One Pack One Pick (p1p1 thread)

Here's a pack from Laz's "Draw-A-Card" cube, also known as the Lucre Cube, also known as one of my favorite Riptide cubes:

My first pick is Corpse Dance, followed by ALL THE CYCLING CREATURES MUWAHAHAHA

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
pick demonic pact without even looking at the rest of the cards

So I drafted the other day and there was a demonic pact floating around the table at the end, and I was like "oooh this card is so cool", and my magic friends, being clever magic chaps like all magic chaps, pointed out to me that it's actually terrible. What's the word around here?
I love Pact. Any color combination except BR can mitigate its drawback (blue can bounce it, green can kill it, white can do both), making it a slow 5-for-2. It can function as setup for your Gary, reach for your aggro deck, or continuous advantage for your control deck.
That said I've never actually played it.


Ecstatic Orb
Card is awesome if supported. There have to be enough safeguards (bounce in blue, enchantment removal in green/white, self-bounce/blink in white/blue) in the environment to not die to it every time you can't win in three turns.
Time for a new pack! This one is from Raveborn's cube:

My first-first pick is Jace because wooooooooooow Jace is fun. For me. But I could see myself feeling green and picking up CoCo or E-Wit.
Slam pick E-Wit, reconsider briefly when I notice CoCo in the pack, stay with the Witness. Lingering Souls is also very appealing.
Since my new cube is finally draftable on CT (though not hardly finished), here's a pack from it:

My first pick is probably the Metamorph or Pact.

Chris Taylor

I think in that pack I'm on pocket the temple garden and run out of the store :p Oh expeditions. I love that you're the default art now

I keed I keed.
Yeah I think I'm on metamorph too. There's good cards there, but even in the deck they're designed for, metamorph is probably better. Like I like Berserk and Genju of the Spires (Especially together), but even in RG aggro I still probably want metamorph over either of those cards :p
Then again, in this cube, metamorph has a best-case of, like, serenity/aethersnipe/zombie mike/conqmanti/terrasty/scuttling, and an average case of murderous redcap... So while it is a super-safe pick, it doesnt really break anything.
Okay, for this pack, what's everyone's SECOND pick?