General Riptide's P1P1 Thread

In an attempt to revitalize these boards, I thought it would be fun to have a P1P1 thread. Just write what you would pick from the latest pack posted, briefly explain your thought process and then you can post your own cube of choice and a pack from it.

Let's get it going:

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Pack large:
Thanks for making the thread Ravnic! From this pack, I would pick:
1st Place: Prismatic Vista
2nd Place: Cranial Plating
3rd Place: Galvanic Blast//Mana Leak Tie
Last pick: Wax-Wane Witness
I think LadyMapi is right with picking fetchlands highly, together with fetchable duals theyre just so strong for guaranteeing you a good mana base that makes splashing a lot easier. like a whole lot easier.

I'm just here for the picks because I'm posting from phone

Vista looks like the right pick here, although not as strong as onszen fetches with duals but untapped fixing without committing to a colour is just so good. Cranial plating also looks pretty good with all those artifact synergies, same for galvanic blast but personally I'd pick mana leak over them both because its one of the best cc2 counterspells and I think a lot of People underestimate how well it actually plays. it also fits my playstyle more.

Scalding Tarn is the right pick here I think, although Tutor also is a very strong card, depending on what you come up with obv. Goyf is very tempting in a fetchland environment, and personally I like Push/Pull, but would never pick it here.

I really dont know how that cube plays out. the choices also look pretty balanced. Land Grant seems strong, since youre likely to end up in Gx. my pick would be either Woe Strider or Dromokas Command though, those are just very strong cards.
I'm a clown so I take the card most likely to lead to fun. Therefore:

ravnic: Goblin Engineer and hope to wheel that 40k card
Train: Demonic Tutor because I'm going to slam something else later that I will want two copies of. This is likely wrong on straight power level relative to Scalding Tarn as others have already said, but it's close enough that I don't mind optimizing the fun.
Lady: Galvanic Relay with the hope that I can do some filthy things later, since it seems like the card in the pack that benefits most from that quantity of Land Grants. But honestly, I really like that cube partially because I have zero intuition.
Time for a trickier one - here's a pack from Gaslight, Gatekeep, Green, my contest cube with all of the Forest duals in the basic land box and 30 copies of Land Grant.

this is a tough one without ever having played this. My heart wants to take Honest Rutstein, as I have a hard time passing such a pushed gravedigger. But considering one tenth of the cube is gold, I probably want the fetchable triland here, so I'd pick the boring Spara's headquarters.

For the next one, I went again with my main cube. But this pack is different.


No fixing and nothing that really obviously stands out to me. Curious what you would take here.

Pack large:

I feel like first-picking fetchlands is the thing to do in formats where they're on offer? I dunno.

I'm tempted by the Goyf and Demonic Tutor, but they feel like much riskier bets.
Scalding Tarn is the right pick here I think, although Tutor also is a very strong card, depending on what you come up with obv. Goyf is very tempting in a fetchland environment, and personally I like Push/Pull, but would never pick it here.
Train: Demonic Tutor because I'm going to slam something else later that I will want two copies of. This is likely wrong on straight power level relative to Scalding Tarn as others have already said, but it's close enough that I don't mind optimizing the fun.
I think Tarn is a good pick here. However, I think I may also take Demonic Tutor over the land. DT is the best spell in the entire Cube, and while I think taking the fetchland is very good, there are also 14 (soon to be 19) other fetches in circulation. It's definitely not an easy choice!

Time for a trickier one - here's a pack from Gaslight, Gatekeep, Green, my contest cube with all of the Forest duals in the basic land box and 30 copies of Land Grant.

I like Witherbloom Apprentice here. It seems strong in a deck with a bunch of Land Grants.


No fixing and nothing that really obviously stands out to me. Curious what you would take here.

Pack large:
I agree that this is a bit of a rough pack. That said, I'm looking at:

1st: Mishra's Workshop
2nd: Exquisite Firecraft
3rd: Charming Prince
Last: Labyrinth Guardian
Here's another pack from my Cube:

None of the big-ticket items in this pack really jump out at me as being head and shoulders above the other options for pick 1, so I'm interested to see what you all will want to take.

Cube Thread
Cube List
Last edited:
Honestly? I take the Siege Rhino, because if I'm really there at a table in real life drafting the world's #1 Siege Rhino fan cube, I might as well go all-in on the experience and be the guy P1ing the Siege Rhino. This is purely an appeal to emotion but I am correct.

I actually had assumed for months now that there was some sort of cultural impetus on these boards not to start a P1P1 thread because it seemed so obvious to me that there should be one that I just concluded that it must not be allowed lol. Hilarious that it was just because no one had bothered.

