General Splitting the cube

I am finally reaching the point where I have 10 regular cubers, and about to hit 12.

Once I hit 12+, I'm splitting into two pods. Instead of the pods being possibly very uneven in card quality and themes, I have been considering the following:

splitting the Gold cards and related themes into the two pods, currently allied and enemy.
Each pod would have a set of fetches, but all the other mana lands would match the color pairs available.
The mono colored/colorless cards will be put in a particular pod if they go to a theme in that pod, or randomly divided otherwise.
(I.E. since UW has a blink theme, Resto Angel will go in the pod that has the UW cards, Guttersnipe in the UR pod, ect.)

If there are multiple cards that perform a similar utiltiy (path, swords) I try to divive them equally.

1. IS there any big flaw I am overlooking?
2. Any reason not to go allied/enemy and instead follow pairings like RtR/Gatecrash?
that of course, is the big question. :)

WU: Blink
UB: Zombies
BR: Steal and Sacrifice, Goblins subtheme
RG: Ramp/Wildfire
GW: +1/+1 counters

WB: work in progress, currently a poorly executed enchantment theme that will 99% change to BW tokens
BG: Graveward recursion/Reanimator
GU: Also work in progress, mainly snakes
UR: Spells Matter and artifacts subtheme
RW: Boros aggro

UWR work nice with spells matter, lightning helix effects, monistary mentor, ect.
UBR I have dralnu's crusade for that goblin/zombie crossover love.

Ultimately, I don't mind adjusting the gold to fit the pairs that are there.

My rough current plan is each month rotate the pairings probably. This month allied/enemy, next month rtr/gtc, then similar other pairings