Dom Harvey
Bombardment is the high-variance pick, Guide is the best pick
I don't know whetheron Clique is more committing than the off-colour activations on Tasigur. He is effectively a two-colour card, although you have a choice of which other colour.
I also wouldn't pick him with the primary plan of UB or GB. I think they're both fine colour combinations both for Tasigur specifically and in general.
E: for the record I'd take Clique I think for the reasons it's (usually?) cheaper, I think it's less committal, and I prefer blue flash style decks to Bx grind decks.
I hate having too many of these 3cc or less safe blue card first picks stifling packs.
Which other ones do you have?
I think trying to get people to take the "interesting" pick over the "safe" pick P1P1 is very difficult because one of the features of a good first pick is flexibility or "safeness". Trying to "put people on a potentially interesting draft path" is always going to be hard because those picks are inherently more risky as there is a higher chance you get cut off.
I think what this boils down to is wanting to push people towards synergy over power, which is not in itself a bad thing, but P1P1 I'm always going for power.
I love Hidden Stockpile and was about to pick it, but then I saw Rise from the Tides. Rise is my jam, I have so much love for that card!
I've got one from my cube that came the up on CubeTutor:
Remember that you get a free Arcane Sanctum with Sen Triplets and a free Sandsteppe Citadel with Karador,
I'ld pick Karador, because I really like the kind of grindy recursion deck he goes in. Plus, hey, free mana fixing!
I would also pick Sneak Attack, usually, but there is also a Show and Tell, so it's possible that I would fight for cards for this kind of deck. So maybe, I would juts pick something like Abrade or Arid Mesa for a safe pick, waiting for the startegy that's open.