Here's a Fair Nuff cube pack:

I like @TrainmasterGT 's last pick addition. Gives an idea of what to potentially cut, which can be even more valuable.

That said, I can't think about MtG outside my own cube right now lol.
I really dont know how that cube plays out. the choices also look pretty balanced. Land Grant seems strong, since youre likely to end up in Gx. my pick would be either Woe Strider or Dromokas Command though, those are just very strong cards.
this is a tough one without ever having played this. My heart wants to take Honest Rutstein, as I have a hard time passing such a pushed gravedigger. But considering one tenth of the cube is gold, I probably want the fetchable triland here, so I'd pick the boring Spara's headquarters.

This is honestly great feedback on how the cube feels (and the importance of explaining what's going on with a more "gimmicky" cube)!

Mondschwein, the "joke" behind the cube is that Green is effectively colorless because all of the mana sources except for one are either Forests (because Land Grant) or are able to produce {G} (in other words, something like Dromoka's Command is effectively mono-white - one of the exciting parts of putting together the cube was that I could throw in a ton of Gx gold cards without having to worry about them taking up limited gold slots). There are also enough copies of Land Grant that everyone in the four-person draft is going to end up with 6-8 copies.

(If I ever actually build this cube or a similar one in paper, I'm probably going to do up a bunch of tweaked proxies that make it clear what's going on for people who didn't literally build the thing. :p)

ravnic, the fact that you had to go against the card you wanted to pick in your heart for what is effectively a worse Irrigated Farmland in the context of this cube tells me that I probably put too many gold cards in this iteration of the cube. Something to address with the next take (which is probably going to lean more towards being a softer Desert Cube).

But honestly, I really like that cube partially because I have zero intuition.
This is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. :p

More seriously, one of the things that I aim for when designing a cube is an environment where people have to reassess cards. The potential design space for cube is so vast that it feels like a bit of a waste to not explore it.


For ravnic's second pack, my first pick is probably Charming Prince? I've never had a bad time casting Charming Prince, with Ojutai's Exemplars also peaking my interest. That pack definitely draws my attention towards white.

For train's second pack... I'm torn. My brain is telling me that I should probably take one of the lands, but my heart is telling me that you'd hurt me if I you found out that I didn't take Siege Rhino as my first pick. ;)

For mull's pack... again, my brain and heart are disagreeing. My brain says that the untapped dual is stronk and that I probably should take it, but my heart is telling me that I should take Hermit Druid and angle for some degenerate bullshit.
Prismatic Vista. Fixing is extremely valuable, particularly a 5-colour land. The other two standouts to me are Mana Leak, which is very close, and, at a larger distance, Nature's Lore.

1) Prismatic Vista 2) Mana Leak >>>> 3) Nature's Lore

If this were a higher-powered cube, which you can tell it isn't by the creatures of the pack, I would pick Mana Leak. Prismatic Vista is replaceable, but you will run any and all cheap, versatile interaction you could find. While Mana Leak is still fantastic, chances are there are far less targets for permission in your cube. In fact, looking at your list now, there are few cards that ask to be countered. Your curve is low and good play takes precedence over putting key cards in play.

Last pick: Wax-Wane Witness.

It's just bad. It's way below the base rate and if I'm gaining enough life for its ability to matter then I'm winning anyways. Your cube isn't high on raw power, but it has great synergies to exploit. A 4 mana bird isn't it.

Here's a pack from my Cube at present:

Cube Thread
Cube List
Demonic Tutor, no question. Scalding Tarn is nice, but completely replaceable. Tutor is not only far more powerful than fixing, it lets you move into all sorts of decks by providing redudancy. In fact, I would get the tutor and try to draft around potentially wheeling Bring to Light because it's fun.

1) Demonic Tutor 2) Scalding Tarn 3) Prismatic Ending

Last pick: Archangel of Wrath. It's 5 mana and two colours before it does something and has no interesting synergies or value beyond raw power, which it doesn't excel at.

Time for a trickier one - here's a pack from Gaslight, Gatekeep, Green, my contest cube with all of the Forest duals in the basic land box and 30 copies of Land Grant.

My picks are: 1) Fire Covenant 2) Binding of the Old Gods 3) Planar Genesis

Fire Covenant is a beating. Instant, one-sided wraths are amazing. The colour fixing won't be a problem and it's a unique effect. Binding of the Old Gods is just good value. Since multicolour focused cubes are slower, the high cost is less of an issue, while the kill spell and ramping become better.

