Lower power Riptide cube

I've been trying to put together a lower power, more nostalgic list, but I'm having trouble coming up with an initial list of 360 cards to curate. So I am trying a different approach than normal and will be adding packages to the cube based on cards I like and archetypes I want represented.

I'll be documenting the packages here so I can come back on my reasoning and maybe some of you will even have suggestions to flesh out certain archetypes or themes.

Here is the cube that I'll be updating as I add packages: https://cubecobra.com/cube/list/LPRiptide

Cube Info

360 singleton
No Universes Beyond cards
No flip/MDFC cards
Focus on broad synergistic themes bridging across multiple archetypes




I would like to include grindy engines in this cube and there are some sweet ones here. Loam + cycling lands is a classic, as is the Gitrog Monster + dredgers. I am excited to try out Embrace the Unknown as it seems perfect for this archetype. Also present is some land destruction which adds a unique control element to the cube.

I am excited for this mana base as it adds both early game smoothing and late game relevance. I don't foresee a particularly fast environment and therefore the Bounce + Surveil land combo looks great. You mitigate the risk of missing land drops early and later, you can either bounce a Surveil land or one of the Cycling lands from the above package. I still want some untapped duals for faster decks, which is why the Fetch + Shock land is present. Bounce + Fetch is also a great way to trigger landfall multiple times.

I am also considering adding a 5th cycle of lands to go from 11.1% to 13.8% fixing. I would go for the Landscape cycle:

These also trigger landfall, cycle later and work well with Bouncelands.

This package needs to be fleshed out some more, but I do know I'd love to have the Riptide classic Demonic Pact. Probably a few more bounce spells and maybe some sacrifice any permanent effect in Black to clear the enchantment.

A small spread of payoffs that are also pretty fine by themselves. Tymaret + Giant would go well in a slower more controlling build and Aphemia + Tymaret is a fine start to a GY/enchantment centric aggressive deck.

This first suite of enchantments is on the aggressive side and opens the door to an aura/heroic theme down the line. Will need some more controlling ones to give decks of all speeds the right tools.

The idea with this package is to provide ramp in conjunction to the 10 Bouncelands. I know the 2 1 mana enchantments fix mana rather than ramp, but they can also be used to smooth draws or fuel Delirium so I'll be adding them sooner or later. I can't resist adding Underworld Connections, it fits with Black enchantments and seems like a cool build around to abuse.

Simic is getting all the untapping love which will lead to some big splashy plays. I am adding some of the "free" untappers in Blue and Rude Awakening with the hope of seeding in a spell velocity/Storm archetype down the line. Snap and Peregrine Drake would be good adds for that, but I am afraid of free mana that impacts the board here.

I am not sure which multicolored card to include as Kiora's Follower and Kiora, Behemoth Beckoner are both solid. I love the simplicity of the Follower, but it's also not super splashy for a guild slot. I worry that Behemoth Beckoner is too easy value for this cube. Because it also goes into GY decks, I'll be trying Master of the Depths, but could see it being a bit too strong for the cube.
EDIT: decided to cut planeswalkers for now. So the Follower gets the spot.

Two directions for the enchantment theme. One is a grindy control deck where you try to outlast your opponent and the other is more of an aggro deck focused around auras. Seeker, Pilgrim and Specialist bridge the gap between the two decks as they are valuable and work in both fast and slow builds. The enchantment theme is out of my comfort zone, but I do want to try a cube supporting it. Feedback from those who've done this before is appreciated!

These are plants for the aggressive and controlling builds or enchantment matters. Not a huge fan of how little overlap there is for both speeds of decks. The sagas and Cast Out binning themselves is important for the recursion we are going for.

The goal here isn't to go for a quick and dirty Storm kill, but more of a late game finish. The idea is to chain 3 or 4 spells together and get rewarded. It wouldn't be a classic Riptide cube without a bunch of do nothing trinkets to set up the kill and I am here for it.


I'd like the payoffs to go for the kill if possible. Setting up a big turn only to spin more wheels isn't the gameplay I have in mind for this cube. Murmuration gives me an enchantment and is Prowess adjacent which I like (since I am eschewing the too powerful Monastery Mentor).
Elemental Eruption's base rate won't be too horrible here which is a good sign for the deck.
Thousand-Year Storm is the great unknown. Who knows what you'll get out of it, but that is also part of the fun, no two kills will be the same.
Aeve, Progenitor Ooze is one I have 0 experience with. With three spells cast you get a 2/2, a 3/3 and a 4/4. That's 9 power spread on 3 bodies. Not bad, not great (see Precursor Golem). What it does open up though is the option for non-Red Storm decks. For example, a GW deck might use Aeve, Progenitor Ooze, Murmuration and Mirari's Wake as the core cards to a combo deck.

Grapeshot and Chatterstorm are kind of odd ducks here. They need a lot more spells to kill, but I figure they are a nice bridge between the mid and late game for these spell velocity decks since they affect the board.


Mind's Desire is another one I am unsure about. You can cast 3 spells and hit all lands and look like an idiot. Or you can run hot and cast 20 mana's worth of cards. This uncertainty has me off it for now, but could see myself changing my mind for much the same reason as Aeve: it opens up different color combinations of Storm decks.


Here are some engines I think would work nicely at setting up a big turn. I would love to have a few more though.


In addition to the Simic untap package from above, Red and Green have great options for generating mana.

Missing is Pyromancer's Goggles which might make an appearance down the line. Right now, I find it a little too restrictive because the spell has to be Red. Harrow and Crop Rotation also look good in the context of the GY lands package.

Do nothings

These might seem like a lot of support for the Storm deck, but the artifact deck or the delirium deck will also be using them. These cards cantrip and are cheap, so they also smooth draws which is a plus.


Synergistic aggro decks are among my favorite archetypes and I definitely want them represented in this cube. This first pass is going to set up the GY aggro decks for Gruul. I plan on having some counters and artifact synergies too, but this is a good start. Your threats are resilient since they can come back from the GY and can be discarded for value making mill and discard neutral or even card advantage. There are two creatures from recent sets that would also work nicely here Marauding Mako and Ivora, Insatiable Heir. Not sure that I dig the vibe though.


I like a lot of Red's GY fillers and I probably need to work on balancing that a little more in Green's favor. Wild Mongrel might need to come in! Blood tokens make sense, but there aren't a ton of cards that I like with them, so they may end up cut. RG artifacts seems like a natural next step for RG to go.

I am thinking there are two directions the Rakdos artifact deck can go. One is an aggressive deck and the other a grindy late game deck.


I have other artifact matter cards in mind, but I know that I want these for sure. Goblin Welder and Pia Nalaar might eventually be added, but let's go with this barebones support for now. I really like the Condor since it can be used offensively or defensively and works with counters + sacrifice. I am excluding colorless payoffs even though they will obviously play a part in the archetype.
EDIT: decided to cut planeswalkers for now. So in comes Welder instead of Daretti.

Red's spread is pretty aggressive, I will need to find a few late game cards for the grindy deck. I like Black's offerings though they seem balanced.

I think the tools are available to go both fast and slow for this archetype. Green already has a bunch of aggressive GY oriented cards from the Gruul package, Blue could help with great enablers that should work well in all speeds.

Slam dunk cards that play well and will be useful for a lot of decks.

There aren't a ton of payoffs for filling the GY in Blue that I am happy with (Labman and Champion of Wits are in from a previous package), except for some spells matter ones that I'll be adding later on.

I am quite excited by the GY enablers in Green. The Hedge Shredder in particular looks like a spicy one! Fills the GY, pays you off for it and is an artifact. Flotsam // Jetsam is pretty unique in it's ability to provide 2 card types in the GY and an artifact in play. There are other cards that are being considered like Slogurk, the Overslime, Spitting Image, Six, Smuggler's Surprise, World Shaper, Sudden Reclamation, Gaea's Blessing and Grapple with the Past. Listing them here for future reference.

