"Mono" Green Cube

The other night I saw Klug post a picture of a draft he did with a "mono" green cube where every card had green in its mana cost or was colorless, and the same thing went for the lands. Alas there was no list for this awesome sounding cube anywhere. So I decided to start working on one. I'd love for you guys to check it out let me know what looks bad, what looks good, what I've missed etc. etc. I'm thinking I'll try to use elf tribal as the aggro/comboish part of the cube as well as have a graveyard deck available. Here is where I'm at so far.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
So, this may sound dumb, but, how do you, uh, build a cube around the least interactive color in Magic? Like what are the design philosophies here?

Jason Waddell

Staff member
On a related note, I don't see why people are open to either "power max" cubes or complete gimmick cubes like 1-drop cubes or monoblue, but not things that just come at it from a legit design standpoint. Sorry to derail this, Ryan. :p
It looks interesting and I'll take a proper look at it later, but just to note Klug said on twitter that the list would be online later this week at some point.
I've tried an esper artifact cube that was really fun to draft, alas, I've only tried it on cubetutor, but it looked fun. I like gimmick-y cubes.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I've tried an esper artifact cube that was really fun to draft, alas, I've only tried it on cubetutor, but it looked fun. I like gimmick-y cubes.

Yeah, I like them too, just to be clear. :) Always fun to see people explore new design space.
So, this may sound dumb, but, how do you, uh, build a cube around the least interactive color in Magic? Like what are the design philosophies here?

In what ways is green the least interactive color in magic? It does so much more than just ramp, fix, and cast fatties. It supports aggro, combo, land strategies, graveyard strategies. All seems quite interactive to me. I think that green normally just gets relegated to the same roles in every cube because that's what it does best but most certainly not all it does. I really like the idea of exploring all that green is capable of outside of a normal cube and without all the hyper efficient spells of the rest of the colors. The dynamics of the games you play change so much when all of a sudden you don't have things like Doom Blade and Mana Leak. The actual combat step matters so much more here than in a typical cube. I also don't really think of this as a gimmick cube. To me gimmick cubes are things like junk rare cubes.

Okay, thoughts:
Natural Order is just hilarious, Tromp the Domains is just Cruel
Is impromptu Raid good?
Hilarious as in too good? Cruel as in the spell or the adjective? As for Impromptu Raid it's likely not that good but I was looking at it as a more balanced Sneak Attack as well as a graveyard enabler. I'm still just kind of spit balling at this point trying to figure out all the working pieces that will make for a good balanced and fun environment.

Chris Taylor

Natural Order is certainly dangerous in a format without doom blade. Probably fine though.
Tromp is just funny. It's probably good, but the thought of a card in a mono green cube encouraging 5 color just makes me laugh, weather it works or not :p
Yeah Natural Order is a card I'll keep my eye in for sure but I like to have a couple villans. I figure Tromp winds up being a good finisher for a more control style deck. Splash some removal make some tokens cast Tromp kill opponent haha
Have you tested this yet? I'd like to hear how it played out. I did a couple CubeTutor drafts, and Rofellos, Primal Bellow, and Wurmcoil Engine seem heads above the other cards. (Only theoretically for Bellow and Wurmcoil) You mentioned that you like having villains, so these are all cards to watch.
Some ideas... They do unique things, but may not all be good for the environment. There are a surprising number of evasive creatures in green.
Ghave, Guru of Spores
Silhana Ledgewalker
Hero of Leina Tower
Somberwald Dryad
Garruk's Packleader
One Dozen Eyes
Garruk's Packleader is a super sweet one. Seeing One Dozen Eyes reminded me of this gem

Unfortunately I don't have this together quite yet. I'm between jobs so funds are strapped a little tight but I've been working on trading for stuff here and there. I'm hoping to have this together soon just wanted to try and get a solid list into place first

Chris Taylor

Oh man beacon brings back memories. How I want that card to say "land" instead of "forest" :p

I hate to be that guy, but have you considered proxies?
I don't mind proxies but there's something that rubs me the wrong way about printing off an Elves of Deep Shadow