I finally got over my "writer's block" and was able to be a little satisfied with something I threw into cubetutor. I'm looking for help identifying the following things before I take this to my group for testing if anyone has an abundance of time.
- Overpowered Cards
- Underpowered Cards
- Cards that don't make sense in the context of this cube
- Undersupported Themes
- Spicy Cards for Consideration
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Philosophy: Delude myself into thinking this is a low powered list when it's actually not. Try not to go too deep down the rabbit hole on weird archetypes. Try to include iconic and recognizable cards. Mana base of Shocks, Checks, Bouncelands, and Filters positively reminds of both Ravnica Block Standard formats. Be mindful of blue card draw spells so
Faithless Looting and friends can compete. Shoot for interactive games. (whatever that means)
Here's a short description of the things I'm trying to support

- Flicker/ Blink : Uses flicker spells to reuse ETB effects.
(Not entirely satisfied with this)

- Ninjas : Utilizes Ninjas to reuse ETB effects and accrue advantage from their saboteur abilities.

- Madness : Utilizes looting effects to sculpt hands, discard for value, and power out large threats.

- Kicker Ramp : Ramp deck that uses kicker spells to bridge the early and late game.

- Midrange Tokens : Uses medium sized tokens and anthems to pull ahead on the battlefield.

- Aristocrats/ Lifegain : Sacrifice for value. Gains life for value.
(Orzhov honestly feels like it needs work)

- Graveyard Toolbox : Grave pulses and self mill allow the graveyard to function as a second hand

- Saboteurs : Uses combat tricks and evasion to push through saboteurs.

- Wheels.dec : Uses cards like
Magus of the Wheel to power up cards like
Flameblade Adept and
Chasm Skulker.

- Aggressive Tokens : Uses small sized tokens in conjunction with burn and cards like
Goblin Bombardment and
Furystoke Giant.
These color pairs feel thematically tied together.



My group wants me to try to support a dredge deck. I tried to throw in a lot of dredgers and recursive threats but I'm not sure if the deck is cohesive. Possible sources for inspiration and refinement include Vintage, Modern, and Legacy Dredge, Modern
Stitcher's Supplier decks, the
Spider Spawning Deck from Innistrad.
Contractually obligated to include
Coiling Oracle.
Hopefully that wasn't too long/ confusing. I wasn't really going to go into this much detail but here we are.