Jesse's Retro Cube

This is my 360 card retro-themed cube

Only cards from the following sets have been included:

The Dark
Fallen Empires
Ice Age

Basically, I wanted to create a draft environment that used all of these awesome (read: terrible) cards that I used to play when I was a young teenager just learning the game. This is the second version, as I cut approximately 25 high CMC cards from across all colors to bring the curve down to a much more reasonable average of about 3. The maiden draft was a ton of fun for everyone involved, and I have another draft scheduled in a few weeks. I plan on recording everyone's decks after the fact to have a better idea about what archetypes are draftable.

After this has been drafted a few more times, I am planning on taking the data and incorporating Tempest block into the cube.

I'm a rank novice at this cubing business though, so if you have any ideas or suggestions, I'm all ears :D

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Hi Jesse, thanks for posting. I didn't play Magic in that era so I know almost none of those cards. Flicked through some "sample hands" and found this crazy looking card:

Dude must buy Visine in bulk.

Looking forward to seeing the decklists from your next draft.

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
This looks sweet! I would love to draft this. I too started magic much after all this, so almost all of these are new and awesome to me.
Thanks for your replies! I really regret not recording the lists from the initial draft- there were some really interesting ones that I didn't see coming. My favorite of the bunch took second, incorporating this combo:


He did get run over by the mono- white aggro deck, but I got a chance to see some other games, and if he got the combo online, it was pretty much lights out.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
Maaaaaaan. This. Looks. Sick. I pretty much played during exactly that era - minus The Dark and Weatherlight - so a lot of these (frankly terrible) cards bring back fond memories. Amber Prison! Armor of Thorns! Deflection! Empyrial Armor! Essence Flare (good god this is horrible! WHAT ARE YOU DOING MAN)! Lim-Dul's Vault! And I'm only up to the letter L on your list!

What's most impressive is that you've managed to keep the curve reasonably low, considering how bad and overcosted most of the cards were from that age. (Nettletooth Djinn, anyone?) This cube looks like it would support a broader range of archetypes than most old-school cubes I've seen, where your best bet is drafting either a) all the Lightning Bolts, or b) all the Counterspells.

I wish I could play this cube right now.
Thanks for the kind words! In keeping the mana curve reasonable, I had to make some sacrifices and run really bland vanilla creatures. Balduvian Bears isn't sexy, but it gets the job done until I expand the card pool and can throw a bit more spice in.