I wanted to write up something for my trip to GP Brisbane, but I have tried twice and lost it, so I just gave up. This is going to be a short little recap of what I want to remember from that trip.
I am always a fan of combo and tier 2-3 strategies, and while I have been playing Ad Nauseum in modern a lot I decided it was too well known for that GP and wanted to take something that would be less expected. That is what I did:
Nahiri Balance
The deck seemed like a decent meta choice, as I was expecting a lot of Tron, and with this many land denial sources it would work pretty well, as well as being good against GBx midrange strategies. Just hoping to not go up against tempo/control decks or quicker combo decks.
Played in a swiss trial to get some games in with the deck and try and get some byes.
Last Chance Trail
Round 1: vs BRW Madness (0-2)
This was a pretty cool brew, think of it like BR madness with
lingering souls.
I lost due to an unkillable
Bloodghast in game 1 and game 2 I got
Lost Legacy'd on turn 3 making most of my hand useless and die to a pile of spirit tokens.
Round 2: vs Naya Landfall (2-0)
When you can sweep the board at instant speed it doesn't matter how many triggers your
Steppe Lynx gets. Easy 2-0.
Round 3: vs
Thopter Foundry (2-1)
These were pretty grindy games. It was hard when your sweeper doesn't hit artifacts. I lost the first game after he got his thopter + sword combo game 1. Game 2 + 3 I hit
Leyline of the Void at the start both games and while it wasn't an easy victory, him not being able to combo off made it easier to grind out with Nahiri.
Round 4: vs Rw Burn (2-1)
Game 1 I get run over with a terrible hand. Game 2 I start with double
leyline of sanctity and sweep away any creatures he plays. Game 3 I cast an early balance then hard cast Leyline to grind out the win with Nahiri.
So was feeling happy enough with my deck choice. It seemed to have a decent game against a variety of decks even though I didn't really play any T1 type decks.
GP Brisbane
Round 1: vs Affinity (2-1)
Game 1 there were too many ravagers and I couldn't sweep the nexus's away. Game 2 I balanced 3 times to stabilise everytime things got dicey and Nahiri won it for me.
Game 3: Turn 1 swamp, turn 2 border post, turn 3 2x spirit guide + borderpost + Cascade Spell = wrath + geddon + 2 discarded cards. He doesn't hit another land for quite some time and I draw Nahiri to win.
Round 2: vs Grixis Delver (2-0)
Game 1 turn 3 Blood Moon locks him out of doing pretty much anything.
Game 2 I turn 3 Balance after he taps out for
Tasigur and the Gargadon take it from there 4 turns later.
Round 3: vs Gw Tron (0-2)
Game 1 I hit a turn 3 Blood Moon, to slow him down. I balance with one counter left on Gargadon then decide to unsuspend to hit him in, except he
Path to Exiles it, so what I should have done it unsuspend it in declare attackers to empty his pool. I then get Karn'ed a couple of turns later since I had used up all my gas.
Game 2 I do another early balance, but I should have cracked my fetch and failed to find to leave him with one less land, because the turn after he gets tron online to Karn me and I am gone.
Round 4: vs Abzan (2-0)
Game 1 play a balance, and he just rolls over.
Game 2 I mull to 5, get hit by
Kataki, War's Wage, make the border posts keep paying for themselves until I can get a balance off with a gargadon and he scoops soon after.
I also managed to get a GRV in game 2 for trying to fetch with Blood Moon out
Round 5: vs Gb Tron (0-2)
I can't remember these games except for the fact I lost to Karn again both games
Round 6: vs Martyr Proc (1-2)
G1 I mull to 4 and see nothing relevent, he sees a marsh flats and sideboards incorrectly not knowing what I was on.
G2 I balance with Gargadon and learn to play around path this time.
G3 I get
Surgical Extractioned after one balance and I keep trying to play threats while he is trying to play lands. Nahiri's get
Celestial Purged Gargadon's get Pathed but I draw a couple of lingering souls in a row and beat him down to 9 before he wraths the board. I get another lingering souls and choose not to flash it back in case of another wrath but in doing so lose the game, as I draw a second
Violent Outburst the next turn, and I could have used both to pump my spirits to lethal, instead he gets a Sun Titan and a Martyr and gets out of reach for me to deal with.
Round 7: vs Gb Tron (1-2)
I don't remember much of this one either. I won game 2 due to him having a bad draw but otherwise, Karn just beats me
At this point I am 3-4 and not really feeling it anymore due to pretty much every loss being Tron (which I was hoping with deck construction would be a good matchup) so I decide to drop and join the bounceback Modern and try and get some prize points.
I didn't write much of these matches, but I got to beat Death's Shadow Aggro but lost to Krark-Clan Ironworks, GR Ponza and Goryo's Vengeance.
That was the end of my modern games that weekend going a total of 7-8, which is pretty average to be honest, but the deck was fun to pilot and I had a lot of people scratching their heads, which is all I really wanted to do. Lingering Souls was surprisingly the MVP a lot of the time and should just put all 4 in main and put the Anger's in the SB. I don't really know how else to improve the deck. Could be interesting with
As Foretold, but that would require a completely different build. Nahiri is a great win condition.
So I did a couple of single elim drafts waiting for the Chaos Sealed. I met a guy called Arthur that I was talking to on Friday at the trials. We kept making jabs at each other throughout the draft, and we met each other in the second round. I drafted a sweet 4 colour revolt deck and he had a RW vehicle deck. He kept bringing back his Consulate Dreadnaught and using sweet combat tricks to blow me out. It was quite the enjoyable game.
The next draft he appeared again (he lost in the finals) and more jabs were had. He lost in the first round to his son (who wasn't in the previous draft) so I had to get paired up against him and lose in the second round again.
Chaos Sealed
Chaos sealed is like the best format behind cube. The specs for this format were: 1 x MM2, 1 x EMA, 1 x standard pack, 3 x random packs. My unknowns ended up being: Eldritch Moon, Odyssey, Coldsnap and Conspiracy 2.
I felt I had a decent pile, my green was strong enough to partner with either white or black to get some removal. I decided to splash for both. The first round I lose game 1 due to flood then game 2 to
Dimir Signet, Turn 3
Juggernaut, Turn 4
Flowstone Crusher, Turn 5
Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind, followed by 2
Deep Analysis.
I was set aback, my deck was alright, but nothing that spectacular. So I decide to see if I can change my deck to something better (it was just a casual format anyway) and found there was a card I dismissed at first as I thought it couldn't be played. I asked a judge and knew what I had to do:
Chaos Realm
As you can see, this deck is absolutely nuts. Just jam every piece of removal I have into a deck with any other decent card and go to town. I had a trick of losing the die roll and letting the opponent go first, then revealing my conspiracy, as you REALLY want to be on the draw with this conspiracy. This deck just landed one threat and rode it to victory behind a mass of removal.
One of my opponents had one of the sickest GB graveyard decks, had so many funky interactions between threshold, delirium and flashback being in so many of those random sets. Just couldn't out power my 100% gas deck. It shows that if you take out the randomness of drawing lands you can almost guarantee your win percentage will be faultless. I did not drop a game after switching to this build and going 3-1 gave me a substantial amount of prize points to accumulate a box of boosters (which I still have not opened).
Overall it was a good weekend, and while I am not too fond of constructed GPs, modern was fun. It was also showing that in Austral people just played what we wanted to play and the diversity was insane. Unlike the
Death's Shadow decks pillaging the format like it is now.
Writing this has pumped me up for GP Sydney, which will be Team Sealed, which I don't believe we have gotten in Australia before. I am totally looking forward to it (and Chaos Sealed again

), here's to hoping I can finally make day 2 one day!