Haven't been able to cube this year since I moved to a new country and haven't been able to have enough time to both meet a critical mass of new Magic players here who I'm comfortable bringing into my home with my children AND having a free day to host (I'm pretty close though, the second thing has finally become the real barrier) but I've been drafting my cube a bit more on CubeCobra now that the draft actually seems to work now, and I've got a couple findings from MOM cards.
For context,
I've now added 32 cards from MOM and MOC to my list (even if the basic land box received zero updates), and I'm very, very happy with the set overall, but here are some observations I've made doing mock drafts, backed up by a reasonably healthy amount of Arena drafts as well.
Invasion of Gobakhan feels like it doesn't have a place in any decks. The only times I've drafted it, I've found I'd rather just have another two drop. Targeted discard for 2 feels tough, and as good as the backside is, it feels fair? It's still a huge amount of value for 2 mana overall, and so many of my other 2-drops have 3 power so it's not a terrible sacrifice to send one guy in to the battle to clear it early game, but I'm really curious what y'all think because I don't want to run singleton battle and I conceptually like this card.
Rona, Herald of Invasion is my favorite card of the set, and she delivers. What a delightful way to have a
Phyrexian Negator reference in the list, improving on two classic favorite cards in one!

I really like
Vorinclex. It's making me reconsider
Elesh Norn, since I've already accepted the unnecessary complexity that comes with these cards, who I would be 70% on-board with just for the taxing front side.
I like my green 5 and 6 drops to be answerable since it's so easy to get there in my list, relegating things like
Carnage Tyrant and
Thrun, Breaker of Silence to the abyss of the "on-deck" binder. But I still want them to be beefy and fun! I'm thrilled to have a must-answer 5-drop in the deck that's still planning to make the biggest X-spell you've ever seen, and that actively ramps you up to it. Great art, the thrill of the backside - it's a dramatic card that feels
Polukranos Reborn is again doing the Rona (not that 'Rona...the legendary one) thing of allowing for a "museum of Magic" without the baggage of Wurmcoil proper. Now...I still run Wurmcoil, against my better judgement, because my playgroup
literally outvoted me and said they're ok with the disproportionate power of the card, but having a second version of the effect stapled onto a fun mono-green nudge? That's nice.
My original list back in 2013 ran
Leatherback Baloth for a hot second, and tried out
Steel Leaf Champion for a year or so (the sick promo one, don't worry). I even considered
Old-Growth Troll seriously, even with its unpleasant inelegance. The problem with

as a mana cost is the difficulty in justifying it as a card you play later than turn 2/3. However, good ol' Polukranos avoids this issue with the combination of even higher stats
and a terrifying backside, cutting down on feelbad potential. I think this one is a keeper as long as my cube is large.
Ghalta and Mavren works as a fair
Craterhoof Behemoth replacement in an elfball deck or as the impressive curve-topper of a Bant midrange value-pile. It does pass the Vindicate test, even if just barely, and then it's a 12/12 trample! Silly card. I don't think it's the most competitive card for Selesnya by any stretch, but it's a fun card that vibes well with my cube.
Pile On has been boring and disappointing. I think I'll just go back to
Snuff Out in this ever-rotating removal slot.

If you haven't picked up
Guardian Scalelord yet, you're going to want to do so right away. In EDH,
Sun Titan is white's most-played creature for a reason, and I think this might be the coolest white card at 5 MV or higher printed in a long time. Very fun card.

I've been constantly looking for creatures for my colorless section that do interesting things, and it's been hard to find artifact creatures I like. Well, my issue is going to continue. I've yet to draft a deck that's terribly interested in this. I had been pretty well hyped by this during spoilers, but I'm interested to know if anyone else has tried this out and actually gotten some reps in yet.
Other brief over/underperformers:
Death-Greeter's Champion
Chrome Host Seedshark
Norn's Inquisitor
Chivalric Alliance
Hoarding Broodlord
Kroxa and Kunoros
Atraxa's Fall -
Omen Hawker -
Not surprising!!
Still paying attention to
Exsanguinator Cavalry and
Bloodfeather Phoenix if anyone has experience with those as well. Like 'em but don't know what to think yet!