General going deep

Dom Harvey

Jason Waddell said:
Pros: a whole lot of sweetness points. Dom's comments on Delve Pod chains makes me think that maybe I should amp the sweetness potential in my format a bit for drafters who want to "go deep". Somebody should probably just make a thread dedicated to "going deep". It's not usually my personal draft style, but I don't think I should be leaving those people in the dark either.

What narrow but awesome things can we include as payoffs for people willing to take the risk and put the work in? Bonus points if they don't take up many slots, if they aren't oppressive, and if they function somewhat normally in most circumstances (but have a very high ceiling)

Has been in since my cube's inception and is never coming out, no matter how often my players go "really, man?" One of the them ALWAYS tries to play it.


Ecstatic Orb

What! Nobody said they had to be niche cards!

Uh... Yeah, that one's kinda busted out of nowhere, but these are cards that players will happily play in quite different decks normally.

Seriously, double up on it, it combines with everything!
That's too easy to disrupt. Try this:

It's ugly.

You know what's funny? Adding Titania has made feel -much- better about annihilator in my cube. I've seen so many Eldrazi be unable to attack on pain of getting crushed by 4 5/3s next turn... It's pretty great.

Is in line with the mini-game type theme of other cards suggested. Also, I like it because it can put life into otherwise dead early-drops based upon the decisions made by the opponent and creates interesting board states out of nothing.