Sets (M20) Testing/Includes Thread

This is a testing/includes thread. Post pictures or a text list using /c with what cards you plan to include and what cards you plan to test.
M20 was mostly rubbish in my opinion. It really lacks the resonance a core set should have to make it new player friendly. Sure, some of the designs are simple, although there's also a number of really questionable choices such as bringing back Protection and some random wordy rares like Embodiment of Agonies... I think Wizards is going to have to re-think their approach to core sets within the next couple of years or risk alienating literally the entire playerbase save for a few EDH players.

That said, there are a couple of hits from this set.



Testing? :

Bonus: Good Reprint!!

What are your plans for this set?


Ecstatic Orb
Testing (slightly changed from my original intentions). I test almost all of my cards (in Forge) before I actually go out and buy them for my cube. I expect a lot of these will not make the cut for one reason or another, but all of these are interesting enough for me that I want to see how they play out.



Ecstatic Orb


For some reason, the fact that they printed a strictly better Voltaic Key annoys me quite a bit. I understand the need for it to have a secondary ability if it's going to be included as an uncommon but still.
I don't like the set too much, but it has quite a few hits for my wish list. Almost the opposite from MH1, which was mega cool but didn't give me as much as others. Well, here is my M20 Hitlist:

My slam dunk


I was looking many times in the past for a gold boros 2-drop that is clearly aggro but also enables a go-wide strategy. This card hits the nail on the head. It's flooding the board just at the right power level, has nice art and flavor and reads tempting for a drafter. Might stay in my cube for decades.

Three lifegain cards


Still lifegain deck is not perfect and not quite aggressive enough for my tastes, so this trio is a really welcome addition. I could see me replacing them with more flexible cards in the future, but for now we have to take what we can get. I wish that vampire bear would've lifelink permanently. I would cube a black Bishop's Soldier/Mesa Unicorn asap.

A token payoff?


Not sure if this is the one I want but it is up there for consideration at least.

A few more maayyybes in black


BfB could be a sweet blink/sacrifice outlet and Seb's art pushes it into testable.
Dread Presence could be awesome but not sure I like it over Crypt Ghast.
Vulture helps dredge and lifegain, but is probably too mediocre.

I think this does enough as a 3 mana walker to warrant some testing. I like it as a support walker for more control-y builds, something bridge the gap to the late game. It's not really that strong, but I'm always looking for new blue cards to spice things up in a color that is mostly about redundancy of effects.


The five mana slot is kind of weak for blue cards, this has quite a bit of text but I kind of like it. A 5/5 flyer is a decent body for a finisher and I like the weird die clause. I don't know if it'll stick around for the long term, but it has enough weird abilities stapled together to give it a shot.


Initially I was meh on this comparing it to Dig Through Time, but it's more like Deep Analysis or Treasure Cruise for 5 to be honest. I like it as a means to set up your big plays and to clean up the boardstate the following turn. Also, that fish on the right is definitely a penis. Like 100%.


Looks like a fairer version of Upheaval, which I've never been all that interested in. This one seems to have a little more play to it so I'll give it a try. Blue needs more finisher type cards in the late game and I think this will do the job admirably.


I'm all about this card. 4/5 is great body, Lifelink + the conditional ETB can help stabilize the board, and the death trigger can give you some sweet additional value. I don't really like the majority of current options at 5 for black so this is definitely a snap include for me. Like I've mentioned in other posts around here, I do like how the CCC costs of this cycle nudge your drafters towards playing with fewer colors in their decks and playing less greedy. They're not anywhere near as strong as Titans (which is good), but they're very comparable to the Gearhulks.


I've got Griselbrand in my list mostly as a concession to players who might want to do busted stuff every now and then, but I'm not a fan of the card in my environment. This is more my style. I like the interaction with any life loss and see this as a fairer version of Gris while still being a sizable threat and good reanimation target. The art is definitely inferior though.


I kind of like tutors for consistency in decks that are reliant on certain pieces to function, but I'm not a big fan of black's unconditional ones for the most part. This has a weird twist to it that should make it a little interesting to play with. There's more of a cost to the set up if you can't immediately gain access to the card you tutored for and your opponent gets the first look at their card.


I like this more than Polukranos, World Eater as my big green boy at 2CC. This plays better with the counters themes I've been looking to deploy, has Trample to push through damage, and can function as a mana sink/removal + body in the late game. Nice clean design. You need signposts ever so often to tie themes together and this does a good job of pointing towards counters + green ramp as potential archetypes.


Speaking of signpots, this is a snap include and the perfect B/W signpost card for my aggressive decks. I like that it's a zombie for Gravecrawler and Cryptbreaker interactions, that it also pulls double duty in a B/W Tokens list, and that it falls so early in the curve so that you can really maximize multiple triggers as the games drags on. This card is excellent.

