General Most Satisfying Finishers

Ulvenwald Mysteries is a value engine as long as you're slamming creatures onto the table while being able to pay the mana to crack Clues, which usually isn't a problem for green decks. In other words, it's easier splashable and playable in more kinds of decks than stockpile. Yes, the 'pile is a possible sac outlet, but I'd rather play generally playable sac outlets and generally playable cards that profit from sac outlets (so you can combine them to great effect) than playing a quite narrow multicolour card that depends on 'combo pieces' that die easily, and do also work well with the Mysteries, too.

EDIT: what about the following two cards as finishers? has anybody tested them? especially Rising is something I find quite interesting.



Ecstatic Orb
I think the idea with Stockpile is that paired with Braids you'll never run out of fuel.

This. Hidden Stockpile as a sac outlet is a worse card than other options like Evolutionary Leap. It is much better than most options when paired with other cards that require you to sacrifice stuff, like Braids, Cabal Minion and Smokestack. The main attraction of Stockpile is the revolt effect, not the sac ability.

Re: Curse of Stalked Prey is a bit too much for my liking. I once put it in with the idea that it was a "fixed" Curse of Predation, but Curse of Stalked Prey can get out of hand just as fast, even if it's a little bit harder to get going. The problem is mainly that it snowballs out of control when your opponent effectively can't block for a turn.

Demonic Rising looks fun! No idea how good it is, but I assume it ranges anywhere from poor to good depending how many creatures your deck can put out vs how many it can keep on the table?
Dear RavenbornMuse
How are finding Platinum Angel? Is it frustrating for the Dimir player that he has a hard time dealing with it or does the 4 flying power finish the game fast enough anyways? How much removal are you running? How much cheat are you running?

I run Angel as well as a Tinker/Ramp target and I like it being able to punish removal-light decks while giving some time to find an answer with only 4 power. Dies to twice the removal a normal creature would, so the unraceability is balanced, I think.