General Pick 3: Cards Since Battle for Zendikar


Staff member
There was one card I was going to suggest since I am in love with it as much as Aston and Oketra's Monument, but Vince already beat me to it:

This card has been a fixture of standard, pauper and cube since it was printed for me, even though it took a little bit for me to recognise it's potential.
Can chip in early, is a decent chump blocker, is decent to flicker, is a human, includes artifact synergy and draws you a card.
There is no opportunity cost to this card. It is just purely great value. Would never cut.

So instead let's go with 3 cards that haven't been mentioned:

This is a great card that helps filter in the early game while leaving a roadblock in the way to becoming a 4/4 Thoughtflare when you flood out.
Having cards that do multiple things means there are less non-games, which is what we all want right?

The Bi-Cycle lands have been decent. The biggest issue is that they don't have the full cycle yet (just allied colours). I think I like these slightly less than the scry lands but making them fetchable and people liking land-based cards more (see The Gitrog Monster) have seen these slot into the cubes I run.

This card is hilarious. I have really enjoyed the mini-game it makes (I don't want to get hit for another one to appear) and was worth swapping bonesplitter over to this.
Picking my three favorites that I haven't seen yet.

Exactly the protection I was looking for.

We finally got a storm spell powerful enough for cubes that don't want to be all in on storm.

We finally got a balanced and genuinely fun sword.
Including commander and un products, I'll add in

Artifact synergy. Cute. Funny and good ability. What's not to love.

This entire cycle is pretty neat. This one can dig really deep, and fixing is great for UB

And then I'll throw in

Great taxation effect on a very solid body. And incredible art

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
Big up the route of four birds!

The art's pretty cool.