Card/Deck scape familiars

I'm considering revisiting the 5 planeshift familiars as a way to provide some creature based ramp. For reference, here are the cards I'm referring to:

I ran nightscape for a short period of time when I was trying to make a Grixis combo thing happen, but it was ill conceived from the get go. This second attempt might also be ill conceived, but I have less of a forced agenda this time.

Someone mentioned in another thread that maybe control needed some love. And I honestly have completely ignored that as my cube is mostly midrange, but this would provide an interesting avenue to help mana hungry decks get online faster. Maybe that won't end up being a good thing (does this help control or midrange more? I don't even know). I'll be doing a lot of modifications when Commander releases though and so it feels like a good time to see what else I can shake up design wise. I could just throw signets or talisman's into my cube and call it a day I guess, but I don't really want to do that as it feels pretty unoriginal.

Has anyone used these cards extensively? What power level did they work / not work at? Appreciate any thoughts around this.


I run all of these, but for thornscape, and you know the power level I am working with. Really like them.

They won't solve your midrange problem, as that is just way beyond what these little guys can do, but I have had nothing but good experiences with them so far. Nightscape is something that I think would fit very nicely in your format, and sunscape is also a strong early play with much more interesting play ramifications than wall of omens. Its also worth noting that they are all modal spells, in a certain sense.

I've ran nightscape in everything from aggro to control to combo. Its quite nice as the discount helps maximize spell velocity in our more deliberate aggressive decks, and in the others it helps hold down the fort while also helping advance their game plan. Sunscape shows up in more control->combo lists, though midrange could run it, they just generally would rather have a threat. Thunderscape I just ran in an aggro deck this weekend, where it again helps maximize spell velocity, but has the additional benefit of working nicely with the cube's heroic theme and creature buffs, due to thee first strike. Stormscape is a reasonable 2 drop in blue that helps you do awesome things in awesome colors. The flying makes it great in the UB ninja decks, which want cheap evasive beaters, and this one helps discount on their black removal top end.

Thornscape is the only one I don't run, and thats because I don't really have room. Its the weakest of all of them for its body, and the only reason I could get away with running it, is that there is a chance it could hit when on the play against some of the slower to develop decks in the format. Thats just not quite good enough I feel, compared to other options for that slot.