General "Looking for a card"-Thread

Hey, it's me again. Once more I am looking for a go wide/tokens payoff, but this time, I want it to be mono red in color identity. It should work equally well in aggro and midrange decks, cost no more than 4 mana and should roughly be around the power level of Glorious Anthem. I am looking to upgrade Weaponsurge here.

Other red go wide/tokens payoffs I run:
Kruin Striker
Dark-Dweller Oracle
You See a Pair of Goblins
Makeshift Munitions

None of these seems to get there in terms of pulling people into a go wide archetype in the same way Glorious Anthem does.

Has me excited to flood the board!

edit: it’s also cool because it goes tall instead of wide giving a different texture to token decks. It also goes well with buff spells and equipments tying a few themes together.
Imagine Reckless Charge + Young Pyromancer alongside the valet!
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So, about that Stoke the Flames I was talking about… ;)

That is a sweet card, but drafting it wouldn't want me to pick Krenko's Command over other 2-drops I think?

Hero of Oxid Ridge can provide a big spike, but is vulnerable to shocks. Legion Loyalist is not very exciting but does at least turn sideways by itself and can be clutch if you have a lot of tokens in your environment. I assume Hellrider is too powerful?

While Hellrider is too much, Hero would probably be fine, yet be a good signal that going wide is something, that's supported in red.

Has me excited to flood the board!

edit: it’s also cool because it goes tall instead of wide giving a different texture to token decks. It also goes well with buff spells and equipments tying a few themes together.
Imagine Reckless Charge + Young Pyromancer alongside the valet!

It is exciting. A very cool design I wasn't aware of. The ceiling is incredible (imagine cast+flashback Battle Screech next turn). But it has the Impact Tremors problem, it is not really doing anything on it's own or when it's drawn after you flooded the board. As interested as I am, this might rule this guy out for me.

You could go with an alpha classic:

(Orcish Oriflamme cost 1R in alpha, 3R every other time)

I might actually just try this one. It is cheap, can be a good topdeck, and it works with all the little guys, unlike e.g. Calvacade of Calamity, which only works when they weren't pumped already. The only downside I can think of is, that this doesn't do anything when you're behind. If it would allways give your creatures the bonus,you could at least trade up on defense.

How strong is this card?

Iirc it's fairly strong and saw play in standard at the time.

Pretty good go-wide payoff, but I believe that you're not big on PWs. If you can get over that, Zariel fits nicely into a lot of medium power bands. Her ult is fun in that it's strong but not gamewinning. Personally, I think she's one of the most consistent planeswalkers in that the distance between her performance in the best and worst cases is much narrower than most other PWs.
I'm surprised Zariel never took off more, her 0 seems very annoying to attack into and giving all your dudes haste on demand is quite nice.
That's an interesting question! Zariel was clearly priced to move, but I think the main problem is that her niche just isn't there. She's obviously a tool for either midrange or aggro decks, so let's look at each in turn.

Re: midrange, she's stong but not busted without support, which isn't enough for a midrange 4-drop in Standard these days. Compare her to premier 4-drop standard threats like Esika's Chariot or Sheoldred, the Apocalypse--both can take over the board even from a deficit, which Zariel can only kind of do.

In an aggro deck, Zariel might be okay as a curve topper much as Experimental Frenzy was a few years ago, but aggro decks aren't interested in things over 3 these days. There are enough mana sinks attached to cheaper cards that it makes more sense to run something like Squee, Dubiois Monarch or Bloodthirsty Adversary instead, either of which is live earlier in the game and in games that stall out at 2 or 3 lands.

It's probably clear that I like Zariel and that I think more people should consider her! I like that she's a pseudo-anthem in a color that doesn't get many of these effects and that her emblem, while strong, is a little unusual and requires lateral thinking to take full advantage of. (Hint: it works best with dragons.) Her token-making ability doesn't push her towards ulting, which reduces a big frustration factor present in many Elspeths, and the death trigger on the tokens incentivize trading, which again helps clear up boars states. There are a lot of chances to feel clever with this card on both sides of the board, and typically there's an interesting tension in terms of which ability to activate.
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Hey, it's me again. Once more I am looking for a go wide/tokens payoff, but this time, I want it to be mono red in color identity. It should work equally well in aggro and midrange decks, cost no more than 4 mana and should roughly be around the power level of Glorious Anthem. I am looking to upgrade Weaponsurge here.