Already present in the Storm package are two great spells matter engines, Mizzix's Mastery and The Mirari Conjecture. These are pushing me in a control/GY direction which has me looking at these

In this context, Rielle is just a big beater, but a discard and Berserkers archetype should make him feel more versatile. Tide is a sweet control finisher, while the Reveler is just an under costed beater hopefully. With Bouncelands, I couldn't resist adding Mystic Sanctuary, I don't think it will be too overbearing.

There are two more cards that jump out at me Backdraft Hellkite and Goblin Dark-Dwellers. If the curve allows it, I'll want one of these as having recursion is valuable when you are discarding and milling yourself, but I don't know which one. The mini combo of the Goblin + Seething Song is tempting, but I find myself lured by all that the dragon promises!

As for the spells themselves, I know I want some cheap bread and butter effects like bounce, draw and burn. I have quite a few cantrips from the UG GY package, but could use a few more

I love split cards and this cube is just an excuse to play more of them!

One thing I am realizing is that with the plan to support both enchantments and artifacts, having payoffs that ask for a critical mass of either is going to be rough. With that in mind, Daretti and Engineer are already in and those tend to play the grindy game without needing a ton of artifacts. We have a few cards to enable this further and tie it into an Izzet theme with

I think that it's enough! You get a lot of value over time, but not in an oppressive way which is just what I want here. We do need some fodder though

Going to keep this limited to these + Stars, Spheres and Baubles from the Storm package. Prized Statue and Noble's Prize seem like they could make an impact, but will depend on available space. Same with Myr Retreiver.

Now that we have a trinkets that we can sacrifice and a bunch of artifact creatures, I want to try introducing a counters archetype. I don’t know how expansive I want it yet, but these few cards seem safe and fun. I’d like to have some proliferate down the line if I keep the theme.


Equipments don't need a ton of help to get there. Have a creature, equip and profit. For that reason, I don't want to spend a lot of slots on payoffs and whatnot since the general artifact payoffs already reward you for casting them. I have Sram and Danitha that are in, but aren't locks by any means as I find them kind of narrow. That said, there is a sweet one that I am interested in

Either half is serviceable, but I especially like the creature side. I don't think you will often get to live the dream as a 2/2 double striker is a prime target for removal, but that doesn't mean that I won't try! It's also one of the rare cards that allow you to bridge auras and equipments in Red. The other being Valduk, Keeper of the Flame, which could come in later if I really want to support the themes more. There are also the [CRune of Speed]Red[/C] and White runes that work in a similar space. I also like the incidental sorcery that the Adventure half brings as tying all the themes together will be a challenge.

A few more equipment/artifact creatures are welcome. Cloudsteel Kirin's reconfigure cost is just too prohibitive to count as an equipment.

Grindy artifacts

I have Engineer and Welder in Red, these two in White in addition to Emry in Blue. That should be enough for the archetype to come together reasonably often. If not, then my secret weapon would be Osgir, the Reconstructor.

Unsure how much I want to push the token angle. Having both Tote and Cake is likely too much. I like the artifact tokens Tote creates so that likely gets the edge. With how many creatures are going to be either artifacts or enchantments, the Capsule might just be too powerful! I'll be looking at the removal aspect later in development.

Artifact counters

I don't want all of these, but the Javelineer, Tracker and Charge for sure. Zabaz is tempting, but pretty limited by the number of actual Modular creatures. Filigree Vector is an interesting one that will come in should I have the space for it. Being both a counter enabler and payoff (proliferate) is good place to be! Knighted Myr is another lower powered one, but double strike is a scary mechanic which might be enough.


Solid beater, let's go!

Fun puzzle, especially because I expect to limit the amount of blink effects. However, most cheat effects are going to be from the grindy artifact deck which might not want a 4/3 double strike. Actually, I don't want them to have it since it shortens the games too much. Pass for now.

Convoke is an interesting mechanic especially when you have a Storm deck. This seems unique enough to warrant a try.

Both of these loves to get sacrificed or recurred. Leaning towards the monkey because the curve is likely to be higher making it difficult to abuse the Synthesizer and it brings a unique token.

A nice token payoff that ties together multiple themes. Seems worth a try!

Aggressive oinker that likely plays well here. A little bland, but definitely maybe.

Green has limited artifact payoffs, so I won't try to force this one. I'll be adding some artifacts creatures/trinkets that should fit with what the rest of the cube is doing.

Mite is actually really cool since it doesn't hit creatures. Cookie can be a build around in some decks and the Doll is just a mana dork. I'm kind of excited by Heaped Harvest though. Sacrificing artifacts is going to be a part of the cube and this is good value to chain together!

There is also a Modified angle I can steer towards, but it's unclear if I want to add that keyword at the moment.

I am going to be trying Peer as a versatile Gruul slot. It fits with the various themes including Storm as a way to refill and Madness aggro as an enabler or gas. There are other enticing Gruul value cards like Bloodbraid Challenger, Worldsoul's Rage or Escape to the Wild, but this one seems the most universally playable.

Here I am looking for versatility. Cards that can fit into multiple archetypes

A nice little landfall package. Roaring Earth is fun because it bins itself for Delirium which can come up. I am not trying to make turbo landfall a thing, but between fetches and Bounces, I expect to be able to trigger this reliably.

A few self-contained payoffs that can become real engines in the right deck.

These go into a bunch of decks and are solid on rate threats as well.

Love this card, I think it has legs in this cube too!

There are a whole bunch of other cool cards. I'll post my favorites for reference

Quirion beastcaller
Voracious Hydra
Rishkar, peema Renegade
Song of Freyalise
Snakeskin Veil
Fangs of Kalonia
Forgotten Ancient
Primeval bounty
Jadelight Spelunker
Ravenous Squirrel
Yotian Dissident
Reyhan, Last of the Abzan
Travel Preperations
Zegana, Utopian Speaker

I decided to include a big Storm deck, but I that doesn't exclude a lower to the ground spells matter deck. There are great cheap Prowess creatures in Temur and this looks like a fun aggressive deck. Search, Bolt and Flames are "free" spells that would go well in both fast and slow spells matter decks and will help a card like Thousand-Year Storm pop off.

Other neat cards

Abbot of Keral Keep
Emberheart Challenger
Jeskai Elder
Monastery Swiftspear
Shipwreck Dowser

This is really random, but a lot of the GY matters cards I want to run in Black are actually demons. This made me take a second look at Demonic Counsel which could actually be playable without Delirium. Liliana's Contract is a decent draw spell in this cube, is an enchantment and the upside of winning the game is pretty wild! Finally, Cellarspawn is a tiny payoff, but there are actually a bunch of cards that cheat on mana making it a cool build around and also an enchantment. Delve, Suspend, Affinity, Flashback (sometimes) and so on.

Look at this Demon curve! Extractor Demon and Mindwrack Demon are fantastic enablers for the GY deck, While Archfiend of Sorrows and Tombstalker are great payoffs. I haven't yet checked for all possible demons, but this is a good start to a unique archetype.

I think the pieces are already present in Black for the dredge side of things with removal that can be recurred (Archfiend of Sorrows, Darkblast) and solid enablers (Tymaret Calls the Dead, Mindwrack Demon). I'd like a few more pieces so in come

Blue on the other hand has mediocre self-mill effects, but great spells matter GY payoffs. Rise from the Tide, The Mirari Conjecture and more. I like

As a cheap threat, but worry that between Delve and number of cards in the GY, it gets confusing. To be potentially optimized.

The Archaeologist is a nice bridge between a lot of themes and that gets it the nod.

