What do people think about big cards that do not win the game at the time they hit the table but rather need some more play to them?
In particular, I'm speaking about:
The first one being something like a combo enabler, which green decks want to ramp into to swarm the board the turn after while refilling their hands.
Bounty on the other side goes the more controllish route, slowly burying the opponent under an army of (pumped up) beasts while gaining life. Especially with some lands matter support, this card may become an incredibly effective game-ender if your opponent wasn't able to kill you fast enough, but it might also be way too slow.
Did riptiders already test both of them?
In particular, I'm speaking about:
The first one being something like a combo enabler, which green decks want to ramp into to swarm the board the turn after while refilling their hands.
Bounty on the other side goes the more controllish route, slowly burying the opponent under an army of (pumped up) beasts while gaining life. Especially with some lands matter support, this card may become an incredibly effective game-ender if your opponent wasn't able to kill you fast enough, but it might also be way too slow.
Did riptiders already test both of them?