General MODO draft my Cube - Saturday the 14th Nov, noon PST

I'll be hosting the draft and doing a bunch of the behind-the-scenes logistics; we'll use MTGO, Skype and Google Docs for the draft itself. If for some reason I can't get all the digital cards for my cube together in time we'll draft Jason's cube again.

Here's my cube on Cubetutor and my ULD binder. See also these tips for using MODO better. PST is GMT-8, or "Pacific Time". Convert accordingly.

I think the best timing for this internationally is probably afternoon NA / evening EUR / morning AUS; I think that because I'm going to IKEA in the morning. I'm open to switching up the exact hour based on the draft crew's availability. This isn't that much notice so I'd be down to move this to next week also. Reply if you're interested and want a spot.

1. safra
2. James Stevenson


I can show for this but will have to dip out after about 3-4 hours as I'm hosting an IRL draft!
I've never tried MODO and don't really have time to learn this weekend, but if you guys stream I'll def watch on the side while finishing up work. Last one was pretty fun with all the commentary.


Staff member
I never do anything Sunday mornings (I believe this is 6am for me (AEST)), so I am game either this week or next.
Okay, we're at a tentative six and a definite two. Let's move this to next Saturday the 14th at the same time; can a mod change the post title?


I'm a yes for tomorrow! Anything else I need to know or have set up besides what is in the top post? Are folks streaming these?
Someone stream, I will tune in and watch while finishing up work. Entertain me please.

I'm a yes for tomorrow! Anything else I need to know or have set up besides what is in the top post? Are folks streaming these?
I can't stream or record anything unfortunately but if anyone else has a strong enough computer to record and play MTGO at the same time, I can talk them through setting up video. Obviously someone who's done it before is probably better.

You should be in the RipLab Skype group (and possibly MTGO clan?), and I'll do pairings manually.

Two more slots left - anyone else interested?


Staff member
I would stream if my upload speed was faster than a drugged tortoise. I may be able to setup a recording to watch later though. I'll see how I go.


Hard to test stream myself but it seemed okay, possibly a little choppy. We'll give it a go and I can always tweak settings to get it dialed in down the road.
Also Aoret on modo and friended most of you guys already. Whoever can, add me to the RL clan.
Aoret_ on skype.