General Looking to build an Unstable cube

I read through the Unstable spoiler thread and many people thought there were quite a few great cards in there like Crow Storm, Sword of Dungeons and Dragons, etc. Has anyone tried to build a cube with a decent amount of Unstable cards? If anyone has I would appreciate a link to see someone's cube as a starting point for my own. Thanks for any help!
I have always had Super-Duper Death Ray in here and never understood the weird fascination with Crow Storm which was more of a bad pun than a functional card.

And spell trample is cool, fun and actually works fine in cube.

There are some cards in Unstable that are quite interesting because they have several variants to them. Like Very Cryptic Command, Everythingamajig and Ineffable Blessing.

Try looking the cards up on if you want to see all variants.

A thing to note is also the fourth Un-set will come out in 2020 and be called Unsanctioned. You can find the full overview here:
I've tried to make an Un-set Cube like 3 different times, but if you go by the traditional model of only 1 copy of a card and only un-cards, you'll have a really weird and bad cube. Unstable was certainly a step in the right direction, but it's a bummer that two of the main mechanics (Contraptions and Host/Augment) are incredibly parasitic for cube, if you want both of these mechanics then you have to break singleton or create new custom cards to make it playable.

Here and here are stuff on unstable and parasites
You'll also need this tool if you want to go down this route.

If you DON'T want those mechanics (like I) then you'll need to look at other sets to find that goofy magic humor. Cards like Goblin Game, Meteorite, and Goblin Balloon Brigade work, but humor is subjective they're hard to find, and most are likely on the lower power level, definitely not as playable as say using Magical Hacker with a planeswalker (I wouldn't recommend making a powered cube with un-cards, but it does sound like broken nonsensical "fun". I'll probably do this for the heck of it after I finish my current cube project).

(Oh yeah, you can also replicate the draft experience of unstable like so, which are certainly a lot of cards, but can't say it doesn't work)

Here's one of my attacks at the cube, here's my most recent one with the recent set being modern horizons. Both of those are incredibly rough and not even close to finished (I remember having a 3rd attempt, but I can't find it, so I either deleted it or misremembered)

From my own experience with trying to make an un-set cube, I garnered that for the amount of effort I would put in for trying to make a fun varied drafting experience I realized that while many of the un-cards are cool there's just too many of them that are way too rules heavy with obtuse game mechanics (and a few "unfun" cards as well) that in the end the only person that would enjoy drafting the cube in my play-group... was me. So I gave up on it. But if your player group enjoys that type of fun then by all means go for it! I have a deep love for the un-sets so don't let my experience bog you down, I'm just trying to give you a fair warning. Happy cubing!

This is my Unstable cube, which I cobbled together from cards I had on hand. It's been fun as a "holiday" cube to bring out every once in a while, and replayability has been decent so far. Red and blue have proved noticeably stronger than the other colors, but we rely on drafting to naturally balance it out a little.

The other quirk of the cube is that I wanted

to be a real card, so I threw in some black-bordered CN2 cards and any white-bordered playables I could find.

The list is a bit out of date. I remember cutting the second set of Secret Bases for another card of each color (or maybe it was 5 artifacts?), taking out a Regicide and the Graveyard Busybody (black had too much removal and blue had too many bombs), and possibly cutting one of red's stronger cards. Speaking of the Secret Bases, well, they're horrible, even in a deck within the two colors associated with a faction. Also, the format is already reasonably aggressive, with 3-color almost never materializing, so Ash Barrens probably isn't a great choice. Evolving Wilds would have a more positive effect on the balance between faster decks and those that are slower, more controlling, and likely to run 3 colors. So I would recommend using them exclusively for the manabase if you do something similar (although Watermarket can be fun, so long as your playgroup is the type that doesn't complain when someone drops a T1 Sol Ring in Commander. The card is bonkers).

Try to see if one of the people you know has a box of Unstable draft fodder somewhere. Buying dozens of 6-cent cards from TCGPlayer is a miserable feeling.