soon after the card it was removed from got printed. Neato.

This idea has legs. I could see a lot of creatures with it in a set that also has plenty of exile and psuedo-removal, so that for once destroying a creature is the preferred way to remove it. It needs a better name, though, as Incurable doesn't seem like a mechanic for creatures at all.


Ecstatic Orb
This idea has legs. I could see a lot of creatures with it in a set that also has plenty of exile and psuedo-removal, so that for once destroying a creature is the preferred way to remove it. It needs a better name, though, as Incurable doesn't seem like a mechanic for creatures at all.

Evasion? Dodge? Mental? Alien? Barrier?


Interesting... very interesting design space. Explicit two-card combos, so likely worthless for cube, but if there is something like a creature with 'At the beginning of your upkeep, if you control an Island and a Plains, exile them and meld them into ... (I don't know... strange Island/Plains/Creature, but the point is that they are common cards you can rely upon having)'.
Meeeh. Pretty leery of this mechanic for cube. If individual pieces of the melds are independently good enough, that might be fine, but...

For one, not thrilled about even having random trinket/flavor text of (this melds with ~) if ~ isn't even in the cube.....

Holding out hope, but only a thread of it.
Yeah I mean meld is obviously very unfriendly with singleton-based formats, but the flavor is amazing so I'm more than willing to give WotC a pass. Plus there will be plenty of non-DFC cards to play with.
Looks like there's only the three meld pairs. It makes sense. Do enough to show off a cool, splashy gimmick but don't tie the whole set to it.
These are such a headache for cube. Do you squadron them so you get both halves with one pick? Force your drafters to try to grab both and hope the cards are good enough to stand on their own 90% of the time?