Peasentish Cube influenced by the RiptideCube

Hi Guys,
my name is Martin (or Modin) and I've been lurking around these forums for some weeks now. I really enjoyed the card suggestions/discussion as well as the random bullshitting going on. :D
So I decided to post my cube here and ask what you think of it.
It's mainly consisting of commons and uncommons as I was trying to get the most out of my money. Therefore the power level is more on the lower end and all the rares I included are supposed to be of about equal power as the uncommons.

I've recently reworked some of the stuff to have my cube support the following themes:

  • Madness and what goes with it (discard outlets, flashback cards, ...)
  • Sacrifice + Morbid
  • Lifegain/Payment of life
  • Tokens (might be a bit to powerfull right now)
  • Reanimation (the thing about reanimation at my powerlevel is that there aren't many proper targets for the classic "game ending fatty"-ranimator style deck so its more like value~graveyard~recursion)
Also some of the cards are just pet cards or supposed to create fun mini-games like flip the Bushi Tenderfoot. My playgroup consists of mostly casual players and I haven't drafted the cube in this exact configuration yet, but as soon as I have done that I'll add some updates on how it runs.
What I am looking for is cheap rares that could add to the themes of my cube and diversify the experience without dominating the draft. Regarding the mana base: my players aren't at all into playing with proxies which is why I've edited the fetchlands so that they are now able to fetch Guildgates(as if they had a basic land type). That's kinda it, I am eagerly waiting for your thoughts on my cube :)

EDIT: Almost forgot to post the list...


It seemed reasonable to me

I liked the way the pay life reanimation spells worked with pelakka wurm, as well as the way the triple green helped push it as a reanimation target. Fixing seemed good as well, and I liked the somewhat lower power removal package (as would be typical for me), but I would have liked to have had access to a blue sac. outlet like stitcher's apprentice. I can understand why you wouldn't though, as you have 3 colorless sac. outlets. I really liked the conditions you put on your mass removal package.

Where you doubled up on cards it felt natural and flowed with the draft, and overall I loved the access to flashback cards. I felt like I was building a deck and not just picking cards randomly. The madness cards also didn't feel poisonous, which surprised me.

The curve did feel a little high, and well I liked the deck and felt like it would shift rolls well, I wasn't sure if there were enough options for early pressure. You do have a lot of token makers, and though I was able to draft wonder, ray of command, and gigadrowse, I feel the deck would have been better rounded with access to something like silent departure or other flashback bounce to help keep the tempo up.

I think kird ape may be too narrow in this list to warrant its slot as a red card, and maybe should be moved to the gruul section.
Thanks for all the thoughts and suggestions :D
Silent Departure is definately coming in.
I would have liked to have had access to a blue sac. outlet like stitcher's apprentice.
I'll look into that, black and red already have sac. outlets so changing one from colorless to blue shouldn't have to big of an impact on the other colors.
The curve did feel a little high, and well I liked the deck and felt like it would shift rolls well, I wasn't sure if there were enough options for early pressure.
I'm not sure if the curve alone is the issue. Comparing my Cube to Jason's it looks like the mana costs alone are fine. (Jason got 70 1-mana, 76 2-mana, 72 3-mana things while my cube has 76/84/74). The problem might be that those cards aren't always that castable on turn 1, 2 or 3 OR that the quality of the lower costed cards is not that desirable.
Curse of Shallow Graves, Goblin Trenches, and to a lesser extent Shrine of Burning Rage were all a little too powerful and not fun enough for either player, so I ended up cutting them from my peasant cube. They tend to take over really fast and, barring immediate enchantment/artifact hate, singlehandedly won games in that unpleasant sort of way that Pack Rat did in RTR limited.

How have they been for you?

I have only tested Curse of Shallow Graves because the other cards weren't drafted yet. In the games Curse was played it wasn't really an issue as I've experienced it coming down rather late and requiring a possible attack. I've not seen games being dominated by it yet. That being siad I can see Trenches being a problem as it is kinda like a better Cenn's Enlistment which is already quite powerful, also I am rather thinking of cutting some token generators as too many of them they tend to drag out the games/fill up the board a little to much.
I can see Shrine of Burning Rage being an issue but I kinda included it to give aggro some inevitability, it's quite likely that the card is too strong though.

Things I'm thinking about:
  1. Would it be good to add higher qualitiy low drops? (possibly by adding weaker rares)
  2. Which token cards to cut (probably the trenches)
  3. Finding a theme for Boros
  4. I've recently found Nemsis of Mortals to be an awesome card and Satyr Wayfinder's selfmill to provide some fun interactions with my cube. (Milling Wonder or Flashback cards)


I'm not sure if the curve alone is the issue. Comparing my Cube to Jason's it looks like the mana costs alone are fine. (Jason got 70 1-mana, 76 2-mana, 72 3-mana things while my cube has 76/84/74). The problem might be that those cards aren't always that castable on turn 1, 2 or 3 OR that the quality of the lower costed cards is not that desirable.

You could be right about that. Part of it too could be a player expectation issue on my end. When I see a large number of flashback cards, it makes me excited to draft aggro, since flashback provides a source of card advantage for aggro decks to compete with into the mid and late game.

I also went into the draft with the preconceived notion that the "aggro" colors would be white, black, and red, with lots of singleton breaking to emphasis the more powerful, but more narrow, aggro cards. Your one drop section seems a lot more nuanced, with a fair number of utility creatures, which I am sure is fine. If you have more casual players, they might not even like you adding a bunch of aggressive one drops.