General Graveyard Cube Contest Entry

So I gave your Cube a spin.

It was super fun :D
I mean, I'm not 100% sure that the deck would be very competitive, but both drafting and deckbuilding were very satisfying.
I started with a P1P1 Daretti aiming for an artifacts-based deck. I splashed black quite soon, hoping that Goryo's Vengeance and Tortured Existence would also benefit from all the looting I planned on doing. Same for Nighthowler.
Blue was added I think in the mid of pack 2, as I didn't really feel like I could pass a Tinker even though I did not yet have many juicy targets at the time. At this point I started prioritising lands and decent artifacts (not many came my way after the first few picks).

Deckbuilding was also fun and definitely not straightforward. Goryo was clearly useless and my black maindeck cards ended up being only Tortured Existence and Call the Bloodline. I was short a card or two, so I decided to add Firemane Angel as a way to get some extra value from my looting and gain a bit of resilience from aggro decks. I had Wayfarer's Bauble, Pilgrim's Eye and Elsewhere Flask, plus a bunch of ways to recur them if needed, so I figured that a couple Plains would be enough to actually be able to cast the Angel.
But then, since I was already splashing white, I couldn't resist playing Jeskai Ascendancy (pet card of mine) as an additional loot effect.
At this point I realised that I did not need black after all, as the colour was already limited to the 2 cards mentioned above. Existence wasn't very good with my low creature count and Call was much less needed with Ascendancy in the deck, so I decided to just cut them and relieve stress on the manabase. The deck is probably slow AF, but boy it was fun to build!

I would have been super happy to find some more artifact creatures: I think you are maybe a bit light on those.
I really like Scrap Mastery because it doesn't really require you to have artifacts on the battlefield unlike other welder effects. This makes it playable also outside of a 100% artifacts-based deck, since it could act as a bad reanimation spell if you draft the appropriate fatty.
Speaking of which: what if you cut Tinker and add an artifact fatty or two? I think Tinker is always a feel-bad card. If you have good targets, it's a feel-bad for your opponent. If you can't manage to draft any good target, it's a feel-bad for you (because you don't really want to make the value Tinker play, it's too easy to get blown away if they have answers to what you tinker for). Artifact fatties, on the other hand, work well in a number of decks: besides decks like mine, they are good general reanimation targets and can be played by any ramp deck, regardless of what colours they are playing.

Nitpicks aside, I really had fun. I like the power level you're at and the many interwoven synergies. I might copy a bunch of ideas for my next update :)
Thanks for the feedback everybody. I actually submitted the list on Friday - I don't think the time taken for more fine-tuning at this point is likely to increase my chances, and if I somehow am selected as a finalist that can be done together with/by Wizards.

This has been a ton of fun to design and iterate on, and I really appreciate all the time people have given to draft and give me their thoughts. All I can do now is cross my fingers and hope.

For some specific thoughts:

Speaking of which: what if you cut Tinker and add an artifact fatty or two? I think Tinker is always a feel-bad card. If you have good targets, it's a feel-bad for your opponent. If you can't manage to draft any good target, it's a feel-bad for you (because you don't really want to make the value Tinker play, it's too easy to get blown away if they have answers to what you tinker for). Artifact fatties, on the other hand, work well in a number of decks: besides decks like mine, they are good general reanimation targets and can be played by any ramp deck, regardless of what colours they are playing.

This is something I went back and forth on, and whilst I eventually settled on keeping Tinker in, that could definitely be the wrong decision. My reasoning is that there are specific artifacts you would want to tutor up, like Krark-Clan Ironworks, Memory Jar or Pyromancer's Goggles, which I don't think are completely gamebreaking if you have them 2-3 turns early but are central enough to the decks they are in that you will want access to them every game if possible. In addition, I think it's desirable to have the artifact recursion/reanimation deck distinct from a traditional creature reanimator deck so that they feel like two different archetypes, even though perhaps they are fairly similar at the bare bones level. As I say I'm not sure on this one and it'll probably take some time to figure it out.

I was drafting a {B/R} sacrifice deck, and suddenly a Mystic Crusader popped up. Eeeeeeeewwwwwww!

Gah! Some things did slip through the cracks!

e: ugh I messed some stuff up in my typing. xyz I had a response to you as well but it boils down to that I was trying to be distinct from many submissions which I think are likely to have lists of archetypes for colours or colour pairs, and I agree it is a bit more risky.