Sets (LTR) The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle Earth

I don't like, that they use these samey frames for all the UB products, where each color has the same structure. It's not like the current card frames have much color left anyway, so the structures at least helped differentiate the colors somewhat.
Don't they look metallic? It made sense in Warhammer 40K (for me at least, since I don't know much about that setting), but they look out of place in the Middle Earth. As in, they look science-fiction, not high fantasy.

Cut out the LotR theming of this card and whatever the unexplained ring temptation nonsense is and I'd be interested in trying out this card I think.
My most requested card of all time I'm so happy to get it in Middle Earth, too.

HOWEVER... "return target spell to its owner's hand" is hard to grok for casual to moderate players as a counterspell... not the ideal templating for that purpose, even if I aesthetically (and flavorfully) prefer the mechanic on a white card to be like this.
Some other cards that have caught my eye so far:

1) I hope we have a Food subtheme. C'mon, give me a Food subtheme, Wizards!

2) Depending on what it means to be tempted by the Ring... Sam looks like a really solid 2-drop.

3) I hope Tom Bombadil is a sign that we're going to have more Sagas in this set, and not just an EDH plant. I like Sagas.

Chris Taylor

I don't know enough about LotR to know if this correct or not, but I find it hilarious that Gandalf is an Avatar, but Tom is a GOD.

I'm for sure going to include Mt. Doom as one of my Rakdos duals. I'm currently playing Sulfurous Springs. Mt. Doom is about the same 80% of the time with SWEET blow-out potential 10% of the time, more than making up for the 10% of the time you really need mana without spending life.

Will you ever hit 8 mana in RB and a legendary artifact? With my 720 cube, it's more likely than all the meld pairs I spent years trying to run, and like I always say, I want folks to dream when they draft my cube. Being able to dream with a land, a card that hardly takes up a slot in either my list or your draft deck? Only one thing to say to that:

3) I hope Tom Bombadil is a sign that we're going to have more Sagas in this set, and not just an EDH plant. I like Sagas.
It would be a big miss from their part not having sagas here. Eager to see them.

I'm wondering if this is how they'll insert stories from the Silmarillion. There could be a Song of Beren and Luthien, a Sundering of Numenor, a Stealing the Silmarils--thr more I think about it the more natural it feels, especially with the recurring theme of music in the books.
One of the Commander decks is going to be called Food and Fellowship. I think we're going to be getting at least some food goodies!


And they did reveal a card from that deck already that would be somewhat interesting to me if it didn't have "Partners With":


Getting a food every turn (that sacrifices for half the normal cost!) is a forceful way to tell your drafters that it's a supported archetype and/or there's some worthwhile synergy in store. Honestly, if you have enough generic artifact support (triggers for artifacts ETB or getting sacrificed, X is the number of artifacts you control, etc.) this might get there on its own merits. A 2/4 is not the worst place in the world to start, and it technically draws you a card on ETB so......
I love the named artifacts. They are so good for the game if you ask me. Even with their Hearthstone wording sometimes. Food is also great!

And they did reveal a card from that deck already that would be somewhat interesting to me if it didn't have "Partners With":

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I like this. The keywords ‘partners with’ is not as bad as other Commander mechanics because you can use the keyword is ‘normal’ Magic also. If your cube has both cards, great! Kind of like Meld mechanic except with partners you only have to have it in the library, not battlefield. Do we know what the Frodo does?