Card/Deck Gut Shot

Jason Waddell

Staff member
How x/1 dense would an environment need to be before you were willing to run Gut Shot. Because I am getting a truckload.

just to name a few. Running multiples of a lot of these.


My guess is a lot denser than any possible Cube. Gather 'round for a pointless Constructed story! When that card was in the limelight everyone was playing infinity mana dorks or Delvers and Snapcasters and the extra tempo from the damn thing was backbreaking. Like if you were on the draw and Shot their dork and played your own, you were no longer on the draw. If you killed their Delver for free you bought yourself several turns. And so on. I've thought about it and have concluded it's a "low-margin" enough card to be quite uncubable, I'm not saying 'don't try it' but don't expect it to work, either. The good news is hey Dismember is still a ton of fun

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
I've actually cubed Gut Shot in the past, but I was the only one maindecking it with any consistency. It certainly kills those mana dorks good (Treespeaker level up? I don't think so!). But no one else here was taking the free burn spell, so I gave it a rest.

If you're doing the Young Pyro theme, though, I'd give it a shot, as it both plays well in the deck and against it.
I'm guessing this is inspired by the young pyromancer deck.

Gut shot seems like it would be good with multiple pyromancers, but distinctly average without it. Which decks other than red want it anyway?

If you're actually looking for ways to punish the one toughness guys you're better off with lava dart, forked bolt etc.

I'm not sure this feels like one of those natural cross synergy ideas.

Making me consider




fwiw i think mutagenic growth (with its promise of gangrene) is more cubeable