Other red go wide/tokens payoffs I run:
Kruin Striker
Dark-Dweller Oracle
You See a Pair of Goblins
Makeshift Munitions

None of these seems to get there in terms of pulling people into a go wide archetype in the same way Glorious Anthem does.
Impact tremors bigger brother plus mini anthem in one if this hasn't already been suggested. This basically never turns into a creature, but it's less susceptible to removal that way. It works rlly well with any token generators, curving this into siege-gang commander for a quick 8 damage face is pretty satisfying
Hiya, I've discovered that I have a ton of nice fliers in my cube, but unfortunately not a single creature with reach. So I'm wondering if anyone has personal favourite green creatures with reach? Anywhere in the 2-6 cost bracket. Ideally something with a cute ability in addition to the reach, so they have merit to drafting beyond just being a wall. Or creatures that fill a common draft role, but just incidentally have reach. Some I've been eyeing atm have been Poison Dart Frog and Sweet-Gum Recluse
Hiya, I've discovered that I have a ton of nice fliers in my cube, but unfortunately not a single creature with reach. So I'm wondering if anyone has personal favourite green creatures with reach? Anywhere in the 2-6 cost bracket. Ideally something with a cute ability in addition to the reach, so they have merit to drafting beyond just being a wall. Or creatures that fill a common draft role, but just incidentally have reach. Some I've been eyeing atm have been Poison Dart Frog and Sweet-Gum Recluse
I had the same epiphany a few weeks ago but didn't do anything about it yet.

I think I only have Noose Constrictor in my cube (I support madness and self discard).

A card I always liked in draft is:
decent removal and very strong against flyers with 1 power.
Hiya, I've discovered that I have a ton of nice fliers in my cube, but unfortunately not a single creature with reach. So I'm wondering if anyone has personal favourite green creatures with reach? Anywhere in the 2-6 cost bracket. Ideally something with a cute ability in addition to the reach, so they have merit to drafting beyond just being a wall. Or creatures that fill a common draft role, but just incidentally have reach. Some I've been eyeing atm have been Poison Dart Frog and Sweet-Gum Recluse
Others have given a lot of great suggestions so far!

I personally don't run many 'Reach' creatures at all, but

is a card currently in my list.

Combat Trick, Overrun, Reach, and Kiki combo piece all in one. I think its a great include.

Also, not a 'Reach' creature, but as a 'no-fly zone' card I will recommend:

I really like the direct damage aspect, pretty rare in Green. (Also love conceited flavor-text lol)


Ecstatic Orb
Yes! I hoped this one wasn't suggested yet :)

No idea if you run any other cats, but this triggers on itself as well, so you don't need the synergy to make it good.
I was going to suggest Sweet-Gum Recluse as a cool card, but depending on the speed of your flyers it might to what you want it to. If we are talking more tempo-oriented decks that will beatdown, I'd be looking towards something cheaper.

On another note, I am looking for cheap, efficient removal with drawbacks (mana value 2 or less). I'd like the drawback to give the opponent tangible ressources.

An example would be Path to Exile, but not Swords to Plowshares. Path gives them a land which they will use, whereas STP gives a life which might not matter at all.
I feel like instant speed removal that gives your opponent a resource has been pretty abundant recently in Standard releases. Fateful Absence and Get Lost being a couple popular ones I've seen. They both seem incredible, if not a bit dull.

In the spirit of your example, I'd recommend:

I dig the art, the modality, and MH1 had pretty solid foils.

Declaration in Stone exists, but I don't have hands on experience with it and am not a fan of the art at all.

In lieu of the some of the more efficient instant speed removal in white, I like options that give the opponent their resource back, but deny them the ability to utilize it the way they want. Maybe obstruction is a better word than outright removal, apologies if these don't fall under the umbrella of what you are looking for:

I like how the Tax on Partition applies only to Opponents, allwing you to leverage it as a bounce spell for yourself.
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I run both Soul Partition and Unexpectedly Absent, they are 100% in line with what I am looking for.

Winds of Abandon is a good suggestion too, I am unsure if I want another Wrath effect though.