Card/Deck Iconic limited curve toppers

I've been kind of interested in the, as of writing this post, recent posts highlighting the differences between modern and older creature designs. My understanding of this is that, looking back into magics history, creatures tended to be able to suffice for competitive play solely on their body and a key word.

This is especially true in retail limited magic, particularly for the (now discontinued) core sets, where the biggest body with evasion is king.

I'd love to both celebrate and give opportunity to showcase, the curve toppers (4+ cmc) that are mostly good bodies with a smaller effect, that have won many a limited game.

The one's I've begun listing above are commons and uncommons, since I think that rare cards to a lesser extend define the limited formats and thus aren't the kind of cards I'm thinking of.

What card's do you know of that fit into this idea?
Still, it IS an icon card!
I mean, what are Baneslayer and Thundermaw if not Serra Angel and Shivan Dragon with modern day stats? At the end of the day they're mostly big balls of stats with a few keywords (no one plays Thundermaw for its ETB). They're more powerful than the cards listed above, but I feel like they're healthier for the game overall than, say, the titans are.


The list is from Mark Justice, who was a big name player back than, and he states that those are creatures he sees most commonly at advanced rounds of tournaments, though they are not necessarily the creatures he personally likes the most.

Orgg is described as a creature that found a home when type II was created. There isn't anything beyond that, and my personal memory doesn't involve the creature. It might have been local tech.

His description for sol'kanar: "pound for pound, its harder to find a single better creature in Magic."

I also remember the creature as being very good.

A few others:

We would pronounce leitbur as "light beer" and call ourselves clever.


Couple others that come to mind

Than once we're in visions, we get our first true ETB creatures:

Which were even better than they are now, because ETB effects effectively had split second under fifth edition rules.

One of many problems that caused them to replace the "batch system" with the "stack system."