General It's time to put your cube on a diet


So I wanted to get some higher power examples, and of course, the easiest way to do that was to just draft Safra's cube:

GrilloParlante's draft of Scheherezade on 23/07/2015 from

I had forgotten valorous stance, which seems like a great flexible inclusion that works well with this strategy. The deck is very low curve, aggressive, evasive, disruptive, and can grind out card advantage. The whole time during the draft I was hoping to see goblin bushwhacker, which leads me to believe he has a place in higher power lists.

GrilloParlante's draft of Scheherezade on 23/07/2015 from

Mana is maybe a bit awkard here, but I like how close I was to having a combo element. There are fast aggro elements, a vertical growth engine, disruption, evasion, and recursive elements to grind with.

Way more flexible and complex; while the ability to grind value gives it potency against strategies just trying to shut it out of the game.

Dom Harvey

Here's an example of what I want a 'normal' aggro deck to look like:

In contrast to the 'throw Savannah Lions at you until you die' school of aggro, every card in here has its own purpose and effect on the game. Most of the 1-drops - Mother of Runes, Figure, Student, Kytheon - are good to draw later in the game, and there are lots of mana sinks to make flooding less damaging. The deck is very resilient to removal in the way the Kithkin decks from Block Constructed were, and there are lots of tricks to make playing against it a difficult proposition; it also remains competitive in longer games, and can steal games with Mirrorweave, Brave the Elements, etc.