General [M25]Masters 25

For Masters sets, the EV should come from commons and uncommons. If I remember correctly, the original MMA pulled this off very well. It helps stabilize pack value, lessens the risk of opening any particular # of packs, etc.

And importantly gives them more freedom to do what they want with rare/mythics.
As someone who opened multiple laces as his rares in Unlimited, the business model for Magic has always been selling the equivalent of lottery tickets.


Ecstatic Orb
If you're concerned about EV, isn't it better to have interesting but bulk cards at mythic rather than rare? If Tree was rare, you'd open even more trees.
Oh, I'm not interested in EV, I just want cool cards. If they had reprinted Vengevine, I would have been able to buy one at a reasonable price for my cube. Heck, if they had reprinted Genesis as a mythic, I would have been able to acquire one in the new border for a dollar. Who needs Tree of Redemption? I do agree though that for a positive EV those Rishadan Ports do more for people interested in that than an expensive green mythic would have done.


Exactly, the moment you hear tree of redemption is a green mythic, you just roll your eyes with disgust and start thinking negative things about wizards.

Its as troll as printing moon lace at rare in time spiral. Masters sets are not supposed to be about troll printings or troll pack openings, by Wizards own goals for the set, but here we are..

Though this could be a funny meme for an un-set down the line. You can't be reprinting a card like that and not be self aware.
I love it when customers start believing they know more about what Magic sets are suppose to be about than Wizards of the Coast themselves ;)


You sound like you're being overly rational to win a point that dosen't seem to get us anywhere. I also don't appreciate the passive aggressive jab.

The idea of whats "iconic" is always going to be a subjective one. There is not one valid way to inteprete the meaning behind tree of redemption being printed in Iconic Masters, and this is important. That discussion matters, because if a large enough portion of the player base does not view this as an iconic card deserving of a reprint, than WOTC failed to meet their own internal goals in the one way that actually matters--customer reception. And thats a topic worth dicussing, rather than advancing positions that have a chilling affect on it.

And thats even before we get into the much more meaningful discussion as to whether its actually a good thing for the game to have a mythic slot in an expensive set given over to this card.

Anyone can create an overly rigid logical framework to justify the inclusion or exclusion of a card. That dosen't mean we shouldn't engage in critical thought to determine the veracity of that system.
I rest my case. Sometimes discussions doesn't have to lead to a common ground where everyone agrees.

I believe Wizards know what Masters 25 is suppose to be about. I could be wrong.

Grillo I personally do not appreciate the witty snappy comments and I especially do not appreciate when discussions become personal. I would advice you to refrain from being personal when trying to discuss rational subjects. Otherwise you cannot be taken serious.


Ecstatic Orb
I rest my case. Sometimes discussions doesn't have to lead to a common ground where everyone agrees.

I believe Wizards know what Masters 25 is suppose to be about. I could be wrong.

Grillo I personally do not appreciate the witty snappy comments and I especially do not appreciate when discussions become personal. I would advice you to refrain from being personal when trying to discuss rational subjects. Otherwise you cannot be taken serious.
Goodness gracious Velrun, you started that yourself here, which is exactly what Grillo called you out for.

I love it when customers start believing they know more about what Magic sets are suppose to be about than Wizards of the Coast themselves ;)

If you can't handle the snarky comments, don't start getting snarky yourself.
I guess I am in the wrong here. I did not feel like I was being personal (I was talking about the whole community as a general) but I can see your point and you have pursuaded me. I will refrain from being personal (again!) in the future.

I am sorry everyone!
The card I'm most excited about for my cube from A25 right now is the black-border reprint of Hell's Caretaker with the sweet new art and rules templating.


Ecstatic Orb
I couldn't care less about the watermark, but I'm always interested in seeing what cards get reprinted. They are reprinting a minimum of one card for each set ever this time! Since I'm trying to update everything to the new border eventually, these are my biggest hopes:

That would at least let me replace all pre-8th edition borders! :)

Only Mana Tithe and Psychatog are still live. The rest is out based on the number crunch and/or rarity. :(

Chris Taylor


Now that the entire Masters 25 has been spoiled, which cards are you guys going to pick up and why?

For me these are the ones:
Disenchant For the new art.
Squadron Hawk Because I want one in every version and my cube runs several.
Brainstorm Because I like the art and my cube runs several.
Unearth because the new art and flavor text is awesome! New card frame is nice too.
Ash Barrens Because I want it in foil.
Rishadan Port Because I do not already own it in foil and I my guess is this one will be easier to optain compared to the Judge promo version with the same set and I like the Mercadian watermark stamp which the Judge version do not have.

Maybe also Coalition Relic. Can’t really figure out if I like the modern art quality more than I dislike the zoomed out capture.

Sundering Titan’s new art is incredible but I no longer run such cards in my cube.