RipLab Marketing

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Hi guys, so as you may have noticed we're a small community. That's nice, as people here are all respectful and make great insightful posts, but it would be great if there were more of you! Do you guys have any ideas on ways to get more contributing members? I think there are many people who would enjoy this sort of cube discussion that don't even know we exist.


Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
As much as we like to harp on it, salvation is still the largest cube discussion forum around. Heck, a bunch of us came over from there because we were dissatisfied with the climate that was being fostered.

One possible approach is to continue to post links to your CFB articles in their cube articles subforum, and let the mob pick it apart. Then we could find the more open-minded posters from among the responses, and approach them to see if they'd be willing to come over to our digs and take a look around.

It's not an approach that scales particularly well, and it feels a bit.. well, unsavoury. But it's worked for us before.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Hah, if you're going to discuss underhanded tactics, maybe don't post them so... publicly? :)

Also I'd really prefer if it were somebody that was not me posting that stuff. For a number of reasons really.

Rob Dennis

this is kind of an unsolved problem for sure, but it sounds like the next largest cube group other than MTGS is the cube sub-reddit. The magic box guys post there instead of MTGS. That place might better lend itself to advertising other discussion areas compared to MTGS

Rob Dennis

in the interests of furthering what I think is an important discussion, I'll say that although I don't think I have it in me to go out and actively preach the good news on other websites, I definitely plan on recommending this to folks who are interested in design and ask where I go.

As cuesbey grows, I'd kind of like to consider this as the home for discussing what people want out of it, but that's longer term (like 2014)


I've got a touch of the Flores self-promotion in me ; -)
I'll be keeping this topic in mind, and I'll bring up ideas as they come to me.
Having a forum already established as "home base" and a Great Name(!) really help to get things rolling, and I intend to try to help establish this place firmly on the cutting edge of Cube theory.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I mean, there's also a bit of a PR problem. Well, I was talking to Eric about it once, and our community is a bit of the far left of cube design. There are people who are going to hate certain ideas (and consequently these forums) by virtue of not being traditional. Not that that's a bad thing, but (speaking personally) it gets a little tiring having to fight against the community's conventions and fight through criticism every step of the way. So advertising is in a bit of a tricky spot for me. I'm grateful for all of you that are here, but for each person here there's been a dozen dissenting comments from elsewhere.

You can thank Eric for the name. He insisted on over

Anyways, I'll continue to link to here in my articles, and hopefully that can continue directing some foot traffic.


Yeah, it sucks that such a large percentage of the cubing public can be so dogmatic and reactionary, but at the same time our positioning as basically 'heretical' also acts slightly in our advantage. If we have a reputation for being out there it will probably help keep us from drowning in white noise posts as we grow. It can also become an asset to the brand, make riptide stand out among Cube destinations.

Is there a way to implement a front page? Being able to give people a link to a simple display of content can be pivotal to drawing traffic. Not everyone wants the full forum involvement, they just want the theory and content. It's also a way to easily chronicle quality posts as they come up, by promoting them to 'front page' status clipped out of the thread (and perhaps even re-edited by staff and author) and presented as a sort of impromptu mini-article.

Are there size or KB limits to the image at the top of the page? If it will let you put up a full banner then there are tons of imagecrafters on forums who would happily compete for free to create a banner on theme for us, and I'd be happy to do the legwork of setting that up. ~aesthetics~ are important.

Have you registered an official Riptide Lab account on the tweeter? That will be an invaluable asset in promoting the site, and I know you don't want to seem to be mindlessly self-promoting all the time, so an official site presence can help curb that appearance.

Personally I think the forums would look better split up into sections. Cube Lists, Archetypes, and General Theory Crafting spring to mind as subforums that seem practical.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
Those are some stellar suggestions through and through, Vibe. I'm glad you're here!

There's definitely the possibility of adding a Wordpress-like blog to the site, and making that the landing page when people visit I like your idea of promoting good, homegrown content from right here on the forums as articles to the front page. We'd have to be careful not to just retread the areas that Jason's already covering on his series of articles, but this could be a way to give other people some spotlight, too. But I think your idea about presenting the best ideas in an easy-to-read form are on point.

As far as the banner goes, there's no technical limit on what we can put up there. I'd actually love to see a full fledged banner to give this site some kind of branding, and I've seen people deck out their cube lists on other forums with all kinds of fancy graphics. Jason and I just lack the talent for this sort of graphical trickery. Would you believe I made the current forum "banner" in about 30 seconds in MS Paint? ...Yeah. Anyways, if you have connections with folks who are artistically inclined, and would be willing to donate a sweet banner, Jason and I would be really appreciative. I agree - looks are important, as are the first impressions gleaned from them.

I like the idea of an official Twitter channel to spam.. er, promote our good content. I'm not much of a Twitter guy myself, but maybe Jason can run with this idea.

The only point I'll disagree with you on is the subforum one, and only for the moment. I've been involved with a number of communities over the years, and I've found there's nothing that kills a burgeoning discussion group like splintering threads all over the place, forcing people to remember to check multiple links. As long as the volume of threads is manageable, we'd prefer to keep all the people in one place for now, which makes it easier to check for what's new. We realize that at a certain point, this approach becomes untenable, and then and only then will we create subforums and manually reassign threads around. This is a model that I've seen work well at large, thriving communities - i.e., split into subforums only as needed - so it's something I'd like to emulate. But I appreciate the comment, and I hope you understand it's something we've thought about and will continue to keep in mind.

I really want to thank you for your post. You clearly have some background in this area, and all of your recommendations should hopefully spread the word about this place.

Dom Harvey

+1 for keeping all discussion centred in one main forum. If the volume of content is so great that we would need to consider subforums, then that's a great problem to have, but as it is having everything in one place is the best format for stimulating discussion.

Dom Harvey

I might also suggest linking to the Google group and making it public so that people can catch up on any earlier discussions they find interesting?


Understandable to keep things centralized for now, I'm just an organizational freak so my mind jumped to it immediately.
I'd love to see the google group, but mostly because I'm a nosey fuck.

Which brings me to another thing, please god tell me no here cares about profanity and adult content, because I'm not in the habit of watching my mouth and I'm going to be posting blazed pretty much every day. The emphasis on "family friendly" bullshit attitudes among Magic sites has always bothered me. Yes it's a game increasingly targeted toward kids, but that doesn't really have much relevance in a space like this.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
Which brings me to another thing, please god tell me no here cares about profanity and adult content, because I'm not in the habit of watching my mouth and I'm going to be posting blazed pretty much every day.

We're all adults here, so feel free to speak your mind using the most creative language possible. The only thing I ask is that you refrain from posting NSFW images, because I suspect I'm not the only one who primarily browses the forum while on a work computer. But other than that, go nuts.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I don't really care about language, but I think at times tone can be very important. People won't want to join in if they perceive there to be a hostile tone. Not to say that there is one, but let's keep an eye towards keeping the tone intellectual and inviting, especially when we disagree.

Rob Dennis

The only thing I ask is that you refrain from posting NSFW images, because I suspect I'm not the only one who primarily browses the forum while on a work computer. But other than that, go nuts.

Says it for me I think. I also agree with tone being important, insofar as it's pretty much always worth being deliberate about words you commit to any sort of permanent record with your name attached.


e: here is the code to use this image
remove all *s
it's just a shitty banner maker site creation, but feel free to use it for now while I wait for real artists to get back to me about a custom banner.

e2: if html is easier than bbcode, here's that
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt='Create your own banner at!' border=0 /></a><br>


i wish i could help more with this. i used to have published articles all the time. then i got shitcanned by tcgplayer (which was fortunate) and now that cedric phillips is the content manager for scg i probably can't write for them anymore either, because (like all other people with low self-esteem) he hates me. (i'm also abrasive, which is both a reason i can't evangelize now and maybe a reason you'd rather someone else do it)

as for irl -- though i live in seattle i'm not part of the sizable clique of wizards employees and their hangers-on (because lying stresses me out) so i'm a little sparse on contacts. i could ask travis woo (old HS buddy) if he wanted to promote this on his stream or something? lmk

Jason Waddell

Staff member
i wish i could help more with this. i used to have published articles all the time. then i got shitcanned by tcgplayer (which was fortunate) and now that cedric phillips is the content manager for scg i probably can't write for them anymore either, because (like all other people with low self-esteem) he hates me. (i'm also abrasive, which is both a reason i can't evangelize now and maybe a reason you'd rather someone else do it)

as for irl -- though i live in seattle i'm not part of the sizable clique of wizards employees and their hangers-on (because lying stresses me out) so i'm a little sparse on contacts. i could ask travis woo (old HS buddy) if he wanted to promote this on his stream or something? lmk

Re: Travis: Sure, although I have no idea if this kind of thing is up his alley at all.