General Lorewyn Art Discussion

So apparently, according to Jesse mason, m25 draft is better than innistrad draft.


My understanding: He likes to see magic cards like lego pieces, for him, the fun is making something cool out of the pieces you get.

Everyone feels that way though. The difference is a kind of scale for how much hand-holding you want. Someone might want a guide to follow to build the thing on the box. Others might prefer taking all the cool car pieces and making a giant car out of what is supposed to be a racing set. Still the same idea, but not what was originally intended. Others (Jesse it seems) might think that even that is too much hand holding. He wants to have maximum over-possibility. To him, the best way is to melt the pieces and make whatever you damn want.

For someone not as hardcore as him Innistrad was great, the archetypes were focused, nice, and you could explore, play with build-arounds so on and so forth. For Jesse, this was still too much hand-holding. For him A25, where people complained that the build-arounds and archetypes were too weak to become actual decks, was the perfect format. Your hand isn't being held. You can try to hold on, but it's a trap. Make you own dang thing. This is what he wanted.

I have no doubt he wouldn't like my cube, far too much hand holding, but nowhere near as cohesive as a "good" set, like innistrad.

EDIT: I am planning to update my cube in the next week, I've not been dead guys, the semester ended this morning for me.