General Most Satisfying Finishers

Jason Waddell

Staff member
What cards are your favorite closers? Most fun to win the game with? Or make you happy because you had to satisfy some deckbuilding requirements to get them to work?

Make it rain card images.
Rev is the same style of finisher as Upheaval, at a more fair power level. It doesn't win you the game, but it resolving increasing your odds of winning by a major-to-tremendous margin, regardless of some specific combo with the draw effect.

Makes me think of

How would you rank the following for control/spells matter?
Rise from the Tides, Mizzix's Mastery, Spelltwine

It seems like Mastery is nearly strictly better than Spelltwine while Rise from the Tides hits the spot from a different angle.
In the same vein of Rise, there's a finisher called Spider Spawning and an easier to handle/interact with in the form of Kessig Cagebreakers, which on the other hand both scale up very fast. How do these finishers play out for you? atm I have them all sleeved up, but didn't play with Rise and Cagebreakers and am asking myself if all three of them could coexist in the very same cube as I'm very unsure about their respective power level.
I'm also interested in making the Baron deck work at a higher power. I really, really wish there was a higher power version of Epitaph Golem available (aside from Elixir, which I run), because I'm fascinated with the idea of your deck getting marginally better and better as the game goes long. We could go with self-mill > reshuffle, possibly also including Labman as an alt wincon? Another wishlist: Perpetual Timepiece that sacs instead of exiles, leaving it in the yard before its shuffle effect goes off.

How is field of souls?

tbqh I have the most experience with it in EMA, which I drafted an unhealthy amount online (really enjoyed that format and performed very well with it, and it was a top contributor in my decision to power down my list). That said, I found it to be an excellent inevitability engine, and for cube I would assume it probably compares favorably to Teysa, Orzhov Scion, which has always been one of my multicolor pet cards. The only reason I haven't tested it in my list so far is that {W}{B} already does aristocrats a little too well, and this would just cement the pair's power level too high for my tastes. It's very high on my list of white includes though, and I'd love to see how it performs outside of EMA.
I'd rather sacrifice recurrable threats to get a token and draw a card every turn. :>
Requiem Angel looks like an alternative that costs more and is easier to remove but also a hard-hitting threat on its own.


Ecstatic Orb
Your enablers need to be cheaper than Smokestack and Braids, in my experience, to be reliably useable. You want to get your stax pieces online as early as possible, and if you have to wait for your six drop to be able to grind out your opponent, you're already too late. A card I really liked as an enabler is:

Dear RavenbornMuse
How are finding Platinum Angel? Is it frustrating for the Dimir player that he has a hard time dealing with it or does the 4 flying power finish the game fast enough anyways? How much removal are you running? How much cheat are you running?