There are a few cute ones like Chronic Flooding that go with the untap theme. Seems very low impact though. Founding the Third Path was perfect until I noticed it was a Read Ahead saga. Zellix, Sanity Flayer is a nice mill payoff, but being restricted to creatures is a bit limiting in the decks that want it. Bond of Insight is one I do like though if there is enough room.

To tie the various themes together, I will need more instant/sorceries in Black. I don't have much interaction in the list yet, so this is a good place to put it.

I know I want a few colorless payoffs

These will go in any deck of any color which means I don't need a ton of other payoffs. Outside of Archfiend of Ifnir, I think these will suffice

I like the idea of having a -1/-1 counter theme with proliferate cards as a cool way to turbo charge removal. Haven is a classic that might be too powerful, but I want to give it a shot.

As for enablers, I desperately need some in Black!

A bit of cheap synergistic interaction can't hurt, especially since I was looking for some instant/sorceries.

Not sure how good this is, but seems like a fun puzzle to solve.

I've always wanted a cube with this guy for some reason and this seems like the one for it! Two types for the GY, discard and artifact synergies. Encourages attacking. Now to show some restraint and not add all the Splicers...

Other cool discard outlets to consider

Rotting Regisaur
Skirge Familiar
Skirk Ridge Exhumer
Souls of the Lost
Tortured Existence
Putrid Imp

And some payoffs

The Raven Man
From Under the Floorboards
Gisa’s Bidding
Bone Miser
Oskar, Rubbish Reclaimer
Lazotep Chancellor

For whatever reason, I like the idea of having some -1/-1 counters alongside proliferate effects. It creates competition between fast and slow decks that now both want the proliferate cards, but for different reasons. Some decks also might just play both types of counters. There is bound to be a bit of confusion with both types of counters, but I don't think it's too bad. Black has the most -1/-1 effects, but there are some colorless ones too that will slot into any deck.

The proliferate effects here are cheap and can go into fast and slow decks. The Modular cards will appreciate the sacrifice effect of the Throne and I will add some other targets too. Poppet and Arrows might be too slow, but I want to try.

These two removal spells are the type of cards I want, but Drown in Ichor might be too good. If so, I'll swap for Grim Affliction.

BSZ is pretty slow and might be better off as Incremental Blight. I do want some sweepers though and this one is "thematic". The Spitter is a little dude that will fit into the sacrifice archetype down the line.

Other colors have limited options, but they do seem worth it

There is also Volt Charge that is already in. Wither is a tempting mechanic to add and I might check it out more thoroughly down the line.

These could be interesting especially if I replace the one mana cycling lands with the desert ones. But 2 mana cycling is so clunky!

The White proliferate effects are more proactive than reactive, limiting the decks that will want them. Metastatic Evangel seems too powerful for this cube unfortunately. There are a bunch of Green effects, for now the versatile Regrowth(ish) is what I want alongside Evolution Sage. The Channeler is bound to create a flurry of effects in the right deck which sounds exciting!

This is the first one that comes to mind. Will try to find more artifacts that benefit from proliferation.

This is one of the tough themes to add. Blue isn't great at doing enchantments, but luckily, it does noncreature really well. I have 3 Blue Prowess one drops so having some aggressively slanted enchantments should be a good match.

Siren can wear equipment or be bounced later in the game while chipping in damage. I'm going to add a little Ninja action in UB, so in goes the Hacker (might as well add Ninja of the Deep Hours now :p). Memory and Investigation are the perfect follow up to the 1 drops I mentioned.

A nice little saga that ties GY/Discard/Artifacts/Enchantments.

I'm considering a little counter subtheme where you remove lore counters from sagas to loop them. Listing some cool ones for reference: Scholar of New Horizons, Hex Parasite, Mutated Cultist, Power Conduit, Thrull Parasite.

The best Blue enchantment matters card I could find actually include the Bargain mechanic

Ice Out is a little sus, but I love the other two! I'll add all three for now and this sets us up nicely to explore the sacrifice theme.

Continuing the sacrifice an enchantment theme, we have these cards I am interested in

These cards tie together a lot of card types and should work as decent glue cards. Perilous Research might be a little off, but not by a ton since Village Rites is a very playable card.

What I'd like to find now are enchantments that want to hit the GY. Here is what I have so far (in addition to Demonic Pact)

Hatching Plans deserves a mention, but is so do nothing I can't put it in the cube.

Just thought of a fun way to tie all of my themes together in BW with Extort!

I have a spell velocity theme in Storm and Black is absent there. White's participation is limited so this is a nice way to use all the set up pieces to build an aggressive deck. Enchantments, artifacts, creatures, instants and sorceries all trigger Extort so your creativity is the limit.

Going to start simple in Green with some enchantress effects. Archivist is one of the few ways to tie together artifacts and enchantments. Presence and Eidolon promise a lot of cards in the right deck, but are somewhat narrow. I am thinking of replacing one of those in favor of Sythis, Harvest's Hand. It would give Selesnya a nice payoff, but being multicolored reduces the amount of decks that can play it obviously.

These will probably go in slower, grindier decks. The Visionary is nice since it bounces itself and discards itself for a lot of synergy potential.

Will be trying these auras. I like cantrips and being able to cast them on either equipments or creatures reduces dead draws and the risk of being blown out by removal.

Generous Visitor
Renata, Called to the Hunt

Won't play these right now, but they have good potential, so listing them as to not forget.

Going to add a bit more White enchantment creatures to boost enchantment density.

I am liking these two Selesnya cards for the enchantment theme and more. Danitha recurring auras is a nice one since they are more likely to end up in the GY. The reconfigure creatures being equipments mean that you can potentially recur them even if it is less likely because they aren't in GW. Danitha also has amazing keywords making her a good target for auras and equipments.

This is a collection of sacrifice cards that I want to include. These are pretty nice because they care just as much about artifacts as they do creatures.

I like the descended mechanic as an easy way to tie mill, discard and sacrifice. Not a lot of cards are worth it though. Corpses of the Lost would be nice, but is wordy as hell.

Here some more artifact fodder. Not sure what I am going to do with Cathodion or Su-Chi, but I like the idea of getting mana for some big turns. The bodies are pretty reasonable too.

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Demonic Pact you say?

I don't want to give any feedback at this junction (to let your ideas breathe), but I am excited to see how your modules come together in the end. Cool idea for a project.
Demonic Pact you say?

Oooh, that is brutal. I'll have to see if there are other cards I can get working. I was eyeing Bazaar Trader to go alongside Threaten effects, but it doesn't work with enchantments :(

I don't want to give any feedback at this junction
Looking forward to it down the line, thanks!
So the project is coming along nicely. I've added most of the packages that I wanted an will now try to make a real cube out of it. This is the part where I would appreciate feedback, ideas and suggestions!

I am a little conflicted, because some of my choices are definitely not giving off Riptide vibes (Ancient Cellarspawn, Tamiyo Meets the Story Circle for example) but would play well in the cube. I'll keep as is for now and make a choice later on if I keep them or not.
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First draft ever and I am already happy! We get a Gruul Storm deck centered around sacrificing artifacts for cards and mana. Scrap Trawler and the goblins offer an engine while Munitions and Gargadon allow you to sacrifice the trinkets. I particularly like Cathodion and Su-Chi as mana engines here, feels nice to be able to convert board presence into mana for the kill.

This deck is potentially missing some token support, like a Cryptolith Rite to use the Chatterstorm squirrels for extra value. Or maybe an Impact Tremors for the Eruption + Aeve tokens.

Next up, a solid little Dimir self-mill control deck. A bit of discard and spells matter tie everything together. Made me realize I was missing one of my favorite cards in Skeletal Scrying, so I went ahead and added it!

