General Magic World Championship XXVI

1 day late reminder but here goes:

The 26’th version of the world championship of Magic: the Gathering is going on right now in Hawaii. The top 16 players of the world battle for a 1’st prize of 300.000 US Dollars and the title of world champion.


The tournament is on day 2

You can watch all of the tournament on various places like Day[9]’s Twitch channel or on the official MtG Twitch channel here:

Enjoy <3


Ecstatic Orb

Nice and aggressive beater that fits really well into heroic and spells matter decks.

Superb value for money. The adventure feels like an upgrade over Magma Jet, since it always draws you a painful to remove, hard hitting three drop, rather than scrying for two cards.

Tested this extensively, but decided against including it. Embercleave is so fricking swingy, and it's really, really hard to defend against, since it comes down at instant speed.

Nice and aggressive three drop. Feels like a fairer version of Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin, Goblin Rabblemaster and Hanweir Garrison, which would be your typical go to's for this kind of effect. I might cut it for Anax, Hardened in the Forge, though, since I'm still looking for room to put that one in.

Tested a bit with this, and it largely plays the same as The Eldest Reborn, which is to say it's a pretty solid card, but not backbreaking in cube.

Posted somewhere else that I'm replacing my one mana cantrips in blue for this, Medomai's Prophecy, and some other options. Great smoother!

Tested this and am looking for room to put this in. Feels like a better Wall of Omens a lot of the time, because drawing mana is exactly what you want to be doing in most control decks ob turn 2.

Solid removal spell that synergizes nicely with the historic subtheme I run in white.


Ecstatic Orb
Warning, I'm spoiling the winner here :)

Oh man, I didn't have time to watch the finals, but I'm really happy for PVDDR that he got there. The title couldn't have gone to a nicer or more deserving guy imo. Paulo has been a consistent positive force in MtG for years and years on end, and I really like how he spreads the message of how being a decent human being is just as important as getting results.