Article One Card a Day


Ecstatic Orb
I had some catching up to do, but I echo Nemo's sentiment.

Don't dismiss this card without testing it a few times. After I caved and included it for lack of a better discard payoff, I was pleasantly surprised by how quickly this can become lethal. I've had matches where it outshined Drake Haven, and that may be my favourite discard payoff! People often underestimate it too, only to lose to a 12 point life swing after only three discards.
Interesting. I was thinking of testing From Under the Floorboards instead because of the zombies and lifegain bridge. Maybe I'll try them both. Thanks for the suggestion!

On another note, I realized I can't keep up 1 post every day now that I'm back to work, but I can probably do 1 every 2 days.
Thanks! I intend to write a post for each evergreen keyword (first time I went forward and assigned some themes to certain appropriate cards before getting to them) and its role.

I had depleted my backlog to the bone, today I sat down and wrote a couple of posts to refill it.