General How Much Burn is Too Much Burn

I like burn because it's removal and I think a lot of decks want removal (that is also pressure!!!) but it also happens to take up a lot of room in your red sections for like stuff that gives your deck backbone, and it tends to be kinda oppressive against the decks that put a lot of removal in themselves (guess what you need lots of removal in formats with great creatures and on-board-card-advantage).

I like Meteorite in cube or like in esoteric artifact cube, if you fix it up a little bit because that card has seen some developer red-sharpie. The edits you'd wana make on it are kinda up to you, but I think there is a lot of room for designing/building around Gild style cards as alternate routes to card advantage and tempo.
Going by strictly red instants/sorceries that can go to the dome I'm at 13/360, roughly 3.6%. I think that's about right for 360.


Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
Double Magma Jet - that's interesting! I was at no copies of this card for a long time, but recently bumped it back up to one. Out of curiosity, what have you found you liked about it that prompted you to go up to two?
I noticed that too. Does it have to do with pushing a theme like spells matter or is it just a nice card? (I know jason talked about doubling up on tragic slip just because of the way it plays)
I run a UR Spellslinger with double Pyromancers and Delvers so it's kinda useful there. For the most part, I just think it's a sweet spell and Scry 2 is so relevant in the decks that it slots into. From playing Standard on and off the last year, Scry 1 had been okay but it never had a huge impact unless you had a critical mass of them like in UW or Esper Control. Scry 2, on the other hand, is far more relevant on its own (enough to make Jet worth playing) and goes a long way towards fixing draws. Good utility in the early and late game. T1-2, kill your dork, scry into relevant creature for next turn. T6-7, shock you end of turn, dig for something to close out the game with.

I can't remember what I had in its place originally, but it's been great ever since I've bumped it up to 2. Versatility is what makes it so useful.
I'm starting to become more and more of a fan of just upping the count of the really good versatile spells in cube because it just does so much for the qualityof the draft if two drafters can have access to certain spell or a drafter can get all them to really support a certian theme