Rasmus builds a medium power cube

So I made some changes to try support GR slow decks even more (plus bonus cards);

Hopefully this should give some more angles to drafting control decks, and more card advantage in green. Cut out lightning bolt and some other instant speed burn in place for the new red cards.
Me gusta. I'm wondering, what motivated you to finally decide on Seasons Past as "big noncreature green spell"?

Oh I just think it's a really cool card. I've noticed that I usually end up with a bunch of cards in my graveyard, and seasons past rewards playing a good curve. It can grab a full fist of cards in the late game, especially if you're running some 7 and 8 mana cards. It's also pretty straightforward, which is something I really appreciate in a card.
Both of those decks look like a lot of fun. How is Purphoros? I’ve thought about adding it as a rector target.

Purphoros I think plays like a sort of combo enchantment, he hasn't really been in any other deck but this token one, where the likelihood of him getting devotion is pretty low. The 2 dmg per etb is a lot though, so in the token deck he enables some reach when token makers have been outmatched by beefier bodies.

If it's a target for Rector it would probably have to be followed up with some bodies and or devotion? Seems maybe narrow as a target, but as long as you have bodies to put into play Purphoros is really good.
Purpheros is very strong. I think it'd be a good rector target, you have sac effects for the rector which overlaps with the tokens you want for purpheros. Look how sick it is with goblin trenches, way strong.

Rasmus, are you still aiming for low power? I know power is subjective but there are quite a lot of cards I'd consider high power in your list, purpheros being one of them.
I would consider the cube "medium power" in that I'm trying to tone it down somewhat, but not all the way down to low power. The title is a bit misleading in that way! I'm quite happy with the power level across the cards.
Purpheros is very strong. I think it'd be a good rector target, you have sac effects for the rector which overlaps with the tokens you want for purpheros. Look how sick it is with goblin trenches, way strong.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Academy Rector already has a lot of interactions with black and green...I'd love to incorporate red some more.

BTW, I really resent how all of the cool red 4 drops I want to play have 3 mana activated abilities