Next up a deck drafted by Zubat on CC (thanks a ton!). UG spell velocity deck with a side of counters and GY matters. Once again, the deck is looking real good!

Here we have an deck that focuses on multiple card types, but with an emphasis on artifacts and counters. Old favorites like Marionette Master and Baba Lysaga get to shine in this context and I'm thrilled to see it.

I've been finding the mana bases a bit rough, but that just might be because I am used to more and better fixing in my other cubes. I have the option of adding the Landscapes, but that takes up a lot of room.

I might have a solution there though. As I've been drafting, I find that there might be one too many broad themes in the cube. The one that seems the most isolated is Enchantment matters. I do want to keep some enchantments for Delirium purposes and stuff, but maybe not the actual rewards like Eidolon of Blossoms.

If anyone feels up for some drafts, I'd appreciate paying attention to these two issues in addition to whatever else pops up.
I've been finding the mana bases a bit rough, but that just might be because I am used to more and better fixing in my other cubes. I have the option of adding the Landscapes, but that takes up a lot of room.

An alternative set of lands could be the Vivid Lands:

They interact in a fun way with Proliferate supported and can be reset (albeit a bit slowly) through GY recursion. Also only five includes for a full set rather than the ten landscapes.
An alternative set of lands could be the Vivid Lands:

Sold! This is a great suggestion that plays well with both Bouncelands and the Proliferate mechanic. Biggest thing going for it is the saved cube space.

White Storm

I definitely want there to be a White spell velocity deck in the cube and we have fantastic payoffs for it

There are two things I really like about these:
1. They don't care about what type of noncreature spells you cast (Murmuration even counts creatures).
2. They are playable with a small Storm count. Making a couple of tokens with Mentor every turn is perfectly acceptable. I'd probably be happier with 3+ tokens from Murmuration though.

Where things get complicated is regarding the mana and the card advantage being generated in White. It is very difficult to make mana or generate enough cards to go for a big turn. We have other colors to lean on obviously, but I want White to have it's own flavor of spell velocity.


Since there not a whole lot of cheap cantrips in White, leaning on the colorless side is important. These are part of the foundation of the cube and it's important that each color is able to use them to some extent.

These cards can sacrifice themselves and/or draw cards. That means we can use White's recursion to generate card advantage

To keep these from being too parasitic and isolated from the rest of the cube, it's going to be important to have them be useful for other archetypes like sacrifice or lands. There is also Memory Jar as an explosive draw option. Not clear if I should include it or not yet.

The colorless section not only offers trinkets, it also offers some mana generation

The "rocks" I am choosing here are highly abusable in the right deck and White has the tools to make it happen (Sphere of the Suns is also an option alongside or instead of Prism)

The more counters, the better and White's proliferation is poised to abuse them making more mana than normally possible. Purse and Prism also have the out of being sacrificed once depleted of counters.

Another route for making mana is to sacrifice cards

These cards are more explosive than the counter ones but require more work to actually do anything which is a good place to be IMO. I chose to omit Krark-Clan Ironworks mostly because I am trying to build something different than my 1vs1 cube. It definitely fits and would be powerful. This seems like a fun environment to try the Lotus that does something similar. Ashnod's Altar vs Phyrexian Altar isn't clear to me which makes more sense.

To sacrifice the creatures in White, we have (in addition to Filigree Vector)

Nice value piece to go with Teshar, Welder, Engineer and can tutor up your critical pieces. I haven't talked about Scrap Trawler yet, but it's fantastic with virtually every one of these ideas. If you get it, play it!

There are more traditional pieces for making a bit of mana in

These are solid cards and would see play, but they require a bunch of early creatures to work. If you remember our White Storm payoffs, they tend to work better with noncreature spells which generally means few early drops. These might still make it in, but not as Storm support.

There are also artifact cost reducers. While potent, I don't like how narrow these are compared to everything else which works outside of the artifact deck. Listing them for completeness sake, but won't include.

Overall, I think this is a promising avenue for White Storm. You profit off a bunch of colorless cards and give it a distinct White twist.

Branching off

What else are we to do with all of these cards? Well the proliferate aspect invites a +1/+1 counter direction and once again, the colorless cards come and assist some cheap White artifacts

These are artifacts and care about counters. Pretty simple!

This is probably too much colorless support for the artifact aggro since I want that deck to be built differently depending on the color that is using those tools. Ravager turns all the Baubles into damage or can turn a Su-Chi into a ritual to power out a big Marketback Walker. I am avoiding Walking Ballista as it would be too powerful to machine down the opponent's board. Triskelion at 6 mana or Monoskelion needing a colorless to activate is plenty fine.

With Murmuration and Monastery Mentor creating tokens, we should be able to pull off a noncreature tokens matter archetype.

With all the above artifact synergies, Tote makes sense even if a little clunky. Battle Screech getting buffed from Murmuration is cute, but the real benefit is being able to flash it back for free. I put in Horn here, because it's both an enabler and a payoff for going wide, but I might be better served with good old Secure the Wastes which is instant and makes more dudes for the same mana. Leonin Lightscribe won't be very good in this mono-White set up, but as soon as you open the colors to Red or Blue, it should pop off.

This opens us up to using Convoke as a mechanic to cast spells for free, further triggering Mentor and Murmuration.

I was thinking of some free creatures, but they don't work with the noncreature payoffs, so they get skipped.

Myr Enforcer
Halo Hopper
Venerated Loxodon

With Wand of the Worldsoul and the others, we have a bunch of mana rocks and it would be nice to abuse them. A control deck ramping towards a big finisher is a good option

Not sure if I want to go down the land destruction route, but it would be nice to have redundancy for Death Cloud and Wildfire. Approach is an eternal staple in this cube and casting it early can be big.

One final idea to abuse the multiple spells we are trying to cast is the Extort mechanic

You can cast whatever and pay 1 to get some chip damage in. This is likely not good enough as Red can do it way easier (Firebrand Archer). The incidental life gain can help stabilize, but these are more filler than the star of the show. We already have good payoffs, we can do better!

I'll be trying to see how White Storm interacts with various color combinations next I think.
I want to explore the various decks supported in the guilds, starting with Selesnya.

GW spells

Go wide Storm (Midrange combo or control combo)

The classic Storm deck where you make mana, draw and cast as many cards as possible. This version does well with smaller storm counts and is less all in.

Go tall (aggro combo)

Same idea as above, but with the goal of creating one large threat and then giving it evasion. This is a spin on the Berserkers archetype.

GW Artifacts

Counters aggro (aggro combo)

Cheap threats that distribute counters. Proliferate and sacrifice + modular means that it is tough to know how to block and how much damage is really coming in.

Grindy sacrifice (midrange or control)

Use various engines to profit from sacrificing value artifacts and recurring them.

GW Value (midrange)

A bunch of value creatures and engines that provide overwhelming card advantage over time.

GW Lands

Go wide (midrange)

Use land drops to go wide and win with some team buffs.

Land destruction (control)

Using some Armageddon effects in White alongside some recursion to pull ahead. Artifact mana helps mitigate the LD.

GW Ramp (midrange)

Unclear if this is actually a thing, but theoretically it should work. Artifacts with counters + proliferate is a lot of potential mana. Same with Bouncelands/Wake + untappers.

I am pretty happy with the spread of decks being represented. There might be a bit too much midrange representation though. I am thinking that a few adds in White could maybe entice players to go for a GY aggro deck. Something like this would be a reasonable idea?

Fleeting Spirit seems better than Seasoned Hallowblade as indestructible looks dumb next to -1/-1 counters. Spirit Cairn could be a nice one too that would branch over to Drake Haven. Going to try it out.

Ideas? Thoughts? Criticism?
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Ideas? Thoughts? Criticism?

