Sets [FIN] [UB] Final Fantasy

They're so cute, I would die for them!
Do these kind of sets try to make coherent draft archetypes for pairs/shards or just jam in cards that make references to the original source?
Kinda? We've only actually had one draftable UB set so far.

So if this was designed like the LotR set... yeah, sure, it'll have draft archetypes. We just have no idea what they might be until spoilers come closer, because they prioritize showcasing the Ooh Aah Shiney cards over stuff like draft signposts.

EDIT: Now I'm imagining what it'd look like if we all announced a new Cube project by showing off 10-12 cards and giving no other information besides the name. What cards would you even show people?

yeah yeah infinite with persist blah blah blah, but she says each creature! she's secretly an anthem! she puts your opponent outta their misery real fast!

(commander, not in "real" set)
Yeah I feel you on that, I'm mostly not playing anything UB that's too ridiculous art-wise in my cube. Stuff like Mawloc or Wizard's Rockets I can kinda justify, but anything that sticks out too much is a no-go. Same for any really dumb naming conventions for a card.

even adding the "bounce a land on end step" does not make this feel monored to me. but also I like it.

my only complaint is that Zell's two attributes are "punch things hard" and "protect the hot dogs" and this does not do the latter

edit: oh! and also I get that Zell's not popular enough to get like eighty cards but I'm real glad that this card's name is just his damn name, not Zell Dincht, Hot Dog Protector And Girl Dater (Briefly) And Magazine Reader

edit two: wait. this is totally monored, not joking, because as a friend pointed out it's just another Alpine Guide
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even adding the "bounce a land on end step" does not make this feel monored to me. but also I like it.

my only complaint is that Zell's two attributes are "punch things hard" and "protect the hot dogs" and this does not do the latter

edit: oh! and also I get that Zell's not popular enough to get like eighty cards but I'm real glad that this card's name is just his damn name, not Zell Dincht, Hot Dog Protector And Girl Dater (Briefly) And Magazine Reader

edit two: wait. this is totally monored, not joking, because as a friend pointed out it's just another Alpine Guide
I really like this design for a red deck. Single cards that get the gears turning, while still hitting really hard, are great.

I also love the amount of words used here -- not very many for all the possibilities he represents. Very grokable. Very cool.
It is part of red’s color pie to fetch Mountains. This I know for sure. Playing extra lands from hand I don’t know.

If I recall correctly, "tutoring up one of my basic lands" is something that all colors can technically do, though Green is the absolute best at it and they haven't let blue or black do it in a while.

even adding the "bounce a land on end step" does not make this feel monored to me. but also I like it.

my only complaint is that Zell's two attributes are "punch things hard" and "protect the hot dogs" and this does not do the latter

edit: oh! and also I get that Zell's not popular enough to get like eighty cards but I'm real glad that this card's name is just his damn name, not Zell Dincht, Hot Dog Protector And Girl Dater (Briefly) And Magazine Reader

edit two: wait. this is totally monored, not joking, because as a friend pointed out it's just another Alpine Guide

I like that they are exploring this design space further.

This is a monster for the Gruul Aggro Loam deck alongside Bristly Bill, Spine Sower, Scythecat Cub, Lotus Cobra,Tireless Tracker, etc...a deck that has mostly leaned on Red for Wrenn and Six, Faithless Looting, and burn until now.

However, I'm struggling to envision a home for it outside of that archetype. White has a couple interesting landfall pieces (Feildar Retreat, Emeria Angel and Glyph Elemental), but it doesn't feel like enough depth for a proper archetype. I don't think this is enough to make Steppe Lynx and Plated Geopede-type cards worth including. Removed from synergy, I'm not sure how useful a vanilla X/3 for 3 is.