Often when I play Midnight Reaper it is the first creature my opponent targets with removal, so at least I am up a card on the deal. Haruspex allows my opponent to trade one for one, and often gain a little tempo into the bargain.
Yes, this is a pretty big downgrade because the word "other" is missing from Midnight Reaper. Unless you have some morph theme going on (those require a critical mass to really capture the "what could it be?" vibe), I wouldn't bother with the Haruspex.![]()
Is it a massive downgrade if I run Haruspex instead of Reaper? It's both a human and a wizard and I often wish it had those two types.
A brief note: if you want a version of this effect which does actually trigger off tokens, like say for eg if your aristocrats deck uses thoseP) there is one option:
It's going to be able to be 4/4 a lot, but I was worried about it leading players into making the wrong call when using it next to Flashback and Delve.I like Faldorn + Conspiracy Theorist, though I could honestly lean either way on the two-drops depending on how often you think Channeler's "4/4 for 1R" mode will be active.
I had been leaning towards the Theorist, but this convinced me.I also dislike how the Theorist just says "everything has madness", makes it less rewarding to actually do the sweet madness combos for real.
While I had been leaning towards Faldorn, this helped me realize just how much I had nostalgia goggles for how interesting Huntmaster is to play with.Huntmaster is just a wordy double faced dude that boils down to "stats, more stats, fight with stats, stats".
If you like Faldorn, that UR enchantment from 40K does something very similar that may help bolster your archetype.
I'm sad to see him go too, the nostalgia is real - this is the copy of Huntmaster that came out of the same pack as a Sorin, Lord of Innistrad and a foil Vorapede, to the immediate disbelief of all present. All three of those cards saw play in FNM-winning standard decks of mine (Angel of Glory's Rise Pod for the green dudes, Sorin in a Intangible Virtue/Lingering Souls deck). ;cInteresting consideration here. I was devastated to take out Huntmaster from my own list, as it was an original member of my Cube back when it was 450 cards and rode me to victory many times in its glory days. I took it out not for power level -- nostalgia would have fought me too hard -- but because I contended that I didn't want different styles of werewolves at the same time, and as sloppy as the Day/Night card can be, the relevance of the new wolves was superior.
Yeah this has been my experience exactly. SO many cards, so many interactions and ideas missed or ignored because there's no time to actually think about any of them, and the people over at MTGSal are so blinkered in to a specific type of cube experience.Love this forum for opening my eyes to neat cards I might have glossed over because we've gotten 6.2 new cards on average spoiled a day so far this year.
Thank-you for this take, this is exactly what I needed to hear.(Also I strongly support the Channeler over Conspiracy Theorist. I thought Conspiracy Theorist was a card made for me but it was too clunky even in the decks doing exactly what it wanted, and Channeler has just been solid across the board in myriad archetypes.)
I've been playing both of these lately, and I think channeler is both cooler and better.I have two conundrums (Conundra?) to place before you:
Easy Huntmaster. It's a cooler, more iconic, and more powerful card that your drafters are more likely to recognize. It is harder to deal with 1 for 1 and still provides value even when you aren't doing anything.
decree which way you want them all to work? or ask your draftpals to vote on it b4 the draft!different styles of werewolves at the same time
Personally I think Master of Waves is cooler and less parasitic. I’m not convinced a player is going to be able to leverage the Mentor’s abilities in an average game.I have yet another conundra to pose:
Fish has been getting a lot better in my cube, and with the printing of Vodalian Hexcatcher I kinda want to see if Lullmage Mentor has legs.
Plus the two of them + Baral signpost a kind of "Counterspell Tribal" deck. But all of my other Merfolk are either lords, or core components of Bant Flash/Reanimator/Madness, so it'd have to be Master of Waves on the chopping block.
What think you?