I think everything here seems completely fine on paper to me except maybe the Graveyard-focused aggro deck. At this junction my main concern is just creature density in both your White and Green sections. I don't think Vengevine will be triggering with enough consistency to make it feel worth it at this time, while Rootwalla feels like a single aggro beater amongst a bunch of archetypal-support 1-drops. I don't know in practice if this will be much of an issue, but when drafting the list it would be a (perhaps misguided) concern of mine if approaching the archetype.

Maybe a way to add some low-commitment graveyard texture to your current Selesnya Aggro support is something like Become Immense
Next up, going to be tackling Boros

RW spells

Storm (combo)

White's main contribution here is the payoffs, which makes this deck unlikely to happen very often. More likely, it will be a RX deck splashing White.

Go wide (aggro)

Cast spells and get paid off for doing so by creating a bunch of tokens. Similar cards to the Storm deck, but instead of going for a big turn, you go for more early pressure.

RW Artifacts

Counters (aggro combo)

Stack counters and move them around to mess with combat. This is mostly a White based archetype and Red joins along with some artifact creatures. I haven't found enough good +1/+1 counter Red cards that fit into this archetype that I like.

Grindy sacrifice (midrange or control)

Cheat (combo)

This is a blatant steal from Inscho. I remember some versions of his GCC that had Vesperlark support and I think it's a great idea.

RW Berserkers (aggro combo)

Use pump to make double strikers hit harder than normal.

RW Land Destruction (control)

Once again, the spread of archetypes is pretty nice although there is some imbalance in the decks. For example, Red is a much better Storm color than White making the RW deck rarer. The opposite is true for the artifact counter deck. Not necessarily a problem, but something to lookout for with new releases. There is probably a non-artifact sacrifice deck lurking in RW. There is fodder, recursion and sacrifice effects after all.

I am the least happy with the RW land destruction archetype because White doesn't have a ton of support for it. Once again, Balance and Cataclysm are off the table for now. Hourglass of the Lost is a mana rock that would play well with Wildfire and likes proliferate. That could be a worthwhile contribution from White.

I have a free slot in Boros I can use to bolster archetypes. I currently run these two and I am quite happy with them.

Arcbound Shikari could be the artifact counter card in Red I am looking for, but it's so narrow, that not all artifact decks would want to play it. I'd rather avoid it.

Osgir, the Reconstructor is an interesting build around for the value artifact deck. The problem is that RW doesn't need that extra push since it already has plenty of recursive tools.

Wildfire Awakener is also a card that is sure to play well. Creates a lot of bodies at a decent rate and has reach when those tokens attack. Same as Osgir, RW is flush with token makers and payoffs. Doesn't feel needed.

This is a pretty potent and versatile card for the archetypes I support. It offers reach in the form of burn or double strike which aggro decks of all sorts would definitely take advantage of. It serves as wrath protection for those decks. The Charm also has play in the Wildfire archetype by making your lands indestructible (but I would have to switch Wildfire with Burning of Xinye).
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I love this! A few recs you might consider:

Demonic Pact w/ Blue Enchantments

Blue does enchantments really well, I think, and these are the keys. Each of these allow you to repeat enchantment ETBs, which is easy to get a critical mass of with all the removal enchantments and enchantment creatures we have access to. I also saw a lot of sagas in your initial archetype lists, which these work well with. I've found that players are hesitant to build a strategy around bouncing their own Demonic Pact using things like Into the Roil, but they're very happy to repeat its discard effect with the chimeras, or double their value with Estrid's invocation.

Black Enchantments

Sarcomancy is awesome. Gnarled Scarhide has a cute "you can't block no more" bestow mode, but sarcomancy has better stats, can block, and has a surprising number of synergies since you get to keep the creature while you throw the enchantment around. And if you're looking for more control-y pieces, Inner Demon is a sick board wipe that allows you to keep one of your creatures. The wipe being just -2/-2 and the buff being an aura prevents it from being too oppressive, which is nice.

Blue/Aggressive Graveyard

I saw pieces of a not-quite-control blue graveyard archetype among the cards you listed. If you like puzzles, Case of the Shifting Visage might be worth a try. It asks for a way to reliably get 15 cards in your GY (which isn't hard), but then enough creatures for its payoff to matter. And oh boy does that look like a good payoff. Maybe. Give it a shot!


This cube might be a good chance to try out pieces that are real spicy, but ultimately not very amazing. Murmuration might be better (btw I've never seen this card before, it looks sick), but Dovescape presents one of those fun symmetric effects that you can build around.
Azorius has a few neat archetypes (or takes on certain themes) that are nice to see.

UW Cheat (Combo control)

Bin cards through milling or discarding, then reanimate them for the win.

UW Artifacts

Counters ramp (control)

Using various proliferate effects, you can get a lot of mana to ramp out big spells.

Trinkets (midrange or control)

UW Spells

Spells tokens (midrange)

Storm (combo)

Blue’s untap mana generation goes very well with White’s payoffs.

UW Bounce (midrange)

Using White's bounce effects and some choice permanents, you can get a lot of value by returning them to hand.

The artifact theme is likely more expansive than I presented. There's likely an aggressive +1/+1 counter deck and you have a few fun build arounds with

Considering adding Esoteric Duplicator and let drafters figure out what to do with it.

I like the idea of the Bounce theme, it's unclear how effective it will be though. I'd like to find more artifacts or enchantments like Staff and Talent that can be bounced to create bodies. @BoBguyjoe suggested Sarcomancy which I cut with the enchantments, but will bring back because of how perfect it is for this. Barbed Spike is also a great target as are Abundant Growth and Ranger Class.

Is cute, and with Ashnod's Altar, you can probably cast it at least a few times to build up Storm count.

Is an interesting one. It provides a wall that is low value, but the counters it distributes promise to add up! The final level is also pretty powerful with the right targets. I could see this and Replenish in the cube as a way to give White an inroad to GY strategies.

Which leads us to an intriguing suggestion in Dovescape!

Not 100% sure what to do with it honestly. The first thing that comes to mind is cheating on mana with Delve or Convoke. At 6 mana it competes with Rise from the Tides and Murmuration though so might be a tough sell. It doesn't really affect creature decks either, making it a little more narrow than I would want. I do however really appreciate the suggestion, it definitely opened up my horizons!

Demonic Pact w/ Blue Enchantments
I will definitely consider these if I decide I can incorporate enchantments back into the mix. I went all in with them, then cut them all and now, I am considering a more moderate approach. I like that these engines affect the board and allow you to repeatedly get value while casting spells.

Black Enchantments
I'm already sold on Sarcomancy and could be talked into Inner Demon. It's a non-parasitic way to get more demon matters cards for the subtheme I already have. The 4 mana -2/-2 is under rate, but at the same time you are buffing your creature significantly. It looks particularly good in addition to those Blue enablers you posted above. So I just might hold out on adding it, until I can fit the Blue bouncers.

Blue/Aggressive Graveyard
Didn't know this card existed! The payoff is super sweet, I'll need more drafts to determine whether or not my Blue GY decks are creature centric or not. If they are, perfect fit! Thanks for the suggestions!
Approach of the Second Sun and Wildfire are the main reasons I keep considering dropping the power level of my cube. I just really like how Azorius Self-Mill opens up at lower power levels, and Wildfire really shores up Gruul in a way I'm desperate for.

Fwiw, I have a couple archived versions of my cube at lower power levels that might be worth glancing at:

However, they are the same basic structure as my/our current cube/s so it might not be super useful if you are eager to break out of the typical archetypes we invest in.