Last Pick: Croaking Counterpart. It seems nice, but I'm sure that you can find 30 other cards to fit in your deck instead. It seems cool but, in practice, it's little more than 3-mana Momentary Blink at sorcery speed. I had no luck with it in limited, I doubt it will be different here.

For the next one, I went again with my main cube. But this pack is different.

View attachment 9878

No fixing and nothing that really obviously stands out to me. Curious what you would take here.

Pack large:
This is a weaker pack, so there are several things you can try. At first, I thought Charming Prince would be the pick since it's a versatile creature and blink is usually powerful. But Portable Hole is so cheap and early interaction is so valuable that I might pick it instead. Notably, I don't think Archaeomancer will come back.

1) Portable Hole 2) Charming Prince 3) Mishra's Factory

The third pick is the most difficult. Ojutai Exemplars has lifelink, which is brutal, but its double-white and only shines in spell-heavy decks, which are hard to draft and not that common. Mishra's Factory does also require good fixing, but it's a 3/3 blocker, a land and leans into a bunch of interesting, powerful synergies.

I could see speculating into Basking Rootwalla, though.

Last Pick: Kruin Striker. I can't see this ever being better than a vanilla, two mana 3/1. You need to play at least another creature for it to be on par, and the ocassional play where you get to turn it into a 4/1 is so irrelevant than I would never run this.

Here's another pack from my Cube:

None of the big-ticket items in this pack really jump out at me as being head and shoulders above the other options for pick 1, so I'm interested to see what you all will want to take.

Cube Thread
Cube List
The obvious pick here is Watery Grave, the question is whether you are missing out on Hogaak or Unearth by taking something replaceable.

In my experience, Hogaak often wheels and it works well with Watery Grave. If you take the Hogaak, someone will take the land, so you actually harm your chances by pushing a potential player into graveyard decks. Either way you miss out on Unearth, so I'll take the land.

1) Watery Grave 2) Hoogak, Arisen Necropolis 3) Unearth

Last pick: Thunderbreaker regent. It shoots a creature when it gets killed so it isn't bad, but I would only run it if I couldn't fit something more powerful, interesting or synergetic.

Here's a Fair Nuff cube pack:

This time, taking the dual looks like a complete trap. Someone will get those mana dorks, which will make your GR deck (already a weak choice), look very sad. You'll also be competing on red because Faithless Looting and Dragon's Rage Channeler are fantastic.

Let's be honest, Hermit Druid is so stupidly broken, easy to splash and unlikely to compete with the rest of the pack that it's my choice.

1) Hermit Druid 2) Unearth 3) Elvish Mystic

Last pick: Dusk Rose Reliquary. I've always though this card was bad. Ideally, you'll sacrifice a creature, but white doesn't always lean into it. Discarding in white is even less likely and discard-heavy decks have little to gain from running the colour.
Here's a strange one from my cube:

I can see this pick being more about what you want to play than power. I'm curious about your choice!
Here's a strange one from my cube:
I can see this pick being more about what you want to play than power. I'm curious about your choice!
There's a million fancy things in this pack, so I slam Luminarch Aspirant and try to play fun police. I really enjoy doing that now and again and I think Aspirant is one of the best white two drops currently in existence. (and not likely to get topped anytime soon, I hope)

...failing that, Entomb goes with everything
I can see this pick being more about what you want to play than power. I'm curious about your choice!
I would take the Legion Extruder for this reason. Value engines! I'd be tempted by the shiny new Kitsune, but extruder is also shiny and new. The Wight also interests me, but first picking a gold card is risky. That's a crazy pack. Picking in cubes with that much card power is wild.

From Fair Nuff I'd take Hermit Druid. Maybe the Dread Wanderer would wheel!

From Trainmaster's cube I might go Bankbuster to keep my options open.

In Land Grant I'm on Honest Rutstein. I would want to go all in on green gold stuff in a first draft to see what happens.

When I'm on a computer I will do some more of these.
Last Pick: Kruin Striker. I can't see this ever being better than a vanilla, two mana 3/1. You need to play at least another creature for it to be on par, and the ocassional play where you get to turn it into a 4/1 is so irrelevant than I would never run this.

Don't miss that it gets trample, that's important. It's definitely not a first pick, honestly it often is pretty mediocre, but there are decks where this is above average. You'll know when you want it and nobody else will, but I have seen it attack with Ball Lightning stats.


