Lets talk about some cool cards from Commander 2016.

I am not sure if I have made it clear as to how much I love cycling, as it hasn't been the discussion until this point, but having these sorts of modal cards which smooth out draws and reduce mana screw is fantastic for an environment.
This cycle was released in Commander 2016, and I would love to shape my list slightly to better fit their front-side, even if I suspect they will be cycled pretty regularly.
I have previously spoken about pushing go-wide in Red, but it may be that I can shift some of that into WR, to increase the value of the 4 fliers from Migratory Route beyond that of acting as chump blockers.
Ancient Excavation offering a way to loot your whole hand seems awesome in a format which I have already said will likely be held together by looters. While it will take a heap of mana to utilise it alongside madness cards, being able to activate delirium at instant speed, or stock up the yard for later 'spells in graveyard' or reanimation effects seems legitimate. It may be that I skew Red madness towards aggressive cards, Blue madness towards card advantage and controlling effects, and Black madness cards somewhere in the middle. In this manner, Ancient Excavation can serve as a stronger late game play where there will be mana available to cast cards discarded with Madness. There may not be the density of cards with Madness to be this picky though.
Sylvan Reclamation is just a solid effect, will likely be cycled pretty often, but is still an effect I want access to in my list. In my higher powered list I have added
Dissenter's Deliverance and
Forsake the Worldly, and in the few drafts I have had since their inclusion, they have been main-decked pretty frequently.
Grave Upheaval complements planned reanimation themes in Jund, taking advantage of Cycling creatures, though 6 mana is a lot to return a
Krosan Tusker or similar. It may be cycled more often, even if aggressive decks in those colours are unlikely to need vast quantities of mana.
Treacherous Terrain is by far the least compatible of the effects with what I am looking to do in this cube, not only costing a billion mana, but being pretty clearly targeted for multiplayer. It might be interesting to replace it with a custom that ties in a little better with the themes being explored. My current thought is something like this:

~ deals damage to target creature or player equal to the number of land cards in your graveyard.
Basic landcycling
Who knows... for now, flex slot (or
Fiery Fall)
Something interesting to consider when including these cards is the quantity of mana-fixing available, and what that will likely do for access to colours. I plan to have the following resources available to drafters for mana fixing:
Mountain/Forest/etc Cycling - from cards like
Chartooth Cougar,
Twisted Abomination,
Eternal Dragon - Combined with the typed Cycling lands from Amonkhet (
Canyon Slough, et al.), these provide a lot of access to colours.
Basic landcycling - The cards here, as well as Ash Barrens make it pretty easy to splash off of 1-2 basics.
Chromatic Stars/
Terrarions - One shot access to off-colours can help to facilitate splashing for powerful effects.
This is in addition to fixing lands, which will likely be some combination of Bicycle lands and Bounce lands.
It all adds up to a lot of access to splash colours, but I am not sure what I want to do with it yet. Powerful and splashy gold cards? Off-colour flashback effects? Do I restrain CC cards in order to allow my drafters to embrace it more, or push powerful effects in CC? Grump. Environments are difficult.