A quick dump of cards that I like a lot at this power level:

I need to spend more time with the list, before I feel like I can begin making pointed suggestions...There's a lot of interesting ideas being explored...some familiar to our regular cubes, some tapping into older Grillo ideas, and then some wildcards. It's been a while since I've paid attention to new printings that don't specifically apply to my own cube...so I'll have to do some card searching to dredge up more pertinent recommedations.
Approach of the Second Sun and Wildfire are the main reasons I keep considering dropping the power level of my cube.
I hear you! I'll add Marionette Master as one of my favorite cards I can play again.

Fwiw, I have a couple archived versions of my cube at lower power levels that might be worth glancing at:
That's such a good idea. I'll definitely take a look and find some inspiration.

I need to spend more time with the list, before I feel like I can begin making pointed suggestions...
The list is still new and very much changing rapidly, so no hurry :p I do appreciate your card ideas, reminded me of some I had forgotten and others to consider.

BW Artifact

Sacrifice (midrange combo)

Sacrifice artifacts for value or to dome the opponent.

+1/+1 Counters (aggro combo)

Use counters and sacrifice effects to deal big amounts of damage.

BW Stax (control)

Squeeze the opponent's mana and take advantage via fodder, recursion or mana rocks.

BW Bounce (midrange)

There are a lot of permanents to return to hand to trigger their ETB or a noncreature payoff.

BW Reanimator (midrange or control combo)

Bin a fatty and bring it back.

Once again, this is an overview of a few more supported decks, but I am convinced more niche decks exist. I'd love suggestions as to what other Black enablers/payoffs I could add to the Bounce theme. Firja's Retribution is a nice one, but the best I've found is

Revolt ties a ton of themes together, but I worry, is this ETB too powerful at 3 mana or does needing Revolt balance it out?

I'll be trying a few ninjas in black to help with the enablers, but they only blink creatures unfortunately. Thraben Inspector is the dream target for those in White. There might be some adventure creatures that could work like Foulmire Knight and Order of Midnight that you don't want to or can't block. Faerie Guidemotherand Giant Killer fit nicely too.
So that's all of White! An engine that has grown on me is the Penny Pincher bounce theme. It opens the door to a bunch of grindy strategies and ties a lot of themes together.

Noncreature cast payoffs like Builder's Talent, Monastery Mentor, Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle and co. benefit greatly from having more fodder.

Said fodder can also comes alongside benefit. Barbed Spike and Staff of the Storyteller become even better.

Vesperlark and Reveillark trigger and make the effect a lot more reliable.

They can give you fodder for discard, like converting a land into a 2/2 in the late game. Or just hit your land drop making them virtually cheaper.

They can reset your permanent based removal if a better target pops up.

And that's just in White. In Blue there are a few payoffs for bouncing cards to hand and Green greatly benefits from extra landfall triggers.

Going to tackle the Blue archetypes next. Looking at the cards, I am mostly happy with what is going on, but the interaction suite desperately needs help. Going to see if listing the different themes helps me sort out what is need.


GY Aggro

Fill the GY with recursive threats or effects that benefit from being in the GY.

GY Control

Fill the GY and gain advantage through powerful threats and card advantage

Turbo-mill (combo)

Mill your entire deck and "cheat" the win.

Discard (control)

Control the board using discard outlets.

Reanimator (combo control)

Mill or discard a big creature and reanimate it.

UB Artifacts


Clear the board using artifacts and win via damage, combo or grinding them out.

UB Storm (combo)

Use tutors and card draw to fuel a big turn.

UB Counters (midrange)

Proliferating -1/-1 counters, growing some dudes or ramping and getting somewhere. Not super focused, but there is enough upside for this deck to be a thing, I am sure.

Ninjas (aggro tempo)

Get value from either connecting with opponent's face or bouncing a creature in an aggressive deck.

My Dimir section is kind of a mess. There are a million archetypes being supported. There is definitely some overlap between the various themes, especially GY ones, so maybe I am being too generous in my listings.

Some notes

1. The GY aggro deck is lacking a little extra aggression from the Blue section.

These seem solid. Any other suggestions?

2. There is a solid artifact control deck, but Blue's contribution is limited. I am thinking some of these should be a good pull into the archetype

Sai would play well with White's bounce theme and the ninjas (return an artifact creature or evasive body). The activated ability is relevant, but not the main draw to the card. Only issue? You need a lot of artifacts for it to pop off. Going to test.

The Gearhulk is a little scary. Good body and ETB is pushed for the cube. But you are going to want to take it and it will lead you to artifacts or spells matter. The scariest thing to flashback is probably Commit // Memory. EOT 5/6 body + draw 7 for 6 mana is bonkers. But that is one card and I think I am ok with that.

Academy has all the tools it needs right now in the cube. It's not super impactful, but does nice things like prevent dying to mill and inevitibility.

3. There isn't really an aggressive version of the artifact deck (unless leaning heavily on the colorless section). Looking at the card pool, the +1/+1 counter deck doesn't have the tools in UB. The best I could come up with is an affinity style aggro deck with

But I am not in love with the all or nothing nature of the cards. So not going to try and force it.

4. Reanimator is lacking cheat effects in this color combination. Body Double, Dread Return, Debtors Knell and Unburial Rites are the only ones so far.

Inscho suggested Dream Halls in their above post and that is definitely a sweet build around. It plays well into the discard, Storm and cheat decks alike. Including it to also give some redundancy to the UW cheat archetype.

Shelldock is another way to cheat out a creature. It's a little cleaner than Dream Halls, but it is also a very powerful land for this cube and is difficult to interact with. Going to pass on this one.
Revolt ties a ton of themes together, but I worry, is this ETB too powerful at 3 mana or does needing Revolt balance it out?

I actually think Bone Shredder fits your themes a bit better than revolt. The tension of 'echo' can played around using bounce while also being a postive downside with reanimation like Vesperlark and Reveillark.

The GY aggro deck is lacking a little extra aggression from the Blue section

I love love love Waterfront Bouncer, always super fun to play, great with Squee or Dimir Zombie Squee. Some other options to consider:

While not Blue, Dokuchi Silencer can maybe help tie in some graveyard support to ninjas.

As a complete aside, I really love penny-pincher bounce in white. I have most of the cards you listed in my non-low-powered list, and Aluren helps turn those goobers into a storm engine. If you wanted to pivot it to Green more fairly, Temur Sabertooth is pretty excellent as well
I actually think Bone Shredder fits your themes a bit better than revolt. The tension of 'echo' can played around using bounce while also being a postive downside with reanimation like Vesperlark and Reveillark.
Bone Shredder is definitely a good one. I've avoided the conditional nonblack removal until this point, because I don't like how matchup dependent it can be, but maybe I am being too picky. Working with the Larks + Unearth is a big upside.


While not Blue, Dokuchi Silencer can maybe help tie in some graveyard support to ninjas.
The unique Eldrazi token + Skulk keyword is rough on the Infiltrator (otherwise great suggestion) and the Pilferer I haven't been super impressed with. That could be my higher power goggles messing with my card evaluation. I run the Silencer, it's perfect here.

If you wanted to pivot it to Green more fairly, Temur Sabertooth is pretty excellent as well
Yeah Aluren is a fantastic engine, but a little too intense. Sabertooth is just right though thanks!

UG Spells

Tempo (aggressive)

There are a lot of cheap Prowess (and Prowess adjacent) threats in these colors. So cantrips, counters and threats is a surefire way to win games. Add a Rancor and Berserk and these grow-tall threats can surprise the opponent for huge damage.

Storm (combo)

Between the ramp options in Green, the "free" spells in Blue and the cantrips to find your payoffs, it's not difficult for this deck to chain a lot of spells.


Turbo mill (combo control)

Lands (control)

Bin and recur lands to gain a mana advantage and power out powerful finishers that take advantage of your land count.

Discard (aggro)

A hard hitting aggressive deck that gains value and stats by discarding cards. Just like the spells tempo deck, this has ties into Berserkers.

