General Sifting, looting, card quality across the color pie

What are some good sifting, looting, scrying, and card quality cards available to each color?

Some examples:

Blue is obviously spoiled in this category

Red has some options

Green has picked up some recent goodies

The temple cycle of lands are another good option for smoothing out draws.

What are some other options? What do white and black have?


Ecstatic Orb
Black mostly has raw card advantage, not a lot of smoothing options, though there are a few. Nothing at a low mana cost though, like blue, red, and even green have been getting.

White has...

And in my cube the custom, but most excellent...

Savvy Trader.full.jpg

Dom Harvey

The 'grave-pulses' in green are really nice:

And Gather the Pack, Commune with the Gods etc

White has... literally nothing. The W/X Temples are the best card selection white has, which is a pretty sad state of affairs
You are right that blue is definitely spoiled, so it's really important to be careful with blue's draw cards, lest they start defining the format. One card that I think is just peachy:

In multicolor (and I know it's a little controversial to include this kind of "supporting" card in multicolor), I've definitely enjoyed

Izzet Charm: Besides highlighting that I want the draw-discard suite to be centered in {U}{R}, it provides the spells decks with a lot of other utility. One of my favorite charms by far.
Ancient Excavation: a very powerful sifting spell for {U}{B} control and reanimator style decks, yet it doesn't provide you with card advantage, so I find it dodges a lot of issues with UB just drowning the opponents with hand size.

In white, shoutout to my fave:

And I also want to say that I've really enjoyed conditional tutors. Some people run more than me, but:

Not strictly/exactly what you are looking for in the thread title, but they can really help pull a deck together with the added consistency.
This is a little slow, but could be useful on an evasive creature and is at least something white could use:
Explorer’s Scope (edit: using the ci tags doesn’t seem to work on this card.. maybe it’s the apostrophe?)

There are also a lot of cantrips in colorless, I guess.

Enlightened tutor and an assortment of fixing/creature/ramp/removal artifacts and enchantments might smooth out hands.

could do the same thing.
I don't know if this fits here, but I wondered if white could have nu-rebels. The old rebels would pull eachother out and give white CA at a fairly hefty tempo hit, adn I was wondering if I could do the same.

This would be in an artifact heavy cube, but the idea was as follows: (imagine lots of Baubles and enough artifact creatures to make an artifact agro deck)

And to pull this out

Honorable mention:

Just rolling in small creatures. Feels like a gross weenie deck, could benefit from equipment, bring a different type of X/Artifact Agro than red does.

These would be interesting artifact creatures to have with this, which you can use to tailor your draft/deck:
I don't know if this fits here, but I wondered if white could have nu-rebels. The old rebels would pull eachother out and give white CA at a fairly hefty tempo hit, adn I was wondering if I could do the same.

This would be in an artifact heavy cube, but the idea was as follows: (imagine lots of Baubles and enough artifact creatures to make an artifact agro deck)

And to pull this out

Honorable mention:

Just rolling in small creatures. Feels like a gross weenie deck, could benefit from equipment, bring a different type of X/Artifact Agro than red does.

These would be interesting artifact creatures to have with this, which you can use to tailor your draft/deck:

Kind of getting off topic but I'd really love to see what a good "little reanimator" deck looks like.

Arcbound Ravager looks like it would play well with a lot of those themes.

A little more on topic, Judge Unworthy always seemed super interesting to me.

Some more red looters.

Nantuko Cultivator seems really sweet too.

I think it's also important to consider the colorless section when addressing draw smoothing, scrying, etc. These cards are available to any color combo, should it fit into the deck:

Also, a fun and rather unique card in {B} that also fills the rare slot of effective GY hate: