I wanted to ask you again what you think about some of the beloved Spellshapers, particularly Stronghold Machinist, as Madness, Reanimator and cards like Drake Haven do profit from their use as discard outlets, when something came to my mind: there was that one sweet little card in ORI that I so badly wanted to be a good card in control decks - but it was too slow.
What do you think? Maybe in a slightly lower powered environment where spells matter is a thing? Or is it too slow and too weak for five mana, as it actually needs some kind of setup to be relevant?
And because I already mentioned them (and this is the right thread I guess):
Overtaker might be too strong together with sac outlets, Undertaker is a fairer Tortured Existence and the Avenger seems to be not powerful enough as its ability is very reactive, but it might stall games and draw removal on it. The Machinist actually looks very cool and controllish, but might also be too slow as it is too reactive and doesn't do very much if you're behind on board. EDIT: I forgot to mention one more: Waterfront Bouncer seems to be the best spellshaper as it is able to repeatedly 'tempo' swing the game for a reasonable cost if it remains unhandled.
What are your thoughts? Low Power seems to be one of the more relevant terms for riptide cubes atm, so I want that discussion to glow up again.