I'm not sure I've ever liked Crystal Shard/Erratic Portal more than Conjurer's Closet.
I run both Shard and Conjurer's Closet, but what I'm concerned about is whether or not a 5-drop will be useful for a Tempo deck, which is Blink in our cube.
I'm not sure I've ever liked Crystal Shard/Erratic Portal more than Conjurer's Closet.
Depends on your 4-drop targets I'd say, and on the speed of your meta. If it has enough impact the turn it lands, Closet could be fine as a tempo curvetop
The upside of Share Portal is, that they're much less narrow, cause they can bounce opposing creatures and also save your creatures from dying in response to combat or removal. Closet is only good, when you really support the archetype with many targets.
Yes, so, now it's in our listBut Crystal Shard is modern legal
That's a correct plan, thank you!I increased the number by just adding etb creatures, that also happen to fill roles in other decks. For example, I added Captain of the Watch for another expensive token producer I can't even remember right now.