Card/Deck Mana rocks / Colourless mana fixing

Chris Taylor

My main issue with Wildfire is that you need to devote a lot of space to mana rocks to support the deck, because you can count on U/x control nabbing some number of them every draft. I think the number somebody came up with is 12 in a 450 - or was it 14? I forget - which is a higher density than I'm comfortable running. I have 6 in 360 right now, which feels about right for my environment.

You can make this a little more paletable by making some of the rocks 3CC or higher. Control decks don't really want much outside signets because their turn 4 is important, but wildfire decks are fine with something like vessel of endless rest.
They deserve better, which is why mine are custom, but you get the idea :p

Honestly my density of artifacts is super low while rocks is super high because I don't run much else, artifact wise. 44/450 colorless cards, which includes all the wastelands/mana confluences/mutavaults/equipment/shitty shitty artifact creatures
I have traditionally played without mana rocks in my cube, but this weekend I'm planning to them out, because I bought the new FTV, and I just want to at least get a feel for the wildfire/burning of xineye and upheavel. The compromise I'm planning on trying is only colorless mana (other than sphere of the suns) at 2 CMC, and colored rocks at 3.

Chris Taylor

I have traditionally played without mana rocks in my cube, but this weekend I'm planning to them out, because I bought the new FTV, and I just want to at least get a feel for the wildfire/burning of xineye and upheavel. The compromise I'm planning on trying is only colorless mana (other than sphere of the suns) at 2 CMC, and colored rocks at 3.

Nice! I highly recommend it. Somewhat affected by the 4cc sweepers you run: Wrath of God is more affected by this change than hallowed burial is, for example.