General Let's talk fatties

I don't know if I fall under 'are we all collectively forgetting reanimation?', but that's why I chose Eternal Dragon as an example: it's a fatty that possibly fulfills so many roles. To me, this doesn't look like a bad way to choose the fatties you include in your cube. Same is true for manasinks, it's just an elegant way that you could still abuse (ramp, reanimator) but those cards also fit in control/midrange builds, or sometimes even aggressive ones. More choices for more decks, more ways to draft. :)

Chris Taylor

are we all collectively forgetting reanimation?

I think "poison" is being a little over-thought here, tbh. Large creatures don't absolutely restrict themselves to one goal like infect et al do. Poison principle is about isolation of archetypes, which a) doesn't really apply to fatties specifically on their own, and b) is quite difficult to do without some extreme focus on one particular and unique ramp strategy. See above about reanimation for only one example of a way to almost ensure fatties aren't """poisonous""" in a cube

I definitely do :p
This probably depends on the speed of the cube. If it's fast enough that no regular midrange deck is ever hitting 8 mana without investment, then they might be poisonous.

If games are ending on turns 5-6, it's narrow because the only way it's hitting play is with heavy ramp or heavy control elements.

If games are going to turn 14, then including an 8 drop in a random deck isn't as far fetched.
If we want to make a speed argument, I'd like to look at legacy reanimator.

You know what's really good vs a turn 6 beatdown? A 7 life 7/7.

I'm kind of playing devil's advocate, but I think it would take a rather specific format to not want some fatties.

I don't know if I fall under 'are we all collectively forgetting reanimation?', but that's why I chose Eternal Dragon as an example: it's a fatty that possibly fulfills so many roles. To me, this doesn't look like a bad way to choose the fatties you include in your cube. Same is true for manasinks, it's just an elegant way that you could still abuse (ramp, reanimator) but those cards also fit in control/midrange builds, or sometimes even aggressive ones. More choices for more decks, more ways to draft. :)

I mean, Eternal Dragon is cool and has great versatility, yes. And I see your point and would never argue against mana sinks, because they're awesome,
I feel like I have a lower power level than most that have been posting here so I will share some thoughts on fatties I run or have run in the past.

I wished for this card exactly when embalm got spoiled and I'm still exited over such a flexible, strong but fair fattie. a 6/6 trample that can be flashbacks for cheap is great, but since my {R/G} is madness, this also sees play in agree decks. And since it is so splash able, it can also be played in control decks, which usually aren't (much) green.

This guy is to make red's control side more appealing and it has the sweetest promo art. Really nice finisher and also great for Wildfire decks

My control finisher of choice. I wanted something that is tough to kill without being too strong, especially since I value the colors strengths and weaknesses highly, and blue is imo not supposed to have stronger creatures in any way than the other colors. so a 4/4 flying for 6 is weak enough to fit that bill, but it WILL finish the c´game if your control deck did a good job so far, since it kills with a few swings and is almost impossible to get rid of completely if you are playing clever.

is doesn't need a full commitment to ramp for being playable, but it gets better with every mana you have. It will also leave some tokens behind if not killed immediately. Perfect green midrange fattie that also synergies well with the token deck.

My old pet card. It is not exactly high power, but the mono black decks usually have (repeatable) recursion, so a ever growing massiv flyer ends games frequently. It is narrow, but everyone has their pet cards, and this was the face rare of my first ever intro deck <3

The classiest classic white fattie Even though 4/4 is not that big by todays standards and the Angel not exactly a constructed all star, it can still do a great job in the right environment. And I want my cube to be that environment.

Was a positive surprise, as t played better than expected. In the landfall deck it is especially juicy, as it can easily attack for 12 trample damage, sometimes even more. And even just a 8/8 trample for 6 is not awful. I would still consider cutting him when they print better landfall payoffs for {G/U}.

Not that a 9/7 haste for {R} needs all that many arguments, but this guy has incredible synergy with Wildfire, Upheaval, sacrifice decks and token decks and provides the greatest stories of comebacks without feeling overpowered.

Also a bit of a pet card, this fattie is just that: A big threat that ends the game and is hard to deal with. He's a bit boring and doesn't see too much play, but when, he does his job very well and I like him too much to cut somehow.

Whenever I wanna cut this, it gets played and does some sweet stuff. Protects creatures, turns removal into stealing effects and has a decent finisher body. Still would've to make place maybe if white was a little deeper.

Don't let the numbers down there lie to you, it is a 7/6 trample and it wins the game if you can untap with him most of the time. But it gives the opponent a whole turn to prevent this from happening, which is a difference to Overrun - good or bad is up to you.

It is a great part of my morph package and it hits really hard. I love it.

Special shoutouts here, since this is not even a creature/token producer. But we talked about having a few narrow payoffs for the green big mana deck, and this is my favorite card for that role. It creates awesome stories, but it is far from unfair. You usually want to cast it fro X=6 at least, so ti can hit almost every permanent in your deck/my cube, but more is always good. Genesis Wave might be my all time favorite green card.
TrainmasterGT said:
3: Fatties have the narrowest applicable power band of any card type
I really like this part, not something I'd really considered before. Costing a lot of mana, fatties are necessarily in high risk/high reward category.

Just to add to that, there's an emotional aspect as well - to take your example: no-one will remember the time lightning bolt performed below par, but drafters will disproportionately remember slamming a 7/7 Pelakka wurm and running away with the game (or conversely, having that wurm/dreadmaw rot in hand while beaten down by 2/1's, or getting blown out with a 1-mana removal spell).


Ecstatic Orb
Over the years, I have pulled down my mana curve lower and lower, to the point where the number of six+ mana cards in my 450 cube is 35 according to CT. And that's including a few X-spells you'ld be happy to cast for less. If you think about it, how many 6+ cards do you want to cast in the average draft deck? I bet it's less than 10% of your ~23 playables, so it only makes sense!