General How many basic lands?


Simple question, how many basic lands do you keep sleeved up and packed with your Cube? I use 25 of each, and have only needed to go scrounging for an extra Plains once, though 25 seems on the low side.

I supposed that the presence of a Utility land draft and density of lands in the Cube affect the outcome, but I am curious as to how many other people keep with their cube.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I have 40-per but have never come close to needing to use all of any one color. But our decks have an average of like, 7 basics per deck.

Chris Taylor

In one of the few interesting things to come out of MTGS, there is actually a mathematical answer for this: (Beware! Statistics!)
I think I've got 25 of each, but it's really flexible. Until you start extra pimping and mass ordering foil basics of the same art, just keep a pile of unsleeved basics around, and add more when you need more.

gives some sweet insight into people's drafting patters too :p
"Why do I have 45 islands but only 20 swamps?"


25-30 a pop should do it for 8-mans, depends on how much fixing you have of course and it varies violently. dude drafting mono-red can really screw with the margins. it's not the end of the world when you dont have enough mountains but one thing i obsess about and am ashamed to obsess about is the aesthetics of the cube experience, i like it when my drafters are playing my pretty ZEN basics and my nice real cards, though not enough to buy duals


My friends land box is half Zendikar basics and half White Border Modern frame and, without fail, half of the players choose each even though there are more then enough for everyone.

Personally, I only use Mirage basics, but if I can find a few more, I was considering switching to Rebecca Guay Mountains.
one thing i obsess about and am ashamed to obsess about is the aesthetics of the cube experience

Good aesthetics is actually one of my primary design goals. There are cards I won't play because they have ugly art. I ain't even ashamed.

Chris Taylor


My basics. I like rebecca guay enough, but getting 25ish of this:

Sounds like an utter pain
Edit: Sweet jesus that's a 15$ plains