Chris Taylor
My main issue with Wildfire is that you need to devote a lot of space to mana rocks to support the deck, because you can count on U/x control nabbing some number of them every draft. I think the number somebody came up with is 12 in a 450 - or was it 14? I forget - which is a higher density than I'm comfortable running. I have 6 in 360 right now, which feels about right for my environment.
You can make this a little more paletable by making some of the rocks 3CC or higher. Control decks don't really want much outside signets because their turn 4 is important, but wildfire decks are fine with something like vessel of endless rest.
They deserve better, which is why mine are custom, but you get the idea
Honestly my density of artifacts is super low while rocks is super high because I don't run much else, artifact wise. 44/450 colorless cards, which includes all the wastelands/mana confluences/mutavaults/equipment/shitty shitty artifact creatures