Renegade, you have to do a lot of work for the dryad while the renegade could be properly supported in a cube where sac effects and gy themes already exist.
I really like them both, though.
I really like them both, though.
Yeah, I try to support a delirium subtheme, and I'm still probably going to make the switch! Which is a little bit sad still....I always found green counter dudes were father and few between than green graveyard cards, so I'd say renegade as well.
Also, revolt being close as it is to morbid, it's kinda a graveyard card as well, right?
I don't know if I would so much say its playability is dependent on the power level of the format so much as format architecture (same goes for whispers of the muse). If we are both running high powered midrange decks whose attrition war grinds us down into a stalemate that will be broken by top decks, than oona's grace will objectively be a strong card in that context. Whether we are in a high power or a low power format, it still fills the same narrow role very well, and the narrowness of that role is going to be more the issue when deciding whether to give space to it.
Now, if by high power you mean the format is super condensed, and that niche role can never exist, than sure, its a bad card.
There's careful study. Also Careful Consideration if you need more draw/discard outlets. Those are pretty good.
You can also toss in some Waterfront Bouncer. That card can be especially potent. Doesn't look like much, but his ability is bonkers in creature dominated metas.
I'm talking average card power level. If you are running mostly rare cards (even lower powered rares), I find it very hard to believe you will win more games with an Oona's Grace engine versus virtually any other card in it's place.
The mentioned ONS cycle lands (those with coloured costs) already are in my ULD, and Think Twice and Deep Analysis both are in my cube list, but thanks.
Jace, Vryn's Prodigy, Monastery Siege and Frantic Search are my only blue looters so far, and adding Looter il-Kor, Jeskai Elder or the likes would lead to me removing Jace from the cube, as he is like ALWAYS a better choice than those are, which is something I do not want in my cube, as some may have already acknowledged.
For me, one reason to double up is to not include cards that are worse than others most of the time. I obviously thought about the correlation of il-Kor and Jace in the same way you described, but I rarely see blue decks attacking generally, at least not so aggressively that they would pick looter over Jace. That's why I'd rather double up on Jace than adding looter, although I think I get your point and I have to admit that wayyy before ORI was printed, I really loved Looter il-Kor for actually being the best 2-mana-looter out there, especially with a bonesplitter equipped, turning him into a reasonable threat while actually looting unwanted cards away. Still, I think that a 0/2 doesn't die as fast and may even block while looting, and in the end, you might get a free sorcery/instant cast, the potential of Jace as a value engine is just so much bigger than looter's as an aggressive threat - but maybe that's the crux, it's the way I see it, and it's horribly wrong; one has to be seen as an aggressive looter for decks that want to bring some damage here and there, while the other is a defensive one which brings value in the lategame.
I think I'm too strict there and should try it again, my biggest issue is that I rarely come to play cube with other players. :/
Oh, I have loved Ancient Excavation in testing so far. That card has never been bad! There have been turns where I eot looted seven cards with it, dumped a juicy target in my gy, only to reanimate it on my turn. Also, the basic landcycling isn't irrelevant when you're running more than two colors!Another couple looting effects I'm pondering over at the moment as I work on fully flushing out card filtering as a (more) important draw strategy in my format:
In the context I described? The net result should be about even across cards, all other things being equal. You certainly won't be losing more games. The act of having TOL and draw manipulation versus not having TOL or draw manipulation is that strong--serum visions is several titanic levels nerfed compared to its competition, but is still manages to be a major card in modern. The mechanic is so strong and fundamental to the game, that you can basically butcher it past the point any other mechanic could survive, and it will still be extremely strong. Quite frankly, most of our formats would be fine with telling time when you get right down to it, and that card is bottom of the barrel.
Where you run into problems with grace is games/matchups that don't/won't mature to the point where it can take over a game. Most formats are too pressure focused now-a-days for it to have space to shine, but if you make an effort to provide a reasonable number of slower matchups, or generally slow the format down, it seems like a reasonable card to slot in and give a whirl--rares or no rares.