UG Counters


An aggressive deck that profits from distributing counters and proliferating them

Bounce (midrange or control)

A grindy deck that profits from distributing counters and proliferating them. The colorless counter removal is particularly important because Simic is light in that department.

UG Pod (midrange)

I'm a little bummed that my Blue section doesn't intersect much with sacrifice. I think it's good to have color pairs do different things, but I can't help but wonder if these would be worthwhile to enable a splash of sacrifice in Blue (in addition to Repurposing Bay)

This would bolster the artifact sacrifice theme mostly. I am strongly considering the top 3 as they can go into any deck in a pinch and having synergistic interaction is a goal of mine.

Speaking of artifacts, an avenue for the deck to take would be animating the various tokens and trinkets lying around

It's a cool deck, but it does put a lot of pressure on the opponent early. The Cookie attacks for 6 on turn 3 by itself for example! Since there are the spells tempo, the counters aggro and the discard aggro decks already present, I don't think this is needed for UG to thrive.

There are so many Simic cards I want to run...The Apprentice is fantastic in most spells builds as it means that your cantrips now hit gas since it is providing you with land drops. Only knock against it: it doesn't say noncreature. Right now I feel that it's too limiting.

Slogurk is another Loam effect, plays well with counters and with bounce. It's pretty wordy though and feels a little pushed compared to the rest of the cube. Luckily, there is another lands engine that I will be adding

She is a great reason to be bouncing and recurring lands and plays well with most slower Simic decks.

This one is mighty tempting to give a third piece in UG for the pod deck. The main argument in favor is that you generally want to draft a Pod effect early in the draft so you can build your curve accordingly. Having more of these effects present increases the odds you see them early.

To make Pod and Vannifar work with Bay and Oswald, I probably need a few more artifact creatures at various mana costs. Circuit Mender seems like a good candidate that works with White's bounce effects too. I'd like a 4 drop as well and it just might be time for good old Solemn Simulacrum to shine again.

Izzet is next and hopefully will let me finish polishing off my Blue section.
UR Spells

Storm (combo)

Red is probably the premier Storm color with payoffs, mana and cards available to it. Blue has great card filtering and generates mana with the land untappers.

Tokens (aggro, midrange or control)

Create tokens by casting spells and profit with an anthem of sorts.

Counter-Burn (aggro)

Cheap threats backed by counterspells and burn. Cantrips allow you to maintain a relatively low land count.

UR Discard


Grow creatures or get a discount by discarding cards.


Turn your discarding into value and profit.

UR Artifacts

Cheat (combo control)

Classic Welder. Discard an artifact and bring it back.

Sacrifice (midrange)

Take advantage of various Baubles and cheap artifacts to eek out value.

I am actually short an archetype or two in Izzet! There's probably an artifact counter deck, but that feels like cheating as it's mostly colorless. I find it difficult to tie UR with counters and with sacrifice. The density of effects isn't quite there in Red (not a ton of +1/+1 counter cards I want to include and literally two proliferate cards). Same thing with sacrifice in Blue. There are a few tie ins to artifact sacrifice, but not a ton else.

Unless someone has ideas on how to incorporate those archetypes with the right power level and without too many narrow cards, it's going to be a tough sell. Instead, I could explore more archetypes focused around artifacts/GY/spells.

I could have a cheap chunkers archetype with Bedlam Reveler already in the cube. Kind of like a cheat archetype that plays nicely with Wildfire. If you manage to get 2 or 3 instants or sorceries in the GY, you can cast Tolarian Terror a turn or two before the Wildfire which is ok.

Maybe a draw 2 archetype

This could be a fun and all the support is already there. I'd get to play with Irencrag Pyromancer which is a fun one IMO. Alliance probably isn't worth a multicolored slot though.

Emrakul's Messenger has me thinking that maybe Eldrazi spawn tokens could be a way into sacrifice. There aren't a ton I want to run though

This seems a little shoddy. Glimpse and Messenger are rock solid, but Hatcher and Truths are a little rougher. Although they refund 3 mana each, making them kind of like 2 drops. Nest Invader, Basking Broodscale and Malevolent Rumble are already in the cube. Maybe Pawn of Ulamog and Kozilek's Predator could round off the spawn army. The fact that they self sacrifice and ramp make them nice to tie themes together.

Considering the strengths of both Red and Blue, I think Thousand-Year Storm isn't needed. There already are a lot of payoffs for casting a bunch of spells and they aren't attached to a do nothing enchantment. I am however considering

You get the same unknown quality as the enchantment, meaning your journey to winning the game isn't scripted. It's also a sort of cheat effect in Blue I have been on the lookout for. It also works off any spell and I particularly like that it can cast the colorless creatures that Dream Halls can't.

To replace Thousand-Year Storm, I would like a more tempo oriented threat and I think this one fits

It's cheap, evasive and provides an anthem I've been wanting. The other option I am considering is Sprite Dragon. Same qualities as Balmor, but goes tall instead of wide. Dragon, Electrostatic Infantry and Faerie Vandal is the nice start to a spell matter oriented counters deck. Not super excited by it, but it definitely uses counters!
Nanonox, could you elaborate on your thought progression? Is it: Themes listed in OP -> packages which support those themes + some cool standalone packages -> combinations of those packages and glue cards make the archetypes you're now delving into? Or is there more back-and-forth?
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Nanonox, could you elaborate on your thought progression? Is it: Themes listed in OP -> packages which support those themes + some cool standalone packages -> combinations of those packages and glue cards make the archetypes you're now delving into? Or is there more back-and-forth?
I did go all over the place didn't I? I'll try and list the process as it's going to be easier to read I think.

I had "writers block" with this cube and couldn't get past 200 cards or so through multiple attempts. So I tried a different approach and it has been a lot of fun!

1. Establish the themes I want to support.
2. Add unrefined packages that contain cards that I like and that support said themes.
3. Go off on a tangent because a mechanic or card I like.
4. Repeat 2 + 3.

Once I saturated on the cards/packages added to the cube, I concentrated on White spell velocity. It's a bit random, but I really wanted to make that deck work in this cube. Since it isn't trivial to support it, I was willing to make concessions in power level and/or themes to make it pop. I wasn't able to find a suitable enchantment suite of cards that could slot into this spell velocity theme and instead found a ton of artifacts. Considering the density needed to make artifacts spell velocity work, I moved away from enchantments. I then chose to focus more on counters since they pair really well with artifacts at this power level. I still have a few enchantments and I haven't completely abandoned the theme yet, but at 360, finding space for everything will prove a challenge.

5. Make a list of supported archetypes of various speeds for each color combination to help guide me with density of effects and pertinent choice of multicolored cards (filling holes or power outliers to draw drafter in). This has been beneficial for finding missing effects or under supported themes in some color pairs. For example, in Izzet, Thousand-Year Storm was a bit too redundant and narrow compared to the mono-colored options available. So instead, I added a cheap tempo threat I was missing that also serves as an anthem that neither Blue nor Red are great at.

6. Take a step back and try to take a big picture look at the cube. Jam a bunch of drafts on CubeCobra to get a feel for it.

7. Cuts??? I haven't finished 5, but I can already see that I am going to need a bunch of tough cuts.

For the first 4 steps, I didn't really need outside help, because it was about my personal preferences and tastes. However from 5 forward I definitely appreciate any input to streamline or optimize the cube. There are so many cards I forget about and people here have great ideas that I can learn from.

Hope this clears up the building process!

Onto Black now!

BR Spells

Storm (combo)

Chain together a series of spells to combo off. Contrary to Izzet that has all the tools it needs in the monocolored sections, Rakdos can use the multicolored boost to entice players into playing Black.


Discard control

Efficient removal spells keep the board clear, while you gain value from discarding cards.