On a side note, I'm really happy with all the zombies we've gotten up the curve in the last 3 years since Eldritch Moon was released. I finally went back through my cube binder and found a slot for Cryptbreaker this time around and I think it'll be here to stay.


I don't know if anyone will ever get to activate that ability, but I'm into a bigger Solemn Simulacrum that can tutor up my utility lands for the late game. Sweet card, I'm always down for more interesting artifact creatures to throw in.

10 is more than I was thinking I'd have to test a week ago, but seems decent for a core set. I think only 3-4 of them may stick around for the long term. I'm definitely looking forward to a break between now and the Fall set though, I'd love to finally get in a few cube sessions with everything I've added since WAR.
I intend to add these:


Below, other cards I'd be happy to test, but can't really find space at the moment and I don't want to shake things too much again (WAR and MH1 cards just got in...)

Preface: My cube is primarily black cards.


Auto include for me. This is 70% of a Dreadbore. That exiles. And scrys.


Very likely I use this. Anything that kills and ignores the yard is a good thing. I'll have to check what my removal looks like compared to this.


Currently debating if I'm going to add walkers to my cube. If I do, this will likely make it.


I want to run several of the Cavaliers, but this will be the only one I use. I support the 5-hybrid symbol black cards and don't want to see them get pushed out by another cycle. Also, triple nonblack is hard for my guys to pay.


Super dope for a semi-mild fatty. Demon <3


Biggest auto-include of my life.


Easy add to a graveyard format, I think. Scales as the game goes on and probably a beast in the self mill decks.


This guy's a big maybe. I run Vampire tribal and Haakon, though. Love the ability to scale, but not sure how efficient it's going to be.


WTF is this guy. Is he good? Does he suck? Probably too high variance, but look forward to hearing your experiences.


Fixed Victimize. Love it. Victimize is a little absurd when it really hits the full double reanimate.


The entire BW lifegain theme is on my radar. Let this be the representative for the others in the set. They're all maybes.


Lifegain triggers (if i run that theme) and trades off later. Pretty cute little package.


Early devotion count. Exile is cool. Probably try this.


I'm always interested in mild ways to control the yard. 5/5 across two bodies for 5 and an exile is alright, but this may just fall short.


I think I like the threat of this dude's attack. Terrifying to sit across from this, but doesn't wreck the board on ETB for immediate super value.


Counter target black kill spell. Draw a card. Maybe for this.


Probably grows in BG yard deck. Grabs Nykthos for those decks. Cool.


Fun to dump Nykthos mana into. Looks like a Yu-Gi-Oh card.

I don't like powerful ETBs, but may run this with no angels or dragons. ETB draw a demon.


This seems sweet.


This is just a white card with how I count things and it has two relevant creature types. Easily goes in.


Probably cool.


Relevant creature type, sweet effect, nice body. Perfect fit.


My mono black decks may have room for this. Not sure it's worth a slot, though.
Wait so you are running a mostly black cube? That is so interesting. How does that work/feel?

And what made you go into that route?
Did you already play Magic when Torment was around? :) Odyssey block was pretty wild in concept!

Since Alpha casually as a kid, since Tempest competitively and since Return to Ravnica as a casual once more :p

I will 100 % include:


I will be testing the following cards but I probably won't end up adding them:
Colossus Hammer (For another cube format)
Ancestral Blade (For another cube format)
Voracious Hunger
Drakuseth, Maw of Flames
Cavalier of Flame
Cavalier of Night
Cavalier of Gales

Why are my pictures so large compared to everyone else's?
I'll be making a post about it at some point, surely. It was a desire to have a grid draftable cube that didn't cut a color, so I wondered what would happen if I forced a color to be taken. Turned out pretty cool. Black-based makes it have a kind of scary theme automatically, which I like.

I chose black specifically because it has decent dudes through the whole curve, it can kill, it can draw, and there's more swamps-matter cards that I like than the other colors.

Post will be up when I decide that a mediocre post is acceptable and it doesn't have to be perfect.

Are Velrun's images microscopic for anyone else?
EDIT: teh lulz, forgot about them still being spoilers and therefore not in the database. Might edit it tomorrow, good night.

Will absolutely try

More growing creatures in supported colours? Count me in!

Manasinking 1drops are just beautiful. Reclaimer looks like it is what I wlways wanted from KotR to be, the Sailor is perfect for blue decks in general.
I'm not sure about the Knight, though, but I already like cards like Wolfbitten Captive so this does have a chance to stay in.

Love Vampire of the Dire Moon, a 1drop with deathtouch is playable, having lifelink makes it a possible trigger for Ajani's Pridemate and the other card listed above: Bloodthirsty Aerialist. I like that card a lot more than the aforementioned Pridemate as being a 2/3 flyer possibly growing is just such a bigger threat to deal with. The 1drop is also another card for the BW Odric, Lunarch Marshal deck I'm supporting.

Last time I checked my cube, I saw that I have WAYYY too less looting abilities. I'm still not sure about which cards make my final list, but those two will definitely be kept in mind. It really depends on the powerlevel I'm going to set it at (Merfolk Looter, Oketra's Monument, Champion of Wits, Faithless Looting, Wharf Infiltrator, Daretti, Scrap Savant etc). Looking forward to both of them.

Blue etb/blink/ninjutsu target that is evasive, a card similar to Deathreap Ritual and therefore interesting and a well-balanced looking token generator (maybe it's stronger than I think, but it's also multicolour).

Very interesting

Assault and Isolation could get interesting. Still absolutely not sure on which powerlevel I want my removal to be.
The Dragon could be interesting if I'd add more cards that put Treasures on the battlefield.
Season of Growths could get interesting if I'd implement Heroic, but guess that won't happen too soon.

Compared to other cards I already use, those could get interesting, although I find the Blade somewhat boring.
The Ambusher gets better if you have a lot of manasinks which I strongly consider for my cube. :)

If Fact or Fiction ends up being too strong, Drawn from Dreams looks like an alternative. Mayyybeee.
The Thief looks possibly weaker than Ruin Raider, which is a card I like quite a bit. Raider triggers for other creatures, Thief triggers at least once if it dies immediately to a block.

Those three are interesting and may end up being not too strong - but I doubt it. Looking forward to your folks reporting on those!

Honorable mention as I really like the design, but I don't play fetchlands in my list, so multicoloured decks might have a hard time to benefit from it.
Why are my pictures so large compared to everyone else's?
Probably the source you're getting them from. Seems like you're uploading them from your system, and they were presumably downloaded from a site at full resolution (I had the same problem with images from Scryfall). Seems like people here usually get spoiler images from mythicspoiler, so I'd recommend using image addresses from there for image inserts. :D
Yes, get in

Elvish reclaimer
When you don't play 1 drop mana elves or have green aggro (like me) then your options are fairly limited. This is a lovely add for the new subtle lands theme, but also works really well with self mill. I don't have a lot of utility lands to grab, but that's fine as a mid-game bounceland will be good, as will recurring lands from the graveyard or helping delirium along. Will replace Veteran explorer.

Glint-horn buccaneer
This was a surprise. Helps solidify discard matters into red, making discard tetra across WUBR. Having four toughness makes it a good option to help delay until plans can get into action too. Will replace recently added Mizzium tank.

Corpse knight
Lovely elegant effect. Early beats, alternative win condition. Works with tokens and self bounce. Will be fun to bring into play with Twilight's call. Going to replace Ayli, eternal pilgrim.

Tomebound lich
This seems really solid. ETB effect, good on defense, good on offence. Really helps dimir cycling along, and good in generic control versions. Have a bit of a concern that there's a too easy to draft UB cycling deck, but we'll see. Going to replace Psychatog.

Let's see how they play and see if I have room

Voracious hydra
Not a fan of Flametongues, but this is pretty inefficient in that regard. Green needs removal for the simic deck in particular, but I don't know if this is needed. Can't be reanimated to good effect which I like. Let's see.

Ancestral blade
Originally excited about this, as you can self bounce and recur it for more token advantage, and it's a decent bear. But it does feel a bit lackluster. Like to see how it plays out.

Skyknight vanguard
Really want to like this, but the attacking token is easy to deal with. Does trigger creaturefall though, and fits lovely into the curve. Most likely to be added if testing is good.

Cavalier of flame
Hits a lot of my red themes, but is a bit unsubtle. We'll see how it is in action.
Why are my pictures so large compared to everyone else's?

It's because you're attaching the images instead of using the built-in image from source button (the little picture of the tree between the button for adding video and the button for adding links).

Unfortunately, if you are on a mobile device, you cannot add pictures normally, and thus have to use attachments.
Probably the source you're getting them from. Seems like you're uploading them from your system, and they were presumably downloaded from a site at full resolution (I had the same problem with images from Scryfall). Seems like people here usually get spoiler images from mythicspoiler, so I'd recommend using image addresses from there for image inserts. :D
Are you copying them from Scryfall? Scryfall uses high-res images and they show up as huge on this site.

Okay, so after one day of playing with this guy on Arena, I'm able to confidently say that he is the Truth. Now granted, there needs to be at least a bit of density of elementals around, but the floor of 3 mana Coiling Oracle is perfectly fine. This thing with Young Peezy or Titania on board would be just disgusting, and don't even get me started with Master of Waves. Reveillark and Baby Reveillark like him coming and going. Flickerwisp gets you a trigger when it enters the battlefield, and then you can blink the Reef.