Cube for Cube League theorycrafting and brainstorming #1:
If most of the cards in a cube can be played at multiple points on the curve to help minimize land-related-variance, does that actually play well?
Ie. Bestow, Cycling, (Multi-)Kicker, Flashback, Madness, pitch spells, Transmute, Forecast, Dredge, Retrace, Buyback, Landfall (to a lesser extent), etc.
Also cheap spells that have lategame relevance; Ponder/Preordain/Brainstorm, removal, evasive dudes, charms, looters, Scavenge, etc. Cheap creatures with activated abilities.
Pretty much if all of your cards give you the option to do something with them when you are mana-light and can still be mana sinks when you flood, does the quality of gameplay improve? Or do the games suck because we have a bunch of inefficient spells/creatures? Density of meaningful decisions vs. having a bunch of meaningless decisions, flexibility vs. efficiency, cards that are good vs. cards that suck but have a lot of keywords, etc.
Aka how much durdling can you disguise via sheer velocity before people catch on?? What does an aggressive deck look like in this context?
This was an idea I've been poking at for a while but the recent discussion on lands/variance makes me want to try it out sooner rather than later. Starting with Pauper (maybe Peasant) mostly because it's for a cheap cube to leave at the LGS for our upcoming Cube League... would be interesting to think it through with a larger card pool.