Discard aggro

Discard cards for value or grow your creatures to finish the game quickly.

Dredge control

BR Artifacts

Grindy control

Artifact board control and value.

Sacrifice (aggro combo)

Sacrifice artifacts to close out the game.

Cheat (combo)

Cheat and recur artifacts for value or damage.

RB Land destruction (control)

RB Sacrifice

Blood Artist

1. Black is a bit limited in what it offers to the spell velocity theme. Yawmgoth's Will is a great recursion tool, but nowhere close to broken without rituals and fast mana. I am going to be adding another tutor to give a compelling reason to go into Black for the combo decks

Tendrils of Agony feels somewhat out of place in the cube as the other Storm cards are cheaper and/or affect the board. This one is a lot more all or nothing, needing a higher Storm count.

2. The BR GY decks are rock solid IMO, with various speeds, enablers and payoffs to feel different.

3. The artifact decks are looking good too! There is a good spread of speeds and themes that it should be a dynamic draft experience. I would like one or two more reanimation effect in Black and @IanGitax suggested Endless Obedience which seems like a nice one to go alongside Apprentice Necromancer, Dread Return and Push // Pull. Any others that you like at this power level?

The sacrifice deck is a hot mess though. So I added Syr Konrad the Grim and Marionette Apprentice to juice up the archetype and offer some cross pollinisation. With Syr Konrad, Extractor Demon and Altar of Dementia, there is a promising self-mill sacrifice deck out there. I am going to want some of these for sure

Greater Gargadon and Makeshift Munitions are good sacrifice outlets in Red. There are also some good token producing cards like Glimpse the Impossible and Goblin Surprise. Mogg War Marshal could be interesting with White's bounce effects.

Mayhem Devil is too powerful and I am thinking that Sawblade Skinripper probably is too. You can't machine gun down opponent's board, but you can still clear it effectively.

I think Judith is probably the most appropriate sacrifice payoff power level wise. It's straightforward and plays well.

On another note, I added Crow Storm and Blast from the Past from Un sets (no playtest cards though, the esthetic clashes too much with the rest of the cube). Are there others that you think would fit?
BG Graveyard

Lands (control)

Self-mill and recursion give you a mana advantage to cast big spells.

Delirium (aggro or midrange)

Use various card types to get an advantage and pressure the opponent.

Dredge (midrange)

Fill the GY to discount beefy bodies.

Discard (aggro)

BG Artifacts

Counters sacrifice (aggro combo)

Move counters around to deal huge amounts of damage.

Grindy (midrange or control)

Grind out an advantage by recurring artifacts.

BG Spells

Cheap spells, tutors and big engines for the win.

BG Stax

Deny opponent resources by making the Stax effects asymmetrical.

Golgari is heavy on the GY and sacrifice effects, less so on the artifacts and spells. I decided to use Reyhan, Last of the Abzan as a multicolored slot to encourage counters and artifacts and because it's a pet card of mine. I am thinking I could use Baba Lysaga's slot to push another archetype. I am strongly considering

Just like for Rakdos, Black could use a little nudge in the payoff department for spells. The apprentice is like a baby Tendrils of Agony, but limited to instants and sorceries. I think that's pretty good, especially if I also add

For a more aggressive spell focused deck. This will mesh well with Deeproot Champion and Dragonsguard Elite, incidentally giving a counters angle to the spells deck.

Cards missing the mark for being too good

The Swarm Reaver: Evasive tokens and good creature types should make this interesting, but I find that the ETB is too powerful for this cube, or at least the gameplay I want to promote.

Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis: A card I enjoy, but feels a little pushed for this cube.

I decided to clean up Black's removal suite a little. I want a suite of synergistic removal that fits into corresponding archetypes. For example, for my GY decks, I have Darkblast and Murderous Cut. Darkblast is an enabler and snipes small creatures whereas Cut is a payoff, but serviceable elsewhere too. Speaking of, Whisper of the Dross felt a little too close to Darkblast, but I still want the proliferate effect. So in comes Grim Affliction. I have plenty of -1/-1 counters in Black, which I like against big and small threats. Against the smaller ones, you kill them right away like any removal spell, but they are still live against bigger creatures since maybe they can now be blocked or they can be killed by proliferating.

You have to work for the removal in Black and that is something I like since it will give decks a bit of breathing room while also giving synergy decks a leg up over good stuff decks. Grim Affliction can kill an x/2 for 3 mana in a regular deck, but in a dedicated counters deck, it can also be an anthem or kill/shrink another creature with a -1/-1 counter on it. I think that's a good place to be and should keep the drafting dynamic as the value of those cards fluctuate depending on your picks.

Missing the Gruul color pair and that will be all 10 guilds!
RG Lands

Dredge (control)

Self-mill into some juicy lands matter payoffs.

Wildfire (control)

Use mana rocks and noncreature ramp to gain an advantage and seal the deal with Wildfire.

RG Berserkers (aggro)

Give a big creature double strike or trample.

RG Spells

Storm (combo)

Make mana, draw cards and cast a payoff after chaining some spells together.

Counters (aggro)

Casting spells grows your board putting pressure on the opponent.

Tokens (midrange)

Go wide by casting spells and closing the game out with an anthem.

RG Discard (aggro)

Discard cards for value and put pressure on the opponent. Closely tied to the Berserker theme.

RG Artifacts (control)

Use sacrifice effects and recursion to make the most of your artifacts.

I have Wildfire, Catastrophe and Death Cloud listed in these guild archetypes, but the more I think about them, the less I believe they have their place. I want Bouncelands for the early and late game value and draw smoothing they provide, but having them alongside MLD goes against those non games I am trying to avoid. I still like both Braids as light land destruction, but they also have other purposes.

This means that I am on the lookout for a White and Red wrath as a replacement. Black already has enough wraths, so it's fine losing Death Cloud.

Red (already has Burn Down the House)

Here is the deal. I want a creature wrath because I find it fun to give players the option to recur a sweeper. It opens up plays that control decks would usually not be able to make. Body Double to wrath the board? Yes please! Leaning towards Magmasaur as clearly the least efficient option, but this cube can put it to decent use. How many opportunities like that am I going to get?!

Caldera Hellion: 3 damage for 5 mana isn't great by any standards. It's a mass sacrifice outlet however, and you can easily construct scenarios where you get a 5 mana 5/5 that clears some of the opponent's board. Bonus counters synergy.

Magmasaur: really tempted by this one. Vesperlark/Reveillark synergy is very cool, as is the ability to increase the number of counters to burn the opponent out or something. It's slow though, so very slow.

Crater Hellion: 4 damage rather than 3, guaranteed big body, but you waste a turn to keep it around. I like this for nostalgic reasons too.

Instant speed, cycling and scalable are very appealing. The rate is pretty bad, but this is for a lower power cube. Will include as wrath #3!

Earthquake: These scaling X spells are too brutal for the speed of the format I have in mind. Either it hits the control player's life to wrath or it's a Fireball late game.

Mizzium Mortars: Likely to get snagged by a non-control deck, so pass.

Sweltering Suns/Storm's Wrath: Not a fan of these early sweepers, it hits aggro too hard.

The Akroan War: Too slow to be a wrath, but could be an interesting card outside of the context.

Temporal Firestorm: Too wordy!

Ryusei, the Falling Star: Doesn't hit flyers and a 5/5 flyer is likely to be picked up for stats alone.

In White, I am a sucker for

Clean design and has good play to it. Realm-Cloaked Giant is a tempting one too, but nostalgia is important for me.

So there it is, a format exploration through all 10 guilds. This has been useful in identifying holes in certain slots. I'll be attempting to make some cuts next as the cube is definitely bloated! Suggestions are always welcome whatever they might be.