I liked this series so I figured I will continue it with Red. I am in the process of making some updates to my cube and Red need some work so I will post the cards I run that I think fit this bill but would love to see some other suggestions (red needs a buff in my cube). I have me and all the people that draft my cube rate the cards on a scale of 1-10 so I have a good idea on what we consider the best red cards:
I don't know if these all fit the mold of p1p1 cards. It is more a combination of the highest rated cards in my cube plus cards I think would make for good p1p1 cards or build around cards. Wildfire, for instance, is not rated really high by my drafters and I have never seen that kind of red-control deck come together. But I think when someone finally tries it people will realize how powerful it is. And it is the type of card that you need to take pretty early to build around it.
I don't know if these all fit the mold of p1p1 cards. It is more a combination of the highest rated cards in my cube plus cards I think would make for good p1p1 cards or build around cards. Wildfire, for instance, is not rated really high by my drafters and I have never seen that kind of red-control deck come together. But I think when someone finally tries it people will realize how powerful it is. And it is the type of card that you need to take pretty early to build around it.