Ecstatic Orb
Smokestack is one of my favorite cube cards, but more and more I'm beginning to feel it's a trap. Even when you get the perfect deck for it, it's really hard to beat an aggro deck, especially one with recursion or one that goes wide, because those decks operate on a low mana curve and have plenty of fodder to sac to the Smokestack. I'm actually contemplating removing the archetype from my cube. So... that's a long-winded way of saying I'm not taking the Smokestack, despite my personal love for the card. There's some really strong combo cards in here, with LED, Yawgmoth's Will, Enlightened Tutor, and Entomb, some great aggro 2-drops in Kari Zev and Luminarch Aspirant, and some sweet value engines in Wight of the Reliquary and Six. I'm not really a combo players, and I don't know if a grindy value deck is where I want to be in an environment that clearly also supports combo, so I'm grabbing one of the aggro pieces. You can make a case for either one, but I think Luminarch Ascendant is a cut above Kari Zev in a vacuum, so that's my pick.
Here's a Fair Nuff cube pack:

1st: Taiga or Dragon's Rage Channeler.
Last: Error 404 Terrible Card not found. Maybe Recommision? It seems supported here though.

Here's a strange one from my cube:
I can see this pick being more about what you want to play than power. I'm curious about your choice!
1st: Six (For funsies, I'm not 100% sure it's better than my second choice).
2nd: Luminarch Aspirant
3rd: Kitsa, Otterball Elite
Last: Parallax Tide or Smokestack, I'm not touching lock decks with a 10-foot pole unless they're clearly and obviously open.

3) Unearth
I'm a bit surprised by this choice. Could you elaborate on why you would consider P1P1 Unearth?

Honestly? I take the Siege Rhino, because if I'm really there at a table in real life drafting the world's #1 Siege Rhino fan cube, I might as well go all-in on the experience and be the guy P1ing the Siege Rhino. This is purely an appeal to emotion but I am correct.
Based alert??

...but my heart is telling me that you'd hurt me if I you found out that I didn't take Siege Rhino as my first pick. ;)
I wouldn't mind if you passed a Siege Rhino for another based card like Elspeth or Brainstorm!
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Here's a strange one from my cube:

I can see this pick being more about what you want to play than power. I'm curious about your choice!

Pretty high power level and I sometimes don't feel comfortable with that, but here I actually know all the cards, yay! Checking the list, I would be tempted to do something broken. So Entomb would probably a somewhat safe pick. I would be tempted to take Yawgmoth's Will and try to wheel LED but I habe no clue how realistic that is.

Here's another Highball pack:

Cube Thread
Cube List

This one is even harder for me. Everything is top notch but nothing stands out. So I would probably some bread and butter card like Ponder or just fixing like Blood Crypt or Tar Pit. Probably the shock land, all things considered.
Here's another Highball pack:

Cube Thread
Cube List
If I were trying to force Xerox I'd happily first-pick Ponder to guarantee a density of awesome cantrips. but I actually think the value above replacement on Krark here is nuts and he's my first pick.

Reply 15, Erik's: Slam YawgWill, hope to wheel LED, audible into either storm combo, bomberman, or something even cooler than that
Reply 11, gaytransmulldrifter's: Faithless Looting for me. A generically powerful consistency piece that also opens up unfair gameplay if that seat is open.
Reply 10, trainmasterGT's: I see Hogaak I slam Hogaak.
Reply 8, I guess I'm on the Factory as an agnostic but strong pick? I don't want to commit to the mono-Swamps lane p1p1, Exquisite Firecraft and Portable Hole are both excellent semi-committal picks, but the Factory will go in almost any deck I end up and so I want to take it and then see what's wheeling.

Here's a pack from Sharzad! We're looking at a higher-powered environment where resources are traded off the board to create thrilling, fast, small games. Still going with packs of 12 because everyone gets a Constructed quality manabase (fetches, ABUR duals) for free in the land box.

I see people taking Yawgmoth’s Will before LED and I would do the opposite. Breach, draw 7s, Auriok Salvagers all work with it giving you more outs than with Yawg’s Will (Dark Ritual being the other for Will).

I would have taken Mana Leak and Mishra’s Factory from ravnic’s cube. Low commitment, high playability.

From Train’s, the Tarn over DT because I view the cube as less build around and more Xerox/Delve/efficiency. Ponder for the same reasons.

From Lady’s, Fire Covenant is a bomb, not passing on it!

Erik’s would be LED or Entomb. Since Yawgs Will is also there, I hope it wheels.

Fair nuff would be Bolas’s Citadel, one of my favourite cards. Not optimal, purely sentimental.

From Safra’s, easy Saga. Love artifacts and I would like to build around it

From my cube
