General Gavin Verhey's Twitter request for cube archetype cards

Early Nov. 2018, Gavin tweeted a bat signal to all interested in cube/custom limited:

What are the Cube archetypes that you or someone else have tried putting in your Cube, but always seem a few good cards/build arounds short of actually working? #wotcstaff

The tweet garnered a lot of feedback (88 replies!) and may be a nice point of contact for anyone with feedback that isn't too specific to card design (IIRC, WotC cannot use an unsolicited card design in a MTG set).

Things I'd like to see:
Cycling payoff that isn't universally triggered.
Less splashable removal / card advantage
More low CMC conditional removal + other mode modal cards (Golgari Charm, Valorous Stance, etc.)
More mana enablers for multi-color aggro
More colored artifact-matters cards
More "aristocrats" stuff
More restrained tutors in all colors
Tons of stuff that I'm too lazy to consider critically for this post
More legendary multicolor cards that signal archetypes

For those interested in reading/replying, what're you hoping to see in the future?!

Random aside: I cannot believe there isn't a mana cost that is pay "=/= color".
The archetype I hope the most for but am the least optimistic as well is Gruul madness. It needs just a little more good, aggressive payoffs and discard outlets.
The archetype I hope the most for but am the least optimistic as well is Gruul madness. It needs just a little more good, aggressive payoffs and discard outlets.

I think you can be at least a little optimistic. I noticed that after "featuring" black/white life gain as an archetype in Iconic Masters, they followed up with a few retail draft sets that included that archetype. Gruul madness seems to be a limited archetype for Ultimate Masters, so it shows its at least on their radar as something that's fun.

I think my own asks would be for more repeatable heroic enablers that are playable in other archetypes (I, like many others, have given up on heroic for my cube, but the dream lives on!), and more low-cmc/low equip cost playable equipment (a la bonesplitter and trusty machete).
Oh, wow, didn't realize that, that's pretty cool. I hope there is something coming in green especially. I was really disappointed when I heared, they pulled back on unearth for GRN. Would've been so much cooler than undergrowth.