Most of the set (~35 cards) were leaked today from a YouTube video (Imgur album here) where some dude thought he was buying a MOM CE box but it was for Aftermath instead. Looks like he'll be opening another soon, so we'll likely have the full spoiler shortly. Kind of disappointing for it to happen this way from a storytelling POV, but I'm excited to dig into the cards since I have family over this week and had to miss pre-release/drafts/arena play and will have to miss release weekend as well, so I'm eager for bite-sized Magic experiences.
For the sake of anyone waiting for the proper spoiler season, I'll put the cards I find interesting in spoilers below.
A two-colored Goro-Goro and Satoru-style haste-lover. I'm very excited to run this alongside Ardoz, Cobbler of War if I can find room in Gruul.
It's a 2/2 that'll usually enter as a 3/3, has the right kind of incidental gravehate/synergy for GY decks, and can do silly things. Not sure I strongly prefer it to any of my other black 3s but this is a fun effect and it's the best version of this kind of card yet imo.
These are just neat, no immediate plans for testing though:
For the sake of anyone waiting for the proper spoiler season, I'll put the cards I find interesting in spoilers below.
A two-colored Goro-Goro and Satoru-style haste-lover. I'm very excited to run this alongside Ardoz, Cobbler of War if I can find room in Gruul.
It's a 2/2 that'll usually enter as a 3/3, has the right kind of incidental gravehate/synergy for GY decks, and can do silly things. Not sure I strongly prefer it to any of my other black 3s but this is a fun effect and it's the best version of this kind of card yet imo.
These are just neat, no immediate plans for testing though:
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