General Landfall and Landfall Aggro

I don't know, I don't find a dedicated landfall theme to be all that interesting, since landfall is supported by the game itself as you usually just need to drop lands. For that matter, I really like

Tatyova, Warden, Dragon and Crab give a lot of value scaling with land drops
Shade is a finisher for control/midrange and can even be played in aggro decks
Jerboa is good in go-wide decks
Woodcrasher is a nice finisher with a combo-y touch

The thing is if drafters will think 'oh yes, landfall!' which will lead them into a trap as there's no dedicated lands archetype (there are cards like Explore, Scale the Heights, Sakura-Tribe Scout, Evolving Wilds, but not much else lands matter cards).
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What is your UG theme?
Tatyova's one of my favourite cards from DOM limited. :) but I fear it signaling a UGx lands.dec which doesn't exist.
Hexdrinker is just some bullshit, play patterns really suck with that one.

Perhaps I'm gonna join the renegades who gave up on the card and cut it, even though it perfectly fits my power level and does its job. I know people justify cubing similar cards by saying that games must end, but, in my experience, games ended by this snake are ended not in the most fun way when it hits the "protection from everything level". Not sure yet because in my cube it has ended some games that really dragged on.
Not sure yet because in my cube it has ended some games that really dragged on.
I don't think this is a point in its favor. As someone with a relatively similar power level of cube, this reads to me like you've got other things that cause games to drag on and Hexdrinker just happens to bypass them. It's putting players out of their misery, but you could do the same thing by either using a different haymaker that also doesn't interact on the stalled axis or, preferably, just removing some of the cards that led you there in the first place.

This is all off the top of my head, but I clicked your cube link so here are a few questions to consider:
-would Armageddon have worked where Hexdrinker worked? If you don't like the suggestion, what's different about the one versus the other? (not rhetorical, cause they do promote totally different types of non-game, but you don't have Geddon but do have Hexdrinker so at least worth considering)
-would removing stuff like Vedalken Shackles and Gideon Jura (i.e. repeatable creature control) remove the need for Hexdrinker? (also possibly fewer walkers in general, but that's more the next question...)
-do you want to trim down the grindier card advantage engines? (Volrath's Stronghold, Search for Azcanta, Wrenn and Six, The Scarab God, and Keranos that I see off the top of my head) (that said I actually really like Search for Azcanta so maybe keep that one)

...sorry to everyone else, because this is even further off-topic than the original off-topic discussion of Hexdrinker.
We only go off topic here at RTL, it's no worries. I agree with all of your points regarding Hexdrinker. Breaking a stall is a symptom of the stalling, not a bonus point for the Drinker.

Jason Waddell

Staff member

How do people feel about this card? I'm worried about snowballing and interactions with Persist creatures, but I guess I was worried about the same with Gavony Township and it was not really